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  Citation Number 8
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Covid-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Dijital Diplomasi: T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı Üzerine Bir Araştırma
Turkish Studies

Dünya genelinde yaşanan politik, ekonomik ve sosyal değişiklikler uluslararası sistemin yönünü belirlemektedir. Devletlerarası ilişkide çok önemli bir kavram olan diplomasi faaliyetleri de dijitalleşen dünyaya ayak uydurmakta ve kendini dijital platformlarda göstermektedir. Devletlerin stratejik iletişiminde önemli bir yeri olan kamu diplomasisi faaliyetlerinin dijital ağlar üzerinden yürütülmesi diyalog tesis etme ve geniş kitlelere erişim açısından önemli olmaktadır. Özellikle dünyayı bir anda tek bir gündeme kitleyebilen pandemi süreci için de bu durum ayrıca önemlidir. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışma teknolojik gelişmelerin devletler ve toplum genelinde kullanımının yaygınlaşmasıyla önemi artan dijital diplomasi faaliyetlerinin Covid-19 pandemi süreciyle beraber nasıl bir değişim gösterdiğini incelemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmektedir. Çalışmada TC Dış İşleri Bakanlığı’nın sosyal medya hesaplarından İngilizce twitter hesabı @MFATurkey incelenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda yapılacak olan araştırmada içerik analizi kullanılmıştır. Analizde kullanılacak kategorilerin belirlenmesinde Uysal ve Schroeder (2019) ve Strauß vd. (2015) tarafından yapılan çalışmalardan faydalanılmış olup araştırmanın içeriğine ve sorularına uygun olarak yeni ve alt başlıklar eklenmiştir. Araştırma sonucuna göre politik paylaşımlar yanında pandemi sürecinde Covid-19 ile ilgili paylaşımlarda yer almaktadır. Tweetlerde bilgi ve haber paylaşımı temel amaç olmakla beraber bu esnada kamu diplomasisi, görünürlük ve öz tanıtım açısından da dünya kamuoyuna mesajlar verilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Etkileşim kanallarının daha çok çeşitlendirilebileceği düşünülmekle beraber sosyal ağların devletlerin iletişim yönetiminde önemli yeri olduğu kanısına varılmıştır. Çalışma, dijital iletişim ihtiyacının ve kullanımının arttığı Covid-19 pandemi döneminde yürütülen dijital iletişim faaliyetlerinin TC Dış İşleri Bakanlığı sosyal medya hesabı örneğinde değerlendirilmesiyle konuya dair güncelliği ve yakın geçmişe dair özgünlüğü açısından önem taşımaktadır.


Digital Diplomacy in the Covid-19 Pandemia Process: T.C. Investigation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Turkish Studies

The political, economic and social changes in the world determine the direction of the international system. Diplomatic activities, which are a very important concept in international relations, are also moving forward with the digitalized world and show themselves on digital platforms. The conduct of public diplomacy activities through digital networks, which are an important place in the strategic communication of the states, is important for the establishment of dialogue and access to the broad public. This is also important especially for the pandemic process that can catch the world into a single agenda at a time. In this context, this study is carried out with the aim of examining how digital diplomacy activities, which are increasingly important with the spread of the use of technological developments in the states and in society, showed a change along with the Covid-19 pandemic process. The study examined the English-language Twitter account @MFATurkey from the social media accounts of the TC Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this study, the content analysis was used. In determining the categories to be used in the analysis, Uysal and Schroeder (2019) and Strauß vd. The study was taken by (2015) and new and subtitles were added according to the content and questions of the research. According to the research, political sharing is included in the sharing of Covid-19 in the pandemic process. The main purpose of sharing information and news in tweets is to provide messages to the world’s public in terms of public diplomacy, visibility and self-promotion. It is believed that interaction channels can be more diversified, but it is believed that social networks play an important role in the communication management of the states. The study has an importance in terms of the up-to-date and originality of the subject with the assessment of the digital communication activities carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic period where the need for digital communication and use increased.


Digital Diplomacy In Covid-19 Pandemic Period: A Research On T.r. Ministry Of Foreign Affairs
Turkish Studies

Politic, economic and social changes living around the world determine the direction of international system. An important concept in interstate relations, diplomacy activities keep pace with digitalized world and show themselves on digital platforms. Conducting activities of public diplomacy on digital networks which has an important role in strategic communication of states is important for establishing dialog and accessing large mass. This is also important for the pandemic process, which can lock the world onto a single agenda at a time. This study is conducted to examine how digital diplomacy activities, which have become more important with widespread use of technological developments throughout the states and society, have changed along with the Covid-19 pandemic process. English twitter account @MFATurkey which is one of the social media accounts of T.R. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was examined in the study. Content analysis was used in the research to be carried out in this direction. In determination of the categories to be used in the analysis, studies conducted by Uysal and Schroeder (2019) and Strauß et al. (2015) were used and new and subheadings were added in accordance with the content and questions of the research. According to research result, there are also shares about Covid-19 in addition to political shares in pandemic period. Besides sharing information and news is the main purpose in tweets, it is aimed to give messages to the world public opinion in terms of public diplomacy, visibility and self-promotion. It is of the opinion that at social networks has an important role in the communication management of states, although the interaction channels are thought to be more diversified. The study is important in terms of its current and uniqueness in the recent past by evaluating digital communication activities carried out in the Covid-19 pandemic period, in which the need and use of digital communication increased, is important in terms of current relevance and originality of study in case of the T.R. Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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