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 Görüntüleme 127
 İndirme 37
Kur`Ân Filolojisiyle İlgili Üç İlim Dalı (Garîbü’l-Kur’ân, Meânî’l-Kur’ân, İ’râbu’l-Kur’ân) ve Bu Dallarda Eser Veren Müellifler (Hicrî İlk Üç Asır)
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi

The Qur’an has been the basic source for the grammar of Arabic language as well as for other Islamic sciences. Thus, the studies in these fields came into being and developed through the Qur’an. The purposes of this study are to investigate the scholars who studied and published in the field of the Qur’anic philology during the first three centuries in AD, to form their works into some special subjects, to indicate the scholars who studied in these fields and their work which are present right now, and to help others to make researches in this field. The study concluded that each one of these branches focused on a particular aspect of the Qur’an. It was understood from this study that first Garîb al-Qur’an which concerned the Arabic language and the different styles in this language, then, Maanî al-Qur’an which was related to grammar and the topics of the Garîb al-Qur’an, and lastly I’râb al-Qur’an which dealt with the topics of the Garîb al-Qur’an, grammar and inflection were written. It is hoped that this study will be useful not only for the philologists, but also for the commentators on the Qur’an.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Three of them are the worshippers of the Qur’an, and the worshippers of the Qur’an are the worshippers of the Quran.

The Quran has been the basic source for the grammar of Arabic as well as for other Islamic sciences. Thus, the studies in these fields came into being and developed through the Qur’an. The purposes of this study are to investigate the scholars who studied and published in the field of the Qur’anic philology during the first three centuries in AD, to form their works into some special subjects, to indicate the scholars who studied in these fields and their work that are present right now, and to help others to do research in this field. The study concluded that each of these branches focused on a particular aspect of the Qur’an. It was understood from this study that first Garib al-Qur’an which concerned the Arabic language and the different styles in this language, then, Maani al-Qur’an which was related to grammar and the topics of the Garib al-Qur’an, and finally I’râb al-Qur’an which dealt with the topics of the Garib al-Qur’an, grammar and inflection were written. It is hoped that this study will be useful not only for the philologists, but also for the commentators on the Qur’an.

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
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Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi