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  Citation Number 4
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Dijitalleşen Biyolojik Yurttaşlık: Change.Org Örneği
İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

Yeni bir yurttaşlık tipi olarak biyolojik yurttaşlık olgusu, hastalıklar, bedensel kusurlar ve eksiklikler ekseninde bir araya gelen bireylerin oluşturduğu yurttaşlık biçimini nitelendirmektedir. Biyolojik kökenli nedenlerden ötürü bir araya gelerek iktidarlardan, birtakım sosyal haklar talep eden biyolojik yurttaşlar, küreselleşme sonrası çağda oldukça etkili faaliyetler yürütmektedirler. Bu bağlamda biyolojik yurttaşlık olgusunda direkt olarak birey ve iktidar arasında bir ilişki söz konusudur. Yeni medya teknolojilerinin de gelişim göstermesiyle biyolojik yurttaşlık faaliyetleri, internet ortamlarında yürütülmeye başlamıştır. Bu bağlamda yapılmış olan bu çalışmanın amacı, biyolojik yurttaşlık olgusunu yeni medya teknolojileri ekseninde tartışmaktadır. Çalışmada, literatür tarama yöntemi kullanılmış olup, online bir aktivizm platformu olan’un 2015-2018 yılları arasındaki raporlarda yer alan sağlık konulu kampanyalar ve bu kampanyalara yönelik katılımlar, biyolojik yurttaşlık ekseninde tartışılmıştır.


Digitalized Biological Citizenship: Change.Org Example

As a new type of citizenship, the phenomenon of biological citizenship defines the form of citizenship that individuals gather together in the axis of diseases, physical defects and deficiencies. For biological reasons, biological citizens, who demand a number of social rights from the powers, are engaged in very effective activities in the post-globalization era. In this context, in the fact of biological citizenship, a direct relationship between the individual and the power is concerned. With the development of new media technologies, biological citizenship activities have begun to be carried out in the internet environments. The aim of this study in this context is to discuss the phenomenon of biological citizenship in the axis of new media technologies. The study used the literature scan method and the health campaigns and participation in these campaigns included in the 2015-2018 reports of, an online activism platform, were discussed in the biological citizenship axis.


Digitalized Bio-citizenship: Case Of

As a new type of citizenship, the phenomenon of biological citizenship characterizes the form of citizenship formed by individuals coming together in the axis of diseases, physical defects and deficiencies. Biological citizens, who come together for reasons of biological origin and who demand some social rights from the government, carry out highly effective activities in the post-globalization period. In this context, there is a direct relationship between individual and power in the case of biological citizenship. With the development of new media technologies, biological citizenship activities have started to be carried out in internet environments. In this context, the aim of this study is to discuss the phenomenon of biological citizenship on the axis of new media technologies. In this study, literature review method was used. Also in this study, The campaigns on health and participation in these campaigns were discussed on the axis of biological citizenship in the 2015-2018 report of, an online platform for activism.


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