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  Atıf Sayısı 2
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 İndirme 81
Almanya’daki Müslüman Topluma Katkıları Bağlamında Ditib’in Din Eğitimine Yönelik Faaliyetleri

İkinci Dünya Savaşı sonrasında oluşan işgücü açığını misafir işgücü alım anlaşmalarıyla kapatma yoluna giden Almanya, bazı Avrupa ülkelerinin yanında Türkiye, Fas ve Tunus gibi Müslüman nüfusun yoğun olduğu ülkelerle de anlaşmalar yapmıştır. Yapılan istihdam anlaşmaları neticesinde çok sayıda Müslüman Almanya’ya göç etmiş ve Almanya’da dinamik gelişim gösteren belirgin bir Müslüman varlığından söz edilmeye başlanmıştır. Göçmen işçilerin yabancı oldukları bir toplumda bulunmalarından kaynaklanan uyum, aidiyet, kimlik, yabancılaşma ve ayrımcılık gibi pek çok konuda problemler yaşamaları, onların daha sıkı tutumlar geliştirmelerini ve kendi aralarında dernekler kurarak örgütlenmelerini beraberinde getirmiştir. Özellikle 1973 yılındaki ekonomik kriz sebebiyle yabancı iş gücü istihdamının durdurul­ması üzerine pek çok göçmenin kalıcı olarak Almanya’ya yerleşmeye karar vermesi ve aile birleşimi sürecinden yararlanarak ailelerini de yanlarına almaları, örgütlenme sürecinin hızlanmasına ve pek çok cami derneğinin kurulmasına sebep olmuştur. Genellikle ibadethane merkezli kurulan bu dernekler ilerleyen süreçte birleşerek bölge birliklerini, federasyonları ve üst çatı örgütlerini oluşturmuşlardır. Almanya’daki çatı örgütlerinin en önemlilerinden birisi olan ve kuruluşu 1984’te Köln’de gerçekleştirilen Diyanet İşleri Türk İslam Birliği (DİTİB - Turkisch Islamische Union der Anstalt für Religion e.V.), günümüzde 900’e yakın üye derneği ile Almanya’daki en büyük sivil toplum örgütü olarak faaliyetlerini sürdürmektedir. DİTİB’in yürüttüğü faaliyetlerin ağırlık noktasını din eğitimine yönelik çalışmalar teşkil etmekte ve bu faaliyetlerin planlanma, koordinasyon ve hazırlık süreçleri, DİTİB Din Hizmetleri ve Din Eğitimi Uygulamaları Müdürlüğü ve DİTİB Eğitim Araştırma ve Yayın Hizmetleri Müdürlüğü tarafından yürütülmektedir. Hazırlanan programlar ve yapılması planlanan faaliyetler, DİTİB camilerinde DİB tarafından görevlendirilen din görevlileri vasıtasıyla gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bu çalışma da, Almanya’daki Müslüman topluma yönelik cami içi ve dışı alanlarda din eğitimi faaliyetleri yürüten DİTİB’in okul öncesi eğitim çalışmaları, ilk ve orta öğretim düzeyindeki öğrencilere yönelik Kur’an-ı Kerim ve dini bilgiler kursları, gençlere yönelik çalışmalar, rehberlik ve danışmanlık hizmetleri, mühtedilere yönelik çalışmalar, Almanya’da ilahiyat eğitimini tamamlayan öğrencilere yönelik hazırlanan seminerler, Uluslararası İlahiyat Programı, yükseköğrenim gören öğrencilere yönelik yardım çalışmaları ve yayın faaliyetleri konu edilmektedir. DİTİB, hemen hemen her yaş gurubuna yönelik din eğitimi hizmeti sunmaktadır. Okul öncesi çocuklara yönelik olarak Kindermoschee değerler eğitimi programı eğitim hayatına başlayan çocukların aidiyet duygularını geliştirmek üzere planlanmış Bed-i Besmele programı ilk ve orta öğretim düzeyindeki çocukların temel dini eğitim ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere Kur’an-ı Kerim ve Dini Bilgiler Kursları düzenlenmektedir. Son yıllarda, din eğitimi faaliyetlerinin okul tarzında donatılan sınıflarda ve örgün eğitim kurumları benzeri bir müfredata göre yürütülmesi, din eğitimi faaliyetlerinin ehemmiyet ve nitelik kazanmasına önemli katkılar sağlamaktadır.  DİTİB bünyesinde gençlere yönelik olarak Gençlik Sohbetleri, Değerler Eğitimi Programı ve Eğitim Umresi gibi faaliyetler gerçekleştirilmektedir. Söz konusu programlarla gençlerin, inanç ve ibadet konularında bilinçlen­di­ri­lerek akıl, beden ve ruh sağlıklarını muhafaza etmeleri, sahih dini bilgi kaynağı olarak camiyi benimsemeleri, dini, ahlaki ve milli kimliklerini muhafaza etmeleri ve bilgili, ahlaklı, erdemli bireyler olarak toplumda yer edinmelerine katkı sağlanması amaçlanmaktadır. Dini danışmanlık ve manevi rehberlik hizmetleri, günümüzde oldukça ihtiyaç duyulan ve hapishane, hastane, yaşlılar yurdu, bağımlılık tedavi merkezleri, bakım hizmetlerinin yürütüldüğü çeşitli kuruluşlar gibi geniş bir çalışma alanına sahip olan bir hizmet dalıdır. Bu önemli hizmet alanında başarılı hizmetler yürüten DİTİB, hem İslami Manevi Rehberlik konusunda bir eğitim programının hazırlanması, hem de danışmanlık ve rehberlik hizmetlerini yürütecek uzman kişilerin eğitilmesi ve yetiştirilmesi konularında çalışmalarını sürdürmektedir. Almanya’daki bütün Müslümanlara yönelik çalışmalarını sürdüren DİTİB’in, kayda değer çalışmalarından birisi de mühtedilere yönelik düzenlenen seminerlerdir. İhtiyaç duydukları konulardaki bilgi eksikliklerini gidermek amacıyla düzenlenen seminerlerle mühtedilerin, yeni dâhil oldukları dinin temel esaslarını sahih kaynaklardan öğrenmeleri ve Kur’an-ı Kerim’i okuyabilecek bir seviyeye ulaşmaları hedeflenmektedir. Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı ve DİTİB iş birliğiyle Almanya’daki Müslüman toplumun gereksinimlerine cevap verebilecek nitelikli insan kaynağının yetiştirilmesi amacıyla 2006 yılında hayata geçirilen Uluslararası İlahiyat Programı, Türkçe ve Almanca dillerine vakıf din görevlilerinin yetiştirilmesi bakımından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Program kapsamında Türkiye’de öğrenim gören UİP öğrencileri, ilahiyat eğitimini başarıyla tamamlamalarının ardından DİB bünyesinde Almanya başta olmak üzere diğer Avrupa ülkelerinde “sözleşmeli din görevlisi” statüsünde istihdam edilmektedirler. DİTİB’in gerçekleştirdiği önemli çalışmalardan bir diğeri, üniversitelerde öğrenim gören öğrencilere yönelik eğitim yardımlarıdır. Nitelikli Müslüman ilim adamlarının yetişmesini sağlamak ve İslâmî araştırmaların yapılmasını desteklemek amacıyla DİTİB, Türkiye’nin ve Almanya’nın çeşitli üniversitelerinde öğrenim gören lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora düzeyindeki öğrencilere eğitim yardımları yapmaktadır. Ayrıca DİTİB, Almanya’daki ilahiyat merkezlerinin bulunduğu bölgelerdeki DİTİB dernekleri bünyesinde açtığı öğrenci evleriyle, öğrencilerin barınma ihtiyaçlarının karşılanmasına yönelik de çalışmalar yürütmektedir. Din eğitimine yönelik hizmetlerini yayın hizmetleriyle de zenginleştiren DİTİB gerek topluma gerek cami din eğitimi sürecine gerekse de akademik camiaya uygun düzeyde hazırladığı eserlerle Almanya’da din eğitimi alanında önemli çalışmalar yürütmektedir. İki dilli olarak hazırlanan özgün yayın çalışmalarının yanı sıra tercüme faaliyetleri de gerçekleştiren DİTİB, yayın faaliyetlerini Eğitim Araştırma ve Yayın Hizmetleri Müdürlüğü uhdesinde sürdürmektedir. Ayrıca genel merkez binasında hizmete açılan ihtisas kütüphanesi, İslam ilahiyatı alanında Almanya’da çalışan araştırmacılara temel kaynaklara ulaşma imkânı sunmaktadır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Almanya’daki Musluman Topluma Katkilari Baglaminda Di̇ti̇b’in Din Egitimine Yonelik Faaliyetleri

Germany, which is on the way to close the workforce gap that was formed after World War II with guest labour acquisition agreements, has concluded agreements with some European countries along with countries where Muslim population is intense, such as Turkey, Morocco and Tunisia. As a result of the employment agreements, many Muslims have migrated to Germany and a clear Muslim existence in Germany has begun to be mentioned. The fact that immigrant workers experience problems in many matters, such as harmony, affiliation, identity, alienation, and discrimination, resulted in the development of their stricter attitudes and organization by establishing associations among themselves. Especially due to the economic crisis of 1973, many migrants decided to permanently settle in Germany after the cessation of foreign labour employment, and they took their families to their side by taking advantage of the process of family unification, accelerating the process of organizing and establishing many mosque associations. These associations, which are generally centered on worship, united in the progressive process and formed regional unions, federations and top roof organizations. The Turkish Islamic Union of Anstalt für Religion (Turkisch Islamische Union der Anstalt für Religion) was established in Cologne in 1984. Today, it is the largest civil society organization in Germany with 900 member associations. The weight of the activities carried out by DITIB is the work aimed at religious education and the planning, coordination and preparation processes of these activities are carried out by the DITIB Religious Services and Religious Education Applications Directorate and the DITIB Education Research and Broadcasting Services Directorate. The prepared programmes and the planned activities are carried out through the religious officials appointed by the DIB in the DITIB mosques. This study also focuses on the DITIB, which carries out religious education activities in the mosque and outside areas of the Muslim society in Germany; pre-school education studies, Qur’an-i Kerim and religious information courses for students at the primary and secondary education level, youth studies, guidance and consultancy services, works for the teachers, prepared seminars for students who have completed the theology education in Germany, the International Theology Program, assistance studies for students who have received higher education and publication activities. The DITIB offers religious education services for almost every age group. The Kindermoschee Values Education Program for Pre-School Children; the Bed-i Nutrition Program designed to develop the feelings of affiliation of children who begin their educational life; the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Religious Knowledge Courses are organized to meet the basic religious education needs of children at the primary and secondary level of education. In recent years, the conduct of religious education activities in classrooms equipped in school style and according to a curriculum similar to ordinary educational institutions has made significant contributions to the gain of skill and qualification of religious education activities.  In the DITIB, activities aimed at youth conversations, values education program and education age are conducted. The aim of these programmes is to ensure that young people are aware of their mind, body and mind health, to adopt the mosque as a true source of religious knowledge, to preserve their religious, moral and national identities, and to contribute to their participation in the society as knowledgeable, moral and decent individuals. Religious consultancy and spiritual guidance services are a branch of service that is very needed today and has a wide range of work areas such as prisons, hospitals, elderly homes, addiction treatment centers, various organizations where care services are carried out. The DITIB, which performs successful services in this important service field, continues its work on the preparation of a training program on Islamic Spiritual Guidance, as well as the training and training of specialists who will carry out consultancy and guidance services. The DITIB, which continues its work towards all Muslims in Germany, is one of the remarkable works that are organized for the Muslims. Through the seminars organized in order to solve the lack of knowledge on the topics they need, the teachers are aimed at learning the basic principles of the religion they are newly included from authentic sources and at a level that can read the Qur’an-i Kerim. The International Theological Programme, which was implemented in 2006 with the aim of training the qualified human resources that can meet the needs of the Muslim society in Germany in cooperation with the Presidency of the Divine Affairs and the DITIB, is of great importance in terms of training the religious staff of the Foundation in the Turkish and German languages. UIP students studying in Turkey under the program are employed in the status of "contractual religious officer" in other European countries, including Germany, after successfully completing the teaching of the gods. Another important work done by DITIB is educational assistance to students studying at universities. In order to ensure the education of qualified Muslim scientists and to support the conduct of Islamic research, DITIB provides educational assistance to students at the bachelor, master and doctoral level studying in various universities in Turkey and Germany. In addition, the DITIB works with the student houses opened within the DITIB associations in the areas where the theological centers in Germany are located, and the students are also working to meet their housing needs. The DITIB, which has enriched its services for religious education with its broadcasting services, does important work in the field of religious education in Germany with its works prepared at a level appropriate to the academic community, even if it is necessary for society and the process of religious education. In addition to the original broadcasting work prepared in two languages, the DITIB, which also performs translation activities, continues its broadcasting activities under the Education Research and Broadcasting Services Directorate. The special library, which is open to service in the general center building, also offers the opportunity for researchers working in Germany in the field of Islamic theology to access basic resources.

The Religious Education-oriented Activities Of Ditib In The Context Of The Contributions To The Muslim Community In Germany

Germany, which went on to close the labor gap after the Second World War with guest labor agreements, has also made agreements with some European countries as well as countries with a large Muslim population such as Turkey, Morocco and Tunisia. As a result of the employment agreements, many Muslims emigrated to Germany and there was a significant Muslim presence in Germany that developed dynamically. Immigrant workers have problems in many subjects such as harmony, belonging, identity, alienation and discrimination arising from their presence in a society where they are foreigners and these problems have led them to develop tighter attitudes and to organize associations among themselves. In particular, due to the economic crisis in 1973, many immigrants decided to settle in Germany permanently and took their families with them by taking advantage of the family reunification process, which led to the acceleration of the organization process and the establishment of many mosque associations. These associations, usually based in places of worship, merged in the process and formed regional associations, federations and upper roof organizations. The Turkish - Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB - Turkisch Islamische Union der Anstalt für Religion e.V.), one of the most important roof organizations in Germany, was founded in Cologne in 1984, today, it is the largest non-governmental organization in Germany with nearly 900 member associations. The focus of the activities carried out by DITIB is on religious education and the planning, coordination and preparation processes of these activities are carried out by DITIB Directorate of religious services and Religious Education Practices and DITIB Directorate of Educational Research and Publication services. The prepared programs and planned activities are carried out in the mosques of DITIB through religious officials appointed by DIB (Directorate of Religious Affairs) In this study, DITIB, which carries out religious education activities for the Muslim community in and outside mosques in Germany, focuses on pre-school education activities, Qur’an and religious information courses for primary and secondary students, studies for Youth, Guidance and counseling services, studies for students who have completed theological education in Germany, seminars for students who have completed Theological (İlahiyat) education in Germany, International Theological Program. DITIB provides religious education services for almost all age groups. Kindermoschee, values education program for pre-school children; Bed-i Bes­mele program planned to improve the sense of belonging of children starting their educational life; Qur’an and Religious Studies courses are organized to meet the basic religious educational needs of primary and secondary school children. In recent years, the conduct of religious education activities in classrooms equipped in the school style and according to a curriculum similar to formal educational institutions has contributed significantly to the importance and qualification of religious education activities. Activities such as Youth Talks, Values Education Program and Education Umrah are carried out for young people within DITIB. With these programs, young people should be aware of their beliefs and worship, to maintain their mental, physical and mental health, to adopt the mosque as a source of true religious knowledge, to preserve their religious, moral and national identities, and to be knowledgeable, it is aimed to contribute to their place in society as moral and virtuous individuals. Religious counseling and spiritual guidance services are well-needed today, with a wide range of workspaces, such as prisons, hospitals, elderly homes, addiction treatment centers, and various organizations where care services are carried out. DITIB, which carries out successful services in this important field of Service, continues to work both in the preparation of a training program on Islamic spiritual guidance and in the training of experts who will carry out consultancy and guidance services. One of the notable works of DITIB, which continues its work towards all Muslims in Germany, is the seminars organized for muhtadis (converts to Islam). The seminars organized to address the lack of information on the subjects they need are aimed to enable the converts to learn the basic principles of their new religion from authentic sources and to reach a level where they may read the Qur’an. The International Theology (Ilahiyat) Program, which was established in 2006 with the cooperation of the Directorate of Religious Affairs and DITIB to provide qualified human resources to meet the needs of the Muslim community in Germany, is of great importance in terms of training of religious officials in Turkish and German languages. UIP students who have studied in Turkey under the program are employed as “contracted Religious clerics” in other European countries, especially in Germany, after successfully completing their theological education. Another important work that DITIB has performed is educati­onal/financial assistance for students studying at universities. In order to educate qualified Muslim scholars and to support Islamic studies, DITIB provides educational assistance to undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students studying at various universities in Turkey and Germany. In addition, DITIB is working to meet the housing needs of the students through the student houses it has opened within the DITIB associations in the regions where there are theological centers in Germany. DITIB, which enriches its services for religious education with its broadcasting services, carries out important studies in the field of religious education in Germany with its works prepared in accordance with the society, the religious education process of the mosque and the academic community. DITIB carries out translation activities as well as original bilingual publications and continues its publishing activities under the supervision of Directorate of Educational Research and Publishing Services. In addition, the specialized library, which is opened in the headquarters building, provides access to basic resources for researchers working in the field of Islamic Theology in Germany.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Alan :   İlahiyat; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 958
Atıf : 1.216
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