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Azerbaycan ve Türkiye İlişkilerinin Stratejik Önemi
Turkish Studies

Jeopolitik olarak çok önemli bir bölgede bulunan iki ülke olan Türkiye–Azerbaycan stratejik ortaklığının temelinde tarihi, kültürel ve etnik bağlarının yanında güncel boyut olarak ortak çıkarları bulunmaktadır. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kuruluşundan itibaren, Azerbaycan ile olan ilişkilerinin günümüze kadar nasıl bir dönüşüme ulaştığı dünya genelinde dikkat çeken bir öneme sahiptir. Türkiye’nin Millî Mücadele döneminde Azerbaycan’ın yardımı ile başlayan ilişkileri, kardeş iki devlet olduğu belirlenerek, 1991 yılında Azerbaycan’ın bağımsızlık sonrasında aynı desteği Türkiye’nin sağlamasıyla devam etmiştir. Bu çalışmada Azerbaycan’ın bağımsızlığı sonrası yaşanan siyasi ve ekonomik gelişmeler başlıca iki alt başlık halinde incelenmektedir. Bunlar, 2003 Haydar Aliyev dönemi ile 2003’ten günümüze kadar olan gelişmelerdir. 1991 sonrası ikili ilişkilerde denge siyaseti izlenmesi ve Bakü petrolleri Bakü-Tiflis-Ceyhan petrol boru hattının faaliyete başlaması ilişkileri olumlu yönde etkilemiştir. Bu süreçte Kafkasya bölgesinin önemi artarken, Ermenistan tarafından Azerbaycan topraklarının işgali ile bölgede çocuk, yaşlı, kadın ve erkek ayırt etmeden yapılan katliamlar Azerbaycan halkının unutulmaz acılar yaşamasına ve Türkiye’nin de büyük tepkisine yol açmıştır.  Azerbaycan’ın Dağlık Karabağ zaferini kazanmasında Türkiye’nin rolü ve bölgenin eski hakimiyetine kavuşmasında iki ülkenin tutumu, önem arz etmiştir. Mustafa Kemal Paşa dönemindeki iki devletin kardeş olduğu vurgusu, günümüzde Karabağ Zaferinde gösterilmiştir. Bu çalışmada; Azerbaycan ve Türkiye arasında yaşanan gelişmeler, dönem itibariyle küresel aktörlerin bölgedeki çıkarları, temel politikaları çerçevesinde analiz edilmektedir.


The Strategic Importance of Azerbaijan and Turkey Relations
Turkish Studies

Based on the strategic partnership between Turkey and Azerbaijan, the two countries located in a geopolitically very important region, along with their historical, cultural and ethnic connections, they have common interests as a current dimension. Since the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, it has a remarkable importance throughout the world in how its relations with Azerbaijan have evolved to the present day. Turkey's relations, which began with the help of Azerbaijan during the National Struggle Period, were established as the brother two states, and the same support after Azerbaijan's independence in 1991 continued with the assistance of Turkey. The political and economic developments of Azerbaijan after its independence are studied in two main subtitles. These are the developments that have occurred from 2003 to the present day with the Haydar Aliyev period. The monitoring of the balance policy in the bilateral relations after 1991 and the start of the Baku-Tiflis-Ceyhan oil pipeline has been positively influenced by the relations. While the importance of the Caucasian region increases in this process, the Armenian occupation of the Azerbaijani territories and the massacres in the region without the distinction of children, elderly, women and men have led to the unforgettable suffering of the Azerbaijani people and the great reaction of Turkey.  The role of Turkey in the victory of Azerbaijan in the Mountain Karabakh and the attitude of the two countries in obtaining the former domination of the region, has highlighted importance. The emphasis that the two states during Mustafa Kemal Pasha were brothers, today is shown in the Karabakh Victory. In this study, the developments between Azerbaijan and Turkey are analyzed in the framework of the main policies of the interests of global actors in the region.


Strategic Importance Of Azerbaijan-turkey Relations
Turkish Studies

The strategic partnership between Turkey and Azerbaijan, two countries located in a very important geopolitical region, has historical, cultural and ethnic ties as well as common interests as a contemporary dimension. Since the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, the transformation of relations between Azerbaijan until today had a significant importance. Turkey's relations, which started with the help of Azerbaijan during the National Struggle period, helped establish countries being two sister states and continued with Turkey's support after the independence of Azerbaijan in 1991. In this study, the political and economic developments after the independence of Azerbaijan are examined under two main subheadings: 1991-2003 Haydar Aliyev period and the developments from 2003 to the present. Following a policy of balance in bilateral relations after 1991 and theBaku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline started to operate positively affected the relations. While the importance of the Caucasus region gained importance in this process, the occupation of Azerbaijanil ands by Armenia and the massacres carried out in the region including children, elders, men and women caused the people of Azerbaijan to experience unforgettable suffering and received a strong reaction fromTurkey. The role of Turkey in the victory of Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh and the attitude of the two countries in regaining the former dominance of the region were important. The emphasis that the two states in the period of Mustafa Kemal Pasha were sisters was proven in the Karabakh Victory. In this study, the developments between Azerbaijan and Turkey, the interests of the global actors in the region as of the period, and their fundemental policies are analyzed.


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Turkish Studies

Field :   Eğitim Bilimleri; Filoloji; Güzel Sanatlar; Hukuk; İlahiyat; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler; Spor Bilimleri

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 12.054
Cite : 48.504
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Turkish Studies