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Tevfik Fikret’in “Saadet Ülkesi”Nde Metaforik Unsurlar
Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal

Bu makalede, Tevfik Fikret’in  (1867-1915) “Yeşil Yurt” şiirinden yola çıkılmış, şiirin metaforik ifade unsurları noktasında birtakım çıkarımlar elde etmek hedeflenmiştir. Şiirde “kaçış”, “bir yere sığınma” isteği çağrısımsal bir dille eserlere sızar ve birtakım ortaklıklar ön plana çıkar. Fikret aynı izleği “Ne İsterim”, “Bir An-ı Huzur”, “Ömr-i Muhayyel” şiirlerinde de “şema” şeklinde ve otomatik olarak kullanır. Böylece şiirin/şiirlerin metaforik yapısı noktasında kapsamlı veriler elde etmek kolaylaşır. Anlatıcı/özne huzurlu mekân arayışı/imgesi içindedir. Hayali bir uzamda yolculuk yapan anlatıcı sonsuz saadeti, huzuru benzer dilsel-kavramsal yapılarla ve yinelemeli olarak ele alır. Bu nedenle şiirde dış gerçekliğe dayalı anlamsal/kavramsal boyut ve bu boyutu sarsan eğretilemeli dil arasında birtakım veriler elde edilebilir.

Şiirdeki “tabiat insana huzur verir” temel kavramsal metaforu, dilsel ifadede tipik bir biçimde işlenir, buna rağmen şiirde alışılmışın dışında metaforik göndermelerden söz edilemez. Kültürün temsilciliğini yapan kavramsal bir metafor, dilsel metaforik düzlemde bir “şema”ya ait ifadelerden oluşmuş, şiirde alışılmadık biçimlerden çok bilindik bir genişleme-derinlik elde edilmiştir. Şiirde geçen ve şiiri okuyanlarda ortak bir algıyı ortaya çıkaran “tabiat huzur verir” şeklinde sıradan bir metafor, “yeşil ve sessiz köy” şeklinde sık kullanılan bir imajla birleşerek metaforik saha genişler. Dolayısıyla kültürün izlerini taşıyan “sıradan” bir düşünce,  “alışılmış” bir dille dönüştürülmüştür. Çalışmada, kavramsal olanın imgesel olanda yer alma biçimi irdelenmiş, şiirin metaforik yapısı “bilişsel teori” bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir. Böylece metaforun gizli ve kapsayıcı yönleri noktasında birtakım çıkarımlar elde edilmiştir.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Tevfik Fikret'in "Saadet Ülkesi"Nde Metaforik Unsurlar

In this article, it is aimed at obtaining a number of conclusions in the point of the metaphoric expressions of the poem, which is derived from the poem of Tevfik Fikret (1867-1915) "Green Country". In the poem, the desire for "flight", "to shelter somewhere" flows into the works in an inviting language, and a number of partnerships come to the forefront. Thought uses the same show in the poems "What I want", "A An-i Peace", "Omr-i Muhayyel" in the form of "shema" and automatically. This makes it easier to obtain comprehensive data in the metaphoric structure of the poems/poems. He is in the search of a peaceful place. The narrative who travels in a imaginary length deals with the infinite Sadiet, the peace with similar linguistic-cavrational structures and repeatedly. Therefore, a number of data can be obtained in the poem between the meaning/cavrational dimension based on the external reality and the curved language that distracts this dimension.

The basic conceptual metaphor in the poem "tabiat gives peace to man" is typically processed in the linguistic expression, but in the poem it is not possible to mention other metaphoric messages than usual. A conceptual metaphor that represents the culture is made up of expressions of a "shema" on the linguistic metaphoric plate, a widely known extension-deep in poetry from unusual forms. A common metaphor in the form of "tabiat gives peace" which passes in the poem and expands the metaphor field by combining with a common image in the form of "green and quiet village". Therefore, a “normal” thought that carries the traces of culture is converted into a “study” language. In the study, the way the conceptual is presented in the imaginary event was evaluated, the metaphoric structure of the poem was assessed in the context of "cognitive theory". Therefore, a number of conclusions have been obtained in the point of the secret and comprehensive aspects of the metafor.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Metaphoric Elements In The “saadet Ulkesi” Of Tevfik Fikret

In this article, the “Green Yurt” poem of Tevfik Fikret (1867-1915) is set out and it is aimed to obtain some implications in terms of the metaphorical expressions of the poem. In poetry, the desire to "escape" and "asylum somewhere" infiltrate the works with an invocative language and some partnerships come to the fore. Fikret uses the same track in his poems "Ne İsterim", "Bir An-ı Huzur" and "Ömr-i Muhayyel" as "schema" and automatically. Thus, it is easier to obtain comprehensive data on the metaphorical structure of poetry / poems. The narrator / subject is in search / image of peaceful space. The narrator, who travels in an imaginary space, treats eternal bliss with peaceful, similar linguistic-conceptual structures and recursively. Therefore, some data can be obtained between the semantic / conceptual dimension based on external reality and the metaphorical language that shook this dimension.

The basic conceptual metaphor of “nature gives peace to man” in poetry is typically studied in linguistic expression, and unusual metaphorical references cannot be mentioned in poetry. A conceptual metaphor representing the culture, has consisted of expressions belonging to a “schema” in the linguistic metaphoric plane, and obtained a familiar expansion-depth rather than unusual forms in poetry. An ordinary metaphor in the form of “nature gives peace” in the poem, which reveals a common perception in those who read poem, combines with a frequently used image in the form of “green and quiet village” and the metaphoric field expands. Therefore, an "ordinary" thought bearing the traces of culture has been transformed into a "customary" language. In the study, the way that the conceptual takes place in the imaginary is examined and the metaphorical structure of the poem is evaluated in the context of “cognitive theory”. Thus, some implications have been obtained in terms of hidden and inclusive aspects of metaphor.

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Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal

Alan :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 1.471
Atıf : 449
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal