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Tutuklu Anneler ve Cocuklari Erken Cocuklukta Geli̇si̇msel Sonuclar, Ri̇skler ve Zorluklar
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies

Herhangi bir sebeple yaşanabilecek ebeveyn hapsinin çocuklar ve gençler üzerinde yoğun stres yaratan bir durum olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu yoğun stresin ebeveyn hapsinin yaşandığı dönem boyunca devam ettiği bilinmekte ve bu dönemde özellikle çocuk ve bakım veren ilişkisinde yaşanan aksaklıklar sonucunda erken çocukluk döneminde bazı gelişimsel sonuçlar ve riskler söz konusu olabilmektedir. Ebeveyn hapsi sonrası yaşanabilecek barınma ve ekonomik sorunlar, sosyal olarak etiketlenme ya da bu durumu gizli tutma baskısı, en önemlisi de psikolojik olarak var olan ancak fiziksel olarak bulunmayan bir ebeveyne sahip olmanın belirsizliği bu dönemde yaşanabilecek belirli zorluklara örnektir. Bu derleme çalışma, anneleri cezaevinde olan erken çocukluk dönemindeki çocukların çevresel yoksunluklarına, gelişimsel sonuçlara ve risklere ilişkin genel bir çerçeve sunmanın yanı sıra Türkiye’de ve Dünya’da ebeveyn hapsinin, anneden zorunlu olarak ayrı kalmanın erken çocukluk dönemindeki olası bazı etkilerinin tartışılması üzerine yapılandırılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında konu ile ilgili yapılmış bazı araştırma makaleleri, derleme makaleler ve tez çalışmaları incelenmiş, bu doğrultuda alanda konu ile ilgili sunulan görüşlere yer verilmeye çalışılmıştır. Ulaşılan çalışmalar sonucunda, tutuklu anneler ile çocuklara dair çıktılar, bağlanma kuramı, çevresel yoksunluk ve koruyucu faktörlerin neler olabileceği ana başlıkları üzerinden değerlendirilerek sunulmuş ve gelecekteki araştırmalar için bazı önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


Prisoned Mothers and Children Early Childhood Developmental Consequences, Risks and Difficulty

Any one Parental imprisonment is known as a situation that causes intense stress on children and adolescents. This intense stress. It is known that parental imprisonment continues throughout the period, and during this period, the disorders in the relationship between the child and the caregiver may result in some developmental consequences and risks in early childhood. The housing and economic problems that may arise after parents' imprisonment, social labelling or the pressure to keep this situation secret, and most importantly the uncertainty of having a parent that is psychically present but not physically present, are examples of certain difficulties that may arise during this period. This aggregation study is based on providing a general framework on environmental disadvantages, developmental consequences and risks of children in early childhood where their mothers are imprisoned, as well as discussing the possible effects of parental imprisonment in Turkey and the world, forced separation from their mothers in early childhood. In the framework of the study, some research articles, compilation articles and the thesis work have been studied, and in this direction the views presented on the subject have been tried to be included. The findings of the studies have been presented by assessing outcomes on prison mothers and children, the connection theory, environmental absence and protective factors, and some recommendations for future research have been presented.


Prisoned Mothers and Their Children: Developmental Consequences, Risks and Difficulties In Early Childhood

It is known that parental confinement, which can be experienced for any reason, is a situation that creates intense stress on children and young people. This intense stress continues throughout the period of parental confinement, and there are some developmental consequences and risks in early childhood, especially as a result of the disruptions experienced in the relationship between the child and the caregiver. Housing and economic problems that can be experienced after parental confinement, social labeling or pressure to keep this situation secret, and most importantly, the uncertainty of having a parent who is psychologically present but physically absent are examples of certain difficulties that can be experienced during this period. This review study is structured to present a general framework regarding the environmental deprivation, developmental outcomes and risks of early childhood children whose mothers are in prison, as well as to discuss some possible effects of parental confinement and forced separation from their mothers in early childhood in Turkey and in the world. Within the scope of the study, some research articles, compilation articles and thesis studies on the subject were examined, and in this direction, the opinions presented on the subject in the field were tried to be included. As a result of the studies reached, the outputs of imprisoned mothers and children were presented by evaluating the main headings of attachment theory, environmental deprivation and protective factors, and some suggestions were made for future research.


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The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 3.397
Cite : 11.203
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