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Journal of History School

Örgütler, kendilerini meydana getiren işgörenler gibi sağlıklı veya hasta olabilirler. Örgüt sağlığı, bir örgütün işlev görme yeteneği olarak tanımlanır. Sağlıklı bir örgüt, insanların kalmak, çalışmak istedikleri bir yerdir. İşgörenler çalıştıkları örgütlerle gurur duyarlar, kendileri de yararlı ve etkilidirler. Bir örgütün örgütsel sağlığını ölçmekle, o örgüt içinde bir uyumun olup olmadığı, örgüt üyelerinin çaba gösterme yeteneği, örgütte bazı temel ihtiyaçların karşılanma durumu, bireylerin örgüte adaptasyonları, örgütle bütünleşmeleri, örgütün hedeflerini gerçekleştirme durumu ortaya çıkartılır. Bir örgüt ne kadar sağlıklıysa o kadar yüksek başarı elde edebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; ilkokullarda çalışan öğretmenlerin okulların örgüt sağlığına ilişkin algılarının nasıl olduğunu bazı değişkenlere göre ortaya çıkarmaktır. Araştırmada genel taramaya dayalı betimsel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini, Mardin merkez ve bağlı ilçelerdeki ilkokullarda çalışan 542 sınıf öğretmeni oluşturmuştur. Çalışmada veri toplamak için Örgüt Sağlığı Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda ulaşılan bazı önemli sonuçlar şöyledir: (1) Öğretmenler çalıştıkları okulların örgüt sağlığının “orta düzeyde” olduğunu ifade etmişlerdir. (2) Öğretmen algıları arasında, öğrenim durumu açısından akademik vurgu ve destekleyici liderlik boyutlarında, cinsiyet açısından akademik vurgu boyutunda, okul büyüklüğü ve okulun bulunduğu yerleşim yeri açısından da akademik vurgu ve çevresel faktör boyutlarında anlamlı fark saptanmıştır.


Firstly, it is important to consider the health of the primates.

Organizations can be healthy or sick, like the employers who make themselves. Organizational health is defined as the ability of an organization to function. A healthy organization is a place where people want to stay, work. Employers are proud of the organizations they work, they are also useful and effective. Measuring the organizational health of an organization, it is revealed whether there is a harmony within the organization, the ability of the members of the organization to work, the state of satisfaction of some basic needs in the organization, the adaptations of individuals in the organization, integration with the organization, the state of achieving the organization’s goals. The more a organization is healthy, the more successful it can be. The aim of this study is to reveal how teachers working in primary schools perceive the organizational health of schools according to some variables. In the study, a visual scan model based on general scan was used. The sample of the study was made by 542 class teachers working in primary schools in the Mardin center and related districts. To collect data in the study The organization’s health level has been used. Some of the important results achieved in the study are as follows: (1) Teachers have stated that the organizational health of the schools in which they work is "middle level". (2) The teachers' perceptions, in terms of the learning situation Academic emphasis and Supporting leadership In terms of size and gender. Academic emphasis The size of the school and the location of the school. Academic emphasis and Environmental Factor There is a significant difference in size.


Investigation Of Organizational Health Of Primary Schools In Terms Of Some Variables

Organizations can be healthy or unhealthy like the employees creating them. Organizational health can be defined as functioning skill of an organization. A healthy organization is a place where people want to stay and work. Employees are proud of the organizations they work for, and they themselves are helpful and effective. Evaluating organizational health ascertains whether there is organization fit or not, endeavoring ability of organization members, fulfillment of some basic needs, individuals’ adaptation to organization, their integration into organization and achievement of organizational goals. The healthier an organization is, the more success it can have. The present study aimed to reveal how teachers working in primary schools perceive the organizational health of their schools according to some variables. Descriptive model based on general survey was used in the study. The sample of the study consisted of 542 classroom teachers working in primary schools in the center of Mardin and its districts. Organizational Health Scale was used as data collection tool. As the result of this study, some important results are: (1) Teachers state that organizational health level of their schools is “moderate”. (2) Significant difference are found among teacher perceptions in academic emphasis and supportive leadership dimensions in terms of educational background, academic emphasis dimension in terms of gender, academic emphasis and environmental factor dimensions in terms of size and location of school.


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