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  Atıf Sayısı 2
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 İndirme 98
Arapça Konuşma Becerisi Öğretim Sorunları

Araştırmanın amacı, anadili Arapça olan kimselerle iletişim durumunda konuşmayı aksatacak bir etken olarak, anadili Arapça olmayanlara Arapça konuşma becerisini kazandırmak için Standart Arapça diyaloglar kullanmanın doğurduğu sorunları ele almaktır. Bilindiği üzere Standart Arapça, günlük konuşma dili olmadığı gibi evlerde, çarşı pazarda kullanılan bir konuşma dili de değildir. Bu durum Arap ülkeleri ya da anadili Arapça olan kimseler için sorun oluşturmazken anadili Arapça olmayan Arapça öğrenen kimseler için birçok sorun doğurabilmektedir. Çünkü Arap insanı günlük konuşma için Arapçanın çeşitli lehçelerini kullanmaktadır. Bu çerçevede cevabı aranan soruysa şu; Standart Arapçayı günlük konuşma dilini öğrenme ve kullanmanın anahtarı yapmak mümkün mü? Standart Arapça diyaloglar yoluyla konuşma becerisi edinen bir yabancı, günlük iletişim ve konuşma dili olmayan, günlük hayatta kullanılmayan bir dille konuşacak muhataplar bulamayabilir. Bu bağlamda araştırmada bu gibi diyalogların yol açtığı aksaklıklar belirlenerek bu diyaloglar ve diyaloglarda geçen ibarelerin yerini alabilecek alternatifler bulmaya çalışılmaktadır. Yine araştırma bir yandan anadili Arapça olmayanlara Arapça öğretim kitaplarında kullanılan diyaloglardan alınmış kelime ve ibare örneklerine, bir yandan da Arapça öğrenen öğrencilerin katıldığı anket ve bu anketten elde edilen sonuçların değerlendirilmesine dayanmaktadır. Özet: Günümüzde kullanılan Arap dilinin birden çok düzeyi bulunmaktadır. Bu düzeylerden biri klasik Arapça olarak nitelendirilebilirken bir diğeri Modern Standart Arapça olarak sınıflandırılıyor. Buna ek olarak eğitimli kesimlerin konuştuğu Arapça ve eğitimsiz kesimlerin konuştuğu Arapça gibi sınıflandırmalar yapılıyor. Bu durumda özellikle anadili Arapça olmayanlara bu dil öğretilirken konuşma dili olarak sunulan Klasik Arapça ve Modern Standart Arapça, sözlü iletişim bağlamında konuşma dilinden çok hitabet dili olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır.  Bu araştırmanın amacı, anadili Arapça olan kimselerle iletişim durumunda konuşmayı aksatacak bir etken olarak, anadili Arapça olmayanlara Arapça konuşma becerisini kazandırmak için Modern Standart Arapça diyaloglar kullanmanın doğurduğu sorunları ele almaktır. Günümüzde birçok düzeyde kullanılan Arapça, yukarıda da belirtildiği üzere Modern Standart Arapça düzeyinde bir günlük konuşma dili değildir. Bu durum Arap ülkeleri ya da anadili Arapça olan kimseler açısından sorun oluşturmazken anadili Arapça olmayan Arapça öğrenen kimseler açısından birçok sorun doğurabilmektedir. Çünkü Arap insanı günlük konuşma için Arapçanın çeşitli lehçelerini kullanmaktadır. Bu çerçevede cevabı aranan soruysa şudur; Modern Standart Arapçayı günlük konuşma dilini öğrenme ve kullanmanın anahtarı yapmak mümkün müdür?  Modern Standart Arapça kullanılarak hazırlanmış diyaloglar yoluyla konuşma becerisi edinen bir yabancı, günlük iletişim ve konuşma dili olmayan, günlük hayatta kullanılmayan, hatta yer yer ayrıntılı ve büyük dikkat gerektiren dilbilgisi kurallarının olduğu bir dille konuşacak anadili Arapça olan muhataplar bulamayabilir. Bu bağlamda araştırmada bu gibi diyalogların yol açtığı aksaklıklar belirlenerek bu diyaloglar ve diyaloglarda geçen ibarelerin yerini alabilecek alternatifler bulmaya çalışılmaktadır. Yine araştırma bir yandan anadili Arapça olmayanlara Arapça öğretim kitaplarında kullanılan diyaloglardan alınmış kelime ve ibare örneklerine, bir yandan da Arapça öğrenen öğrencilerin katıldığı anket ve bu anketten elde edilen sonuçların değerlendirilmesine dayanmaktadır.  Bu bağlamda Anadili Arapça olmayanlara Arapça öğretmek amacıyla hazırlanmış kitaplarda kullanılan Modern Standart Arapça kullanılarak hazırlanmış diyaloglardan alınmış kelime, ibare ve kalıp ifade örneklerine dayanan bu araştırmada şu sorulara cevap aranmaktadır:  1- Söz konusu diyaloglar çoğu Arap toplumu ve ülkesinde mevcut konuşma dili gerçekliğini yansıtıyor mu?  2- Modern Standart Arapça kullanılarak hazırlanmış diyaloglarda kullanılan kelime ve ibarelerin yanı sıra kalıp ifadeler günlük yaşam gerçekliğinden alınmış ibareler mi yoksa lehçelerin tersine değişmeyen Standart Arapça gerçekliğinden alınmış ögeler mi?   3- Bir dil becerisi olarak konuşma becerisinin kazandırılması için bu beceriyi aksatabileceği düşünülen Modern Standart Arapça kullanılarak hazırlanmış diyaloglar kullanılmayarak Arapçayı öğretme ve öğrenmeye yönelik özel hedefler doğrultusunda seçilecek Arapçanın bir lehçesini ya da birden fazla lehçesini öğretmek çözüm olabilir mi?          Arapça öğretim kitabı olarak Türkiye ve dünyada birçok üniversite ve yüksekokulda yabancı öğrencilere Arapça öğretmek için kullanılan başta gelen Arapça öğretim serilerinden olan; 2005 yılında anadili Arapça olmayanlara Arap dili öğretim merkezi olarak kurulan Merkezu Lisani’l-Umm(Anadili Merkezi) tarafından yayımlanan Silsiletu’l-Lisan Lita’lîmi’l-Luğati’l-Arabiyyeti Liğayuri’n-Natikîne Biha, el-Kitabu’t-Temhîdî, (I-II)ile 2001 yılında geliştirilen al-Arabiyyetu li’l-Cemi’(Herkes İçin Arapça) programı tarafından yayımlananal-Arabiyyetu Beyne Yedeyk Kitabu’t-Talib I-II incelenerek bu iki kitaptan elde edilen verileri karşılaştırma yoluna gidilmiştir. Bu karşılaştırma işlemi neticesinde şu sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır: 1- Silsiletu’l-Lisanserisi, içerdiği diyaloglarda kullanılan ibareler bakımından genelde daha iletişimsel olup söz konusu diyalogların Modern Standart Arapça kullanılarak hazırlanmış diyaloglar olsa da al-Arabiyyetu Beyne Yedeyk’eoranla günlük konuşma diline daha yakın olduğu değerlendirilmiştir. 2- al-Arabiyyetu Beyne Yedeykserisi öğrenciyi sınıf içerisinde karşılıklı konuşmaya alıştıracak düzenli alıştırmalar içermekte olup bu alıştırmaların öğrenciyi konuşmaya alıştıracak türden olduğu, ancak seride kullanılan dilin Silsiletu’l-Lisanserisinde kullanılan dile oranla günlük konuşma diline daha uzak olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Buna karşılık araştırmanın dayandığı ikinci etken olan, Silsiletu’l-Lisan serisi kullanarak Arapça öğrenen anadili Arapça olmayan öğrencilerin katıldığı anket ve bu anketten elde edilen sonuçların değerlendirilmesi sonucunda ankete katılan öğrencilerin çoğunun Silsiletu’l-Lisan serisinin konuşma becerisini geliştirme noktasında yeterli olmadığını söylediği görülmüştür.  Yine bu çerçevede söz konusu kitaplarda kullanılan Modern Standart Arapça diyaloglarda yer alan çeşitli ibare, fiil ve edatların birçok iletişim sorununa yol açma ihtimali nedeniyle anadili Arapça olan ve günlük konuşma dili olarak Arapçanın çeşitli lehçelerini kullanan kimselerle konuşma durumunda iletişim ve konuşma sürecini aksatarak güçleştirebileceği değerlendirilmektedir.   Buna bağlı olarak Arap insanının günlük hayatı ve günlük sözlü iletişiminde kullanmadığı Modern Standart Arapça dilbilgisi kurallarına göre hazırlanmış diyalogların, yabancı dil öğrencisinin konuşma becerisini edinme sürecini aksatarak bu becerinin gelişmesine engel olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.   Sorunun çözümü olarak Arapça konuşma becerisi edindirilirken, Arapça öğretim sürecinin daha ilk aşamalarından başlayarak bu beceri bağlamında Modern Standart Arapça yerine Arapçanın lehçelerini öğretme önerisi getirilerek bu görüşün tartışmaya açılabileceği düşünülmektedir. Çünkü Modern Standart Arapça günümüzde kullanılan bir konuşma dili değildir.   Yine konuşma becerisinin edindirilmesi bağlamında Arapçanın lehçelerine başvurulması çözüm olarak görülmeyecek olursa ve Modern Standart Arapça hazırlanmış diyaloglar kullanmaktan başka çözüm olmazsa, bu durumda bir orta yol bulunarak hazırlanacak olan diyaloglarda günlük dil ile Modern Standart Arapça birbirine karıştırılmaksızın günlük dilde kullanılan ya da günlük dile yakın ibare, fiil, kelime ve edatların kullanılabileceği değerlendirilmektedir. 

Anahtar Kelimeler:

إشكالية‭ ‬استخدام‭ ‬حوارات‭ ‬معدة‭ ‬باللغة‭ ‬العربية‭ ‬المعيارية‭ ‬لتعليم‭ ‬الكلام‭ ‬باللغة‭ ‬العربية‭ ‬لغير‭ ‬الناطقين‭ ‬بها‭ ‬كمهارة‭ ‬لغوية

The aim of this research is that to attempt to raise the problem of using standard Arabic-language dialogues to teach speech in Arabic to non-native speakers as a factor that impedes speech and practice when speaking with native speakers. As is known that standard Arabic is not a daily speech language and is not used for daily speech at home and on the street. This may not be a problem in Arab countries or for Arab native speakers, but it may be more of a problem for non-native speakers. Because the Arabic uses in his daily speech different dialects of Arabic. The question is that how can we make standard Arabic a gateway to learning and practicing daily speech? Because the non-native speakers who learn to speak through dialogues prepared in standard Arabic may not find someone to speak to in a language that is not a language of communication and daily speech and is not used in daily life. The research aims to find an alternative to these dialogues and phrases contained in these dialogues after subtracting and monitoring the obstacles that they contain. Also, the research focuses on one hand on models taken from the dialogues used in the books of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers in terms of words and structures; on the other hand it focuses on the questionnaire conducted among students of Arabic language and evaluation of the results obtained from it. Summary:There is multiple level of Arabic language used nowadays. While one of these levels can be described as classical Arabic, another is classified as Modern Standard Arabic. In addition to this, the classifications are made such as Arabic, which the educated classes speak, and Arabic, which the uneducated classes speak. In this case, the classical Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic presented as the spoken language while especially non-native speakers of Arabic learn this language, emerges as a rhetoric language rather than spoken language in the context of verbal communication.  The aim of this research is that to discuss the problems arising from the use of Modern Standard Arabic dialogues in order to enable non-native speakers of Arabic to gain Arabic speaking skills as a factor that impedes the speech in the case of communication with native speakers of Arabic. The Arabic, which is a language used at many levels today, is a daily spoken language used in Modern Standard Arabic level as mentioned above, nor it is also a daily spoken language used in homes, bazaars and streets. Although this situation does not pose a problem for the Arab countries or the native speakers of Arabic, it can cause many problems for the non-native speakers who want to learn Arabic. Because Arabs use the various dialects of Arabic for daily speech. In this context, the answer to the following question must be given: Is it possible to make the Standard Arabic language a key factor to learn and practice the daily spoken language? A non-native speaker, who has acquired speaking skills by means of using Modern Standard Arabic dialogues or who learns such a spoken language, may not find native interlocutors of Arabic in order to speak a language that is not daily communication and spoken language and that is not used in daily life and that has the detailed grammar rules requiring to show great attention. In this context, in the scope of this research it is tried to find alternatives that can replace these dialogues and the phrases taking place in these dialogues and dialogues by determining the problems caused by such dialogues. On the one hand the research focuses on the examples of words and phrases taken from the dialogues used in Arabic teaching books for non-native speakers of Arabic, on the other hand it focuses on the questionnaire attended by students who learn Arabic and on the evaluation of the results obtained from this questionnaire. In this context, answers are sought to the following questions in this research which is based on the examples of words, phrases and expression taken from Modern Standard Arabic dialogues used in the books which are prepared to teach Arabic to non-native speakers of Arabic: 1- Do these dialogues reflect the reality of the current spoken language in most Arab societies and countries?Is taken expression patterns as well as the words and phrases used the dialogues prepared as Modern Standard Arabic prepared from the reality of daily life or are they elements taken from Standard Arabic reality in opposition to the dialects?May it become a solution to teach one or more than one dialect of Arabic to be chosen in accordance with the specific objectives towards teaching and learning Arabic by not using the dialogues prepared in Modern Standard Arabic which are thought to disrupt this skill in order to gain speaking skill as a language skill?Silsila al-Lisan li Ta'lim al-Lugha al-'Arabiyah lI Ghair al-Natiqina Biha, al-Kitab al-Tamhidthat is an outstanding series used to teach Arabic to the foreign students in many Universities and colleges in Turkey and in all the world as teaching book for Arabic and that has been published by Markaz al-Lisan al-Umm(Native Language Center) established as Arabic language teaching center for non-native speakers of Arabic in 2005 and al-'Arabiyah Bayn Yadayk Book al-Talib I - IIpublished by al-Arabiyyah li al-Jami'(Arabic for All) Program developed in 2001 has been examined and obtained data from two books compared has been. As a result of this comparison process, the results specified below have been reached:  1- Silsilatu'l-Lisenseries is generally more communicative in terms of the phrases used in the dialogues it contains and it has been evaluated that these dialogues are closer to the daily spoken language compared to the al-'Arabiyyah Bayn Yadaykalthough they become Modern Standard Arabic dialogues.2- Al-'Arabiyah Bayn Yadaykseries regular exercises that will encourage the student to make the conversation in the classroom and it has been concluded that these exercises will motivate the student to make the conversation and that the language used in the series differs from the daily spoken language compared to the language used in the Silsilat al-Lisenseries.On the other hand, as a result of the evaluation of the questionnaire in which attended by students non-native speakers of Arabic who want to learn Arabic by using Silsilat al-Lisan series and the evaluation of results obtained from this questionnaire that is the second factor on which this research focuses, it has been understood that the majority of the students participated in the questionnaire expressed that Silsilat al-Lisenseries is not sufficient to improve their speaking skills and at the same time they said that this series does not help them in this subject.Nevertheless, in this context, it is considered that the various phrases, verbes and prepositions included in the Modern Standard Arabic dialogs and used in the mentioned books may hamper and make difficult the communication and conversation process in the case of speaking with native speakers of Arabic who use the various dialects of Arabic as the daily spoken language since they may cause many communication problems.Accordingly, it has been concluded that the dialogues prepared according to the grammar rules of Modern Standard Arabic which Arab people do not use in their daily life and daily verbal communication may hinder the development of this skill by disrupting the process of acquiring the speaking skill of the foreign language student.For the solution of the problem, when Arabic speaking skills are gained it has been thought that this view can come up for discussion by means of offering proposal for teaching the Arabic dialects instead of Modern Standard Arabic in the scope of this skill starting with the first phases of Arabic teaching process.Because Modern Standard Arabic is not a spoken language today and in our age.Again, when speaking skills are gained, if application to the dialects of Arabic is not considered as a solution and there is no solution other than using the dialogues prepared as Modern Standard Arabic, in this case it is considered that phrases, verbs, words and prepositions used in daily language can be used in the dialogues to be prepared by finding a compromise without being intermixed daily language with Modern Standard Arabic.

Arabic Speaking Skills-teaching Problems

The aim of this research is that to attempt to raise the problem of using standard Arabic-language dialogues to teach speech in Arabic to non-native speakers as a factor that impedes speech and practice when speaking with native speakers. As is known that standard Arabic is not a daily speech language and is not used for daily speech at home and on the street. This may not be a problem in Arab countries or for Arabic native speakers, but it may be more of a problem for non-native speakers. Because the Arab uses in his daily speech different dialects of Arabic. The question is that how can we make standard Arabic a gateway to learning and practicing daily speech? Because the non-native speakers who learns to speak through dialogues prepared in standard Arabic may not find an someone to speak to in a language that is not a language of communication and daily speech and is not used in daily life. The research aims to find an alternative to these dialogues and phrases contained in these dialogues after subtracting and monitoring the obstacles that they contain. Also, the research focuses on one hand on models taken from the dialogues used in the books of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers in terms of words and structures; on the other hand it focus on the questionnaire conducted among students of Arabic language and evaluation of the results obtained from the it. Summary:There is multiple level of Arabic language used nowadays. While one of these levels can be described as classical Arabic, another is classified as Modern Standard Arabic. In addition to this, the classifications are made such as Arabic, which the educated classes speak, and Arabic, which the uneducated classes speak. In this case, the classical Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic presented as the spoken language while especially non-native speakers of Arabic learn this language, emerges as a rhetoric language rather than spoken language in the context of verbal communication.  The aim of this research is that to discuss the problems arising from use of Modern Standard Arabic dialogues in order to enable non-native speakers of Arabic to gain Arabic speaking skill as a factor that impedes the speech in the case of communication with native speakers of Arabic. The Arabic, which is a language used at many levels today, is a daily spoken language used in Modern Standard Arabic level as mentioned above, nor it is also a daily spoken language used in homes, bazaars and streets. Although this situation does not pose a problem for the Arab countries or the native speakers of Arabic, it can cause many problems for the non-native speakers who want to learn Arabic. Because Arabs use the various dialects of Arabic for daily speech. In this context, the answer of the following question must be given: Is it possible to make the Standard Arabic language a key factor to learn and practice the daily spoken language? A non-native speaker, who has acquired speaking skills by means of using Modern Standard Arabic dialogues or who learns such a spoken language, may not find native interlocutors of Arabic in order to speak a language that is not daily communication and spoken language and that is not used in daily life and that has the detailed grammatical rules requiring to show great attention. In this context, in the scope of this research it is tried to find alternatives that can replace these dialogues and the phrases taking place in these dialogues and dialogues by determining the problems caused by such dialogues. On one hand the research focuses on the examples of words and phrases taken from the dialogues used in Arabic teaching books for non-native speakers of Arabic, on the other hand it focuses on the questionnaire attended by students who learn Arabic and on the evaluation of results obtained from this questionnaire.  In this context, answers are sought to the following questions in this research which is based on the examples of words, phrases and expression taken from Modern Standard Arabic dialogues used in the books which are prepared to teach Arabic to non - native speakers of Arabic: 1- Do these dialogues reflect the reality of the current spoken language in most Arab societies and countries? 2- Is taken expression patterns as well as the words and phrases used the dialogs prepared as Modern Standard Arabic prepared from the reality of daily life or are they elements taken from Standard Arabic reality in opposition to the dialects? 3- May it become a solution to teach one or more than one dialect of Arabic to be chosen in accordance with the specific objectives towards teaching and learning Arabic by not using the dialogues prepared in Modern Standard Arabic which are thought to disrupt this skill in order to gain speaking skill as a language skill?  Silsila al-Lisan li Ta‘lim al-Lugha al-‘Arabiyah lI Ghair al-Natiqina Biha, al-Kitab al-Tamhidthat is an outstanding series used to teach Arabic to the foreign students in many Universities and colleges in Turkey and in all the world as teaching book for Arabic and that has been published by Markaz al-Lisan al-Umm(Native Language Center) established as Arabic language teaching center for non-native speakers of Arabic in 2005 and al-‘Arabiyah Bayn Yadayk Kitab al-Talib I – IIpublished by al-‘Arabiyyah li al-Jami’(Arabic for All) Program developed in 2001 has been examined and data obtained from two books has been compared. As a result of this comparison process, the results specified below have been reached:  1- Silsilatu’l-Lisanseries is generally more communicative in terms of the phrases used in the dialogues it contains and it has been evaluated that these dialogues are closer to the daily spoken language compared to the al-‘Arabiyyah Bayn Yadaykalthough they become Modern Standard Arabic dialogues.  2- Al-‘Arabiyah Bayn Yadaykseries contains regular exercises that will encourage the student to make the conversation in the classroom and it has been concluded that these exercises will motive the student to make the conversation and that the language used in the series differs from the daily spoken language compared to the language used in the Silsilat al-Lisanseries.   On the other hand, as a result of the evaluation of the questionnaire in which attended by students non-native speakers of Arabic who want to learn Arabic by using Silsilat al-Lisan series and the evaluation of results obtained from this questionnaire that is the second factor on which this research focuses, it has been understood that the majority of the students participated in the questionnaire expressed that Silsilat al-Lisanseries is not sufficient to improve their speaking skills and at same time they said that this series does not help them in this subject.  Nevertheless, in this context, it is considered that the various phrases, verbs and prepositions included in the Modern Standard Arabic dialogs and used in the mentioned books may hamper and make difficult the communication and conversation process in the case of speaking with native speakers of Arabic who use the various dialects of Arabic as the daily spoken language since they may cause many communication problems.  Accordingly, it has been concluded that the dialogues prepared according to the grammar rules of Modern Standard Arabic which Arab people do not use in their daily life and daily verbal communication may hinder the development of this skill by disrupting the process of acquiring the speaking skill of the foreign language student. For the solution of the problem, when Arabic speaking skills are gained it has been thought that this view can come up for discussion by means of offering proposal for teaching the Arabic dialects instead of Modern Standard Arabic in the scope of this skill starting with first phases of Arabic teaching process. Because Modern Standard Arabic is not a spoken language today and in our age.  Again, when speaking skills are gained, if application to the dialects of Arabic is not considered as a solution and there is no solution other than using the dialogues prepared as Modern Standard Arabic, in this case it is considered that phrases, verbs, words and prepositions used in daily language can be used in the dialogues to be prepared by finding a compromise without being intermixed daily language with Modern Standard Arabic.  

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Benzer Makaleler

Alan :   İlahiyat; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 958
Atıf : 1.217
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