Bu araştırmanın amacı, ortaöğretim Biyoloji dersinde yer alan İnsanların Çevreye Zararları konusunun öğretimi sürecine katılan 9. sınıf öğrencilerinin biyolojiye yönelik tutumları ve çevresel davranışlarına işbirlikli öğrenme yönteminin uygulanmasında kullanılan Jigsaw tekniği ile mevcut öğrenme yöntemlerinin etkilerini tespit etmektir. Araştırmanın amacı doğrultusunda deneysel modellerden olan yarı deneysel desen kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın örneklemini, 2011-2012 eğitim öğretim yılında Ardahan İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğüne bağlı Çıldır Lisesi’nin farklı şubelerinde öğrenim gören 103 9’uncu sınıf öğrencisi oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak, Biyoloji Tutum Ölçeği BTÖ , Çevresel Davranış Ölçeği ÇDÖ , Jigsaw Görüş Ölçeği ve Açık Uçlu Sorular AUS formu kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın nicel verilerinden elde edilen verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler olan ilişkisiz örneklem t-testi, ilişkili örneklem t-testi, frekans f ve yüzde % teknikleri kullanılarak analiz edilirken, nitel verilerin analizinde ise içerik analizi tekniği kullanılmıştır.
The purpose of this study is to identify the attitudes of 9th-class students who participate in the teaching process of the subject of human environmental harm in the secondary-school biology course and the effects of existing learning methods used in the application of the collaborative learning method to the biology and environmental behavior. Half-experimental patterns of experimental models were used for the purpose of the research. The examples of the study are made by 103 9th grade students who studied in the different branches of the Caldır High School, associated with the Ardahan Provincial National Education Directorate in the 2011-2012 educational year. As a data collection tool in the study, the Biology Attitude Scale (BPO), the Environmental Behavior Scale (CEDO), the Jigsaw Opinion Scale and the Open Field Questions (AUS) forms were used. The analysis of the data obtained from the quantitative data of the study is analyzed using non-related sample t-test, related sample t-test, frequency (f) and percentage(%) techniques, while the analysis of the quality data is used by the content analysis technique.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of current learning methods and the Jigsaw technique, which is used in the application of cooperative learning method on the attitudes of the 9th grade students, who attend the teaching process of the subject titled “The Damages on the Environment Caused by the People” in the content of secondary school biology courses, on the field of biology and their environmental behaviours. In the direction of the purpose of the research, semi-experimental design, which is among the experimental models, was used. 103 9th grade students studying in different branches of Çıldır High School, which is under Ardahan Provincial National Education Directorate, in the 2011-2012 academic year, constituted the sample of the study. In the research, Biology Attitude Scale BAS , Environmental Behaviour Scale EBS , Jigsaw Opinion Scale and Open-Ended Questions OEQ Form were used as the data collection tools. In the analysis of the data obtained from the quantitative data of the research, unrelated sample t-test, related sample t-test, frequency f and percentage % techniques, which are descriptive statistics, were used; while the qualitative data were analyzed using the content analysis technique.
Dergi Türü : Uluslararası
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