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Dogusundan Gunumuze Hadi̇s Tenki̇di̇ ve Bu Alanda Yapilan Calismalar
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies

Her ilmin doğuşunu ve gelişmesini hazırlayan birtakım etkenler olduğu gibi hadis ilminin de doğuşunu ve gelişmesini sağlayan etkenler bulunmaktadır. Özellikle H. I. asrın ikinci yarısının başlarında gelişen olaylar, sahâbilerin Hz. Peygamber’den işittikleri ve yazdıkları, bilahare başkalarına tebliğ ettikleri hadisleri korumanın yanında, siyasi, mezhebi ve ideolojik nedenlerle Hz. Peygamber’e nispet edilen hadislerin uydurma olanlarını ayırabilmek için birtakım kriterler vazetmelerine neden olmuştur. Sahabe döneminden sonraki, Tabiin ve tebe-i tabiin devirlerinde sözü edilen kriterler sonraki devirlerde hadis tenkidi olarak geliştirilmiştir. Hadis rivayetinde fonksiyonel bir tedbir olarak kullanılan râvi zinciri diyebileceğimiz isnad uygulaması, cerh ve ta’dîl ilmi yahut râvi tenkidi ilminin oluşmasını sağlamış, böylelikle H. III. asrın ilk yarısından H. V. asrı kapsayacak şekilde zengin bir literatüre kavuşmuştur. H. VIII. / IX. asırlarda tekrar canlanan ricâl ilmi, hadis uzmanları tarafından telif edilen eserlerle yeni bir boyut kazanarak günümüze kadar gelmiştir. Araştırmamızın konusu ve kapsamı, hadis tenkidinin doğuşundan itibaren, tarihi sürecini aşamalarıyla birlikte ele almak ve günümüze kadar gelişen literatüre değinmektir. Konunun tarihi, ilmi, edebi boyutu, bu alanda çeşitli çalışmaların yapılmasını zorunlu kılmıştır. Çalışmamızın amacı, hadis tenkidinin geçirdiği evreleri gözden geçirmek, oryantalistlerin isnad ve metin tenkidiyle ilgili yaklaşımlarının değerlendirmesini yapmak, klasik literatürün devamı olarak günümüz İslam dünyasında hadis tenkidiyle ilgili yapılmış çalışmaları ortaya koymaktır.  Araştırmamızın yönteminde, sosyal bilimlerin nitel araştırma teknikleri uygulanmak suretiyle, günümüze kadar gelen hadis tenkidi metotlarına yöneltilen eleştirilerin analizi yapılarak, bunların tutarlık yönleri tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır.


From The Birth To The Day Of The Day and The Events In This Area.

There are a number of factors that prepare the birth and development of every knowledge, as well as the factors that allow the birth and development of the hadith. Specifically in the first half of the H.I. century, the events of the H.I. century. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) heard and written and communicated to other people, for political, religious and ideological reasons. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was the one who gave righteousness to the prophet. After the period of Sahabe, the criteria mentioned in the periods of Tabiin and Tebe-i of nature were developed as hadith tenkidi in the subsequent periods. In this case, it is important to note that, in the case of a non-compliance with the provisions of paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph From the first half of the century, H. V. has gained a rich literature to cover the century. by H. VIII. and IX. The rical knowledge, which has been revived over the centuries, has come to the present day with a new dimension with the works written by the hadith experts. The subject and scope of our research is to address the historical process with its stages, from the birth of the Hadith tenk, and to refer to the literature that has evolved until today. The history, science, and literary dimensions of the subject have made it necessary for various works to be performed in this field. The purpose of our study is to review the stages passed by the Hadith tenk, to evaluate the orientalistic approaches to the isnad and text tenk, to show out the work done on the Hadith tenk in today’s Islamic world as a continuation of classical literature.  In the method of our research, by applying the quality research techniques of social sciences, by analyzing the criticisms directed to the methods of the hadith to date, they have been attempted to identify their consistency aspects.


Hadith Criticism From Birth To Present and In This Area Studies

There are factors that prepare the birth and development of every science. In addition to preserving the hadiths that they heard and wrote from the Prophet and then conveyed to others, events that took place especially in the second half on the II. Century of the Hegira caused them to state some criteria in order to distinguish the sound ones of the hadiths attributed to the Prophet among those referred to him for political, sect and ideologic reasons. The criteria mentioned in the Tabi’in and Tebe-i Tabi’in periods, after the period of the Companions, developed as hadith criticism. The application of isnad, which we can call the chain of reciters, which is used as a functional measure in hadith transmission, led to the formation of the science of cerh and ta'dil or the science of narrator criticism, therefore, in the H. III. Century the science of narrator, which was revived in the IX centuries, has reached the present day by gaining a new dimension with the works written by hadith experts. The subject and scope of our research is to deal with the birth of hadith criticism, its historical process together with its stages, and to refer to the literature that has developed up to the present day. Due to the historical, scientific and literary dimension of the subject, it has led to various studies in this field. The aim of our study is to review the phases of hadith criticism, to evaluate the approaches of orientalists to isnad and text criticism, and to reveal the studies on hadith criticism in today's Islamic world as a continuation of the classical literature. In the method of our research, the aspects of consistency were tried to be determined by applying the qualitative research techniques of social sciences and analyzing the criticisms directed to the hadith criticism methods that were born and developed.


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The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 3.397
Cite : 11.203
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