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İnfaz Koruma Memurlarinin Manevi Destek İhtiyac ve Kaynaklarinin Belirlenmesi Uzerine Nitel Bir Uygulama

Ceza infaz kurumları suç işlemiş kişilerin cezalarının uygulandığı yerlerdir. İnfaz koruma memurları bu kurumda çalışırlar. Onların görevleri arasında hükümlülerle bire bir ilgilenmek, ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak ve topluma kazandırma faaliyetlerine katkıda bulunmak yer alır. Vardiyalı ve düşük maaşla çalışırlar. Suç işlemiş sorunlu kişilerle çalışma, maaşın yetersiz bulunması ve iş saatlerinin düzensizliği, kurum ortamının güvenlik nedeniyle kapalı, kasvetli olması gibi koşullar İKM’lerin psikolojilerini olumsuz etkileyebilmektedir. İKM’lerin görev tanımı içinde yer alan ıslah faaliyetlerine katılma ve yürütme hükümlülerle yüz yüze çalışmayı gerektirmektedir. Hükümlüler şiddet içeren olaylara karışmış, tecavüz, cinayet, yasaklı madde kullanımı ve satışı ve buna benzer birçok suçu işlemiş kişilerdir. Bu kişilerin olumsuz psikolojileri ve eğilimleri onlarla birlikte çalışan İKM’leri etkilemektedir. İş yerinden soğuma ile başlayan süreç, beraberinde işten kaynaklanan birçok olumsuz duygu düşünce ve davranışı getirmektedir. Stres, tükenmişlik, kaygı, depresyon, yorgunluk, bıkkınlık, sinizm, yıpranmışlık, güvensizlik, depresif olma, değersizlik, başarısızlık hisleri İKM’lerin yoğun yaşadığı duygulardır. Bu olumsuz psikolojik süreçler insanlarla yüz yüze çalışılan, hastane personeli (doktor, hemşire vb.), psikiyatristler, özel öğretim kurumu çalışanları, İKM gibi mesleklerde daha sık görülmekte, iş verimliliği, iş yerine bağlılık düşmekte, yaşam kalitesi azalmaktadır. İş yerinden kaynaklanan sorunlara çözüm bulmanın, baş etmenin olumlu ve olumsuz şekilleri vardır. Olumlu çözüm yolları problemi ortadan kaldırmaya veya azaltmaya yöneliktir. Olumsuz başa çıkma şekilleri problemden kaçınma yönündedir. Olumsuz başa çıkmada sorunu ortadan kaldırmaya değil, sorundan kaçmaya yönelik düşünce duygu ve davranışlar sergilenir. Tükenmişlik, kaygı, depresyon gibi olumsuz psikolojik süreçler kişi ile problem arasına psikolojik bir kaçış mesafesi koymaktadır. Bu duygu ve düşüncelerle kişi sorundan uzaklaşmış olmakla birlikte, sorunlar var olmaya devam etmektedir, dolayısıyla olumsuz psikolojik süreçler devam eder, bu durumda sadece sorundan yüz çevrilmiş, görmezden gelinmiş olunmaktadır. Çalışanların iş yeri sorunlarıyla başa çıkabilmeleri, işlerini sevmeleri, motivasyonlarını ve verimi artırmaktadır. Yurtiçi ve yurtdışında İKM’lerle yapılan çalışmalarda, olumsuz iş yeri koşullarından kaynaklanan olumsuz duygular ve çözüm önerileri yer almaktadır. Alanyazında çalışanların iş yerinden kaynaklanan sorunlarla mücadele edebilmeleri, yaşam kalitelerinin artması ve verimli çalışabilmeleri için hem örgütsel hem sosyal hem psikolojik-bireysel çözümler içeren birçok destek programının eş zamanlı yürütülmesi önerilmiştir. Çözüm önerileri arasında iş yeri fiziksel ortamının iyileştirilmesi, maaşın iyileştirilmesi, toplumun İKM’lere olumsuz bakış açısını düzeltmeye yönelik çalışmalar, stres azaltma gibi psikolojik iyi oluş sağlamaya yönelik programlar önerilmekte ve yürütülmektedir. Psikolojik iyi oluş sağlamaya yönelik çalışmalarda üzerinde çalışmaya en fazla ihtiyaç görülen olumsuz duygu, düşünce, davranış bütünü olan tükenmişlik duygusudur. Tükenmişlik duygusunu iyileştirmeye yönelik çalışmalarda özellikle tükenmişliğin depersonalize olma boyutunda maneviyatın katkıları önemli görülmüştür. Tükenmişlik yılgınlık, çalışma isteğinde azalma, başarısızlık hissi, enerji kaybı, bir şey yapmak istememe, amaçsızlık, yaşam sevincini yitirme gibi birçok bileşenden oluşmaktadır. İş yeri maneviyatı ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalar işini sevme, işinden amaç bulma, iş arkadaşlarıyla birlikte uyum içinde çalışma gibi konuları iş yeri maneviyatı başlığı altında değerlendirmektedir. İş yerlerinde sorunlarla başa çıkmada duygusal odaklı desteklerin içinde kabul edilen maneviyatın önemi gittikçe artmaktadır. Maneviyat dini inançları da kapsayan değerler bütünüdür. Maneviyat bağlanma, şefkat duyma, umut, bilgelik, sevgi gibi insana huzur ve mutluluk veren değerler ve aşkın olanla, bir diğer deyişle yaratıcıyla ilişkiyi kapsar. Maneviyatın içerdiği alanlar birkaç başlık içerisinde toplanmıştır. Buna göre maneviyat ilk olarak insanlarla ilişkilerde sevecenlik, anlayışlı ve yardımsever olmak gibi insanlarla olumlu ilişkileri içeren hümanist maneviyat, ikincisi doğadaki güzellikleri hissetmek, örneğin güneş doğarken huzur hissetmek, kâinatın bir parçası olduğunu hissetmek gibi doğa olayları ve evrenle ilişkili olan maneviyat, son olarak da kişinin inandığı dinin değerleriyle kendini iyi hissetmesi dini maneviyat olarak tanımlanmıştır. Dini/manevi değerlere sahip insanlar stresle daha etkin mücadele etmektedirler. Manevi değerlere sahip olmanın insanı iyileştirici gücü ve ruh sağlığını korumadaki önemi üzerine birçok çalışma yapılmış, maneviyat duygusal odaklı başa çıkmada etkin görülmüş ve birçok terapi çeşidine dahil olmuştur. İKM’ler üzerinde yapılmış bazı çalışmalar dini/manevi değerlerin, örneğin dua etme ibadetinin olumsuz duygu ve düşüncelerle başa çıkmada, özellikle tükenmişliğin depersonalize olma boyutunda etkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu çalışmada İKM’lerin algıladıkları sorunlar, bu sorunlarla başa çıkma tarzları, başa çıkmada manevi kaynaklardan yararlanma ve manevi desteğe ihtiyaç duyma durumları araştırılmıştır. Nitel yöntemlerle yürütülen çalışmada 10 infaz koruma memuru ile görüşülmüştür. Bu görüşmelerden elde edilen sonuçlara göre infaz koruma memurları iş koşulları nedeniyle olumsuz duygu ve düşünceler yaşamaktadırlar. Bu sorunlara karşı psikolojik olumsuz başa çıkma yöntemleri olan tükenmişlik, stres, öfke gibi duygu, düşünce ve davranışlar tespit edilmiştir. Olumlu başa çıkma kaynakları arasında ibadetler, Allah’ inancı ve buna bağlı olarak her şeyin bir anlamı ve amacı olduğu yer almaktadır. İKM’lerin işlerinin tanımındaki “ıslah” görevlerini “başkalarına yardımcı olma, iyiyi tavsiye etme” gibi dini değerler etrafında gerçekleştirenlerin işlerine karşı daha olumlu düşüncelere sahip oldukları bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Bir diğer bulgu olarak İKM’ler psikolojik iyi olma halini sağlamada uygun dini manevi desteklere ihtiyaç duyduklarını belirtmişlerdir. Bu doğrultuda, “bağışlayıcı olmak, kendine değer vermek, öfke kontrolünün erdemli bir davranış oluşu” gibi İKM’lerin ihtiyaç duydukları konularda içerik hazırlanarak manevi destek/bakım programları oluşturulması önerilmiştir.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

İnfaz Koruma Memurlarinin Manevi Destek İhtiyac ve Kaynaklarinin Belirlenmesi Uzerine Nitel Bir Uygulama

Criminal execution bodies are the places where the punishments of those who committed the crime are applied. Police officers are working in this area. Their tasks include taking care of the judges, meeting their needs, and contributing to the activities of benefiting the society. They work with low wages. Conditions such as working with people with problems committed by crime, the lack of wages and irregular working hours, the establishment environment is closed due to security, and shrinking can negatively affect the psychology of the IMMs. It requires the participation and execution of the sanctions in the definition of the duties of the IMM to work face-to-face with the judges. The prisoners are persons who have been involved in violent events, rape, murder, prohibited use and sale of substances and many similar crimes. The negative psychology and tendencies of these people affect the ICMs working with them. The process that begins with cooling from the workplace brings many negative feelings and thoughts and behaviors that are derived from the workplace. Stress, exhaust, anxiety, depression, fatigue, tiredness, sinism, frustration, uncertainty, depression, invaluation, failure feelings are the emotions ICMs experience intensely. These negative psychological processes face-to-face with people, hospitals staff (the doctor, nurses, etc. Psychiatrists, staff of private educational institutions, are more frequently seen in professions such as SMEs, employment efficiency, commitment instead of work decreases, quality of life decreases. There are positive and negative ways to find solutions to the problems arising from the workplace. Positive solutions are aimed at eliminating or reducing the problem. The negative ways of dealing with the problem are to avoid. Negative dealing shows feelings and behaviors not to eliminate the problem, but to escape the problem. Negative psychological processes such as fatigue, anxiety, depression put a psychological escape between the person and the problem. While the person with these feelings and thoughts is removed from the problem, problems continue to exist, therefore negative psychological processes continue, in this case only the problem is turned around, being neglected. The ability of employees to deal with workplace problems, they love their work, increase their motivation and productivity. Study with IMMs in the domestic and abroad includes negative emotions and solutions suggested due to negative workplace conditions. It is recommended that many support programs, including both organizational and social and psychological-individual solutions, be implemented simultaneously in order for employees to be able to cope with the problems arising from the workplace, improve their quality of life and work efficiently. Solution recommendations include improving the physical environment of the workplace, improving the wages, research to correct the negative perspective of society on SMEs, and programs to ensure psychological well-being, such as reducing stress. Psychological well-being is a sense of exhaust, which is a whole of negative feelings, thoughts, behaviors that are needed to work on. In the studies aimed at improving the feeling of exhaustion, the contribution of spirituality was important to the extent of depersonalization of exhaustion. Extinction consists of many components, such as yearlyness, decrease in the desire to work, feeling of failure, loss of energy, no desire to do anything, intolerance, losing the joy of life. The workplace spirituality is the workplace spirituality, the workplace spirituality is the workplace spirituality, the workplace spirituality is the workplace spirituality, the workplace spirituality is the workplace spirituality, the workplace spirituality is the workplace spirituality, the workplace spirituality is the workplace spirituality. The importance of spirituality accepted in emotional-oriented support in dealing with problems at work is increasingly increasing. Spirituality is the whole of the values that cover religious beliefs. Spirituality covers the values that give peace and happiness to man, such as bonding, compassion, hope, wisdom, love, and the relationship with the love, in other words, with the creator. The fields of spirituality are gathered in several titles. According to this, humanist spirituality; first, which contains positive relationships with people, such as being loving, understandable and helpful in relationships with people; second, feeling the beauty in nature, for example, feeling peace when the sun rises, feeling being part of the universe, and spirituality related to the universe; last, it is defined as religious spirituality that the person feels good with the values of the religion in which he believes. People with religious/spiritual values are more effectively fighting stress. Many studies have been conducted on the importance of having spiritual values in the preservation of human healing power and mental health, and spirituality has been effective in emotionally-oriented treatment and has been included in many types of therapies. Some studies on SMEs have shown that religious/spiritual values, such as prayer worship, are effective in dealing with negative feelings and thoughts, especially in the extent of depersonalization of exhaust. This study examined the problems ICMs perceive, the ways of dealing with these problems, the use of spiritual resources in dealing with and the situations in which they need spiritual support. The investigation was carried out by 10 police officers. According to the results of these conversations, the execution protection officers experience negative feelings and thoughts due to their working conditions. Emotions, thoughts and behaviors such as exhaust, stress, anger, psychically negative methods of dealing with these problems have been identified. Among the sources of positive dealing is the worship, the faith in God and according to it everything has a meaning and purpose. In the definition of the work of the IMMs, it has been found that those who perform their "shell" tasks around religious values such as "helping others, advising good" have more positive opinions about their work. Another conclusion is that the IMMs have stated that they need adequate religious and spiritual support to ensure the state of psychological well-being. In this regard, it was suggested that "being compassionate, self-esteem, becoming a decent behavior of the control of anger" was created through the preparation of content on the topics they need by the ICMs and the creation of spiritual support/care programs.

A Qualitative Study About Assessing The Needs and Sources Of Spiri-tual Support Of Correctional Officers

Prisons are places where the penalties of the offenders are executed. Correctional officers work in these institutions. It is their task to take care of prisoners one on one, providing their necessaties and helping them in their socializing process. They work in shifts for low salaries. Their psychology are easly affected because of working with problematic people who have committet crime in their past, inefecient income, irregular working hours, and institunianol problems such as dark, gloomy workplace due to safety concern. It is their duty to contribute or personally implement the imperative activities given by their job description. Convicts might be people with a past of involvement in violence, rape, murder, drug dealing or many other types of corruption. Correctional officers easily might be affected by their attitudes. The process that begins with enstrangement from the workplace are followed by many negative thoughts and attitudes toward their professions. Stress, burnout syndrome, anxiety, depression, tiredness, boredom, cynicism, staleness, insecurity, depression, insignificance, feeling of failure are emotions a correctional officers might face every day in their pesonal life. Psycological processes such as these, are often observed in professionals like health workers (medical doctor, nurse etc.), psychiatrists, workers of special educational institutions as correctional officers and they show a decrease in their productivity and devotion to their workplace as well as their quality of life. There are many negative or positive ways for coping with problems related to workplace. The positive ones are focused on solving or reducing the effects of the problem. Negative solutions are more based of ignoring the problem. A negative attitude towards problems is not based on hindering it, on the contrary, showing emotions motivated by avoidance. Negative psychological processes such as burnout, anxiety, depression help the person to have space between himself and the problem. Even the person would be taken away from the problems by this kind of emotions, they don’t remove the facts from one’s life. So the negative psychological processes don’t disappear but just being ignored by the person. Coping with workplace problems for professionals, increase their affection towards their work, foster their productivity and motivation. Numbers of national and international studies offer a variety of organizational, social or personal support programs in order to enhance, the capacity of their coping with problems, quality of life and productivity by a symultanious implementation. Among the solutions we find, improvement of the physical environment, uplifting of the salary, bettering the aspect of the society towards corrective officers as programs to reduce the effects of stress and psychological wellbeing improving programs. Burnout appears to be the emotion that is the most necessary to be worked on among all the negative feelings, thoughts and attitudes. Spiritulity has been observed with important contributions for depersonalizing of burnout syndrome. The burnout syndrome may cause serious effects to correctional officers physical, mental health. Correctional officers lose the ability to adapt to their work, they may display negative attitudes toward their job and co-workers. Three burnout symptoms are: “exhaustion, depersonalization, and to feel reduced personal accomplishment”. Exhaustion is generalized fatigue that can be related to devoting effort to a work that is not perceived to be beneficial. Depersonalization is an indifferent and distant attitude towards work. Depersonalization shows itself as negative, cynical and insensible behaviors. Reduced personal accomplishment is to negatively evaluate the worth of one’s own work and to feel insufficient to perform one’s job, and generalized weak self-esteem. Sprituality has ben catogorizied under four different types. One is showing great affection towards humanity; second one is finding connections between the person and nature, third is feeling to be a part of the complete universe, while the fourth one is finding ties between the person himself with the Creator. People who have spiritual-religious values show greater strength against fighting stress. People with spiritual-religious values demonstrate greater resistance against stress. Recent studies on work spirituaity have shown the importance of spiritual values in work satisfaction. Studies observed that religious-spiritual values such as prayer help OC’s to cope with negative thoughts and emotions and depersonalizing burnour syndrome. This study investigates the CO’s how they percive the problems, the ways they handle them, spiritual sources they depend on and their need of spiritual support. 10 CO’s have been interviewed for the qualitative study. According to the outcomes CO’s face negative thoughts and emotions caused by the work conditions. Our findings demonstrate negative coping ways such as burnout, stress, anger, towards the problems. On the other hand, practicing of prayers and having faith in God, finding meaning and purpose in every asset and happening are positive ways of coping with problems. The CO’s who exercise their correctional duties under the religious understanding of “helping others and recommend the good” do have more positive thoughts compared to their colleagues. And other important finding appeared that spiritual support is necessary for CO’s for their own wellbeing. Based on these findings, the study underlines the importance of preparation of spiritual support programs based on the necessities of CO’s focused on the ideas “forgiveness and anger management is a virtuous attitude” 

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Alan :   İlahiyat; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 958
Atıf : 1.217
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