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  Citation Number 4
 Views 77
 Downloands 45
Hemşirelik Eğitiminde Altı Şapkalı Düşünme Tekniğinin Kullanımı: İki Farklı Tekniğin Karşılaştırılması
Kastamonu Education Journal

Öğrenciler her gün basit ya da zor birçok karar vermektedirler. Bu zor kararları vermeye çalışırken, düşünülmüş kararlara varmada tüm adımları düşünmeyi sıkça başaramamaktadırlar. Altı şapkalı düşünme tekniği, zor yaşam kararlarını vermede çeşitli görüşlerden yararlanma ve düşünmede öğrencilere yardım etmektedir. Amaç: Hemşirelik eğitiminde altı şapkalı düşünme tekniği ile düz anlatım tekniği karşılaştırılarak öğrenci hemşirelerin öğrenme başarısına hangi tekniğin daha etkili olduğunun belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Ön test, son test kontrol gruplu deneme modeline göre yarı deneysel olarak gerçekleştirilen araştırma kapsamına,  bir hemşirelik fakültesinde öğrenim gören birinci sınıf öğrencilerinden araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden öğrenciler alınmıştır (n=126). Araştırma verileri, “Tanıtıcı Bilgi Formu” ve “Sağlığı Geliştirme” konusunda araştırmacılar tarafından ilgili literatür doğrultusunda hazırlanan bilgi testleri ön-test, son-test kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde, sayı, yüzde dağılımları ve t-testi yapılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Deney grubunun son test puan ortalaması 58,09±18,09 ile kontrol grubunun son test puan ortalaması 51,98±14,32 bulunmuştur. Deney ve kontrol grubunun son test puan ortalamaları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olduğu belirlenmiştir (p<0.05). Öğrenciler, Altı Şapkalı Düşünme tekniğinin farklı, eğlenceli, zevkli olduğunu ifade etmişlerdir. Sonuçlar: Altı şapkalı düşünme tekniğinin başarıyı geleneksel yöntemlere göre daha çok arttırdığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Ayrıca, çalışmanın hemşirelik öğrencilerinin kritik düşünme yeteneklerinin gelişmesi için önemli olan yaratıcı eğitim yönteminin kullanımının test edilmesi açısından da önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir.


Use of Six Hat Thinking Techniques in Nursing Education: Comparing Two Different Techniques

Student nurses every day, give many decisions a simple or difficult. This teaching technique is helping for student nurses to make difficult decisions in life with thinking and using a variety of opinions. Aim: This study compared to the six hat thinking technique, the student lecturing technique of nurses in terms of learning achievement was conducted to determine which technique is more effective and permanent. Method: In the quasi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test control group, students who were accepted to participate in the survey were selected from the first-year students who were studying at a faculty of nursing (n=126). Research data, "Information Form" and "Health Promotion" by the researchers in the information prepared in accordance with the related literature testing the pre-test and post-testing were collected using. Analysis of the data, number, percentage and research findings were evaluated and compared by t-test. Results: The post-test score of the experimental group was 58,09 ± 18,09 and the post-test score of the control group was 51,98 ± 14,32. It was determined that there was a statistically significant difference between the experimental and control group's final test scores (p <0.05). Students expressed that The Six Thinking Hats technique was different, fun, and enjoyable. The result was that the six- thinking hat technique increased the success more than traditional methods. It is also believed that the study is important in terms of testing the use of creative instruction that is crucial to the development of critical thinking skills of nursing students.


Nursing Education Method In The Use Of The Six Thinking Hats: Comparison Of Two Different Techniques

Student nurses every day, give many decided a simple or difficult. This teaching technique is helping for student nurses to give difficult decisions in life with thinking and using a variety of opinions. Aim: This study compared to the six hat thinking technique, the student lecturing technique of nurses in terms of learning achievement was conducted to determine which technique is more effective and permanent. Method: In the quasi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test control group, students who were accepted to participate in the survey were selected from the first-year students who were studying at a faculty of nursing (n=126). Research data, "Information Form" and "Health Promotion" by the researchers in the information prepared in accordance with the related literature testing the pre-test and post-testing were collected using. Analysis of the data, number, percentage and research findings were evaluated and compared by t-test. Results: The Post-test score of the experimental group was 58,09 ± 18,09 and the post-test score of the control group was 51,98 ± 14,32. It was determined that there was a statistically significant difference between the experimental and control group's final test scores (p <0.05). Students expressed that The Six Thinking Hats technique was different, fun, and enjoyable. Conclusion: The result was that the six- thinking hat technique increased the success more than traditional methods. It is also believed that the study is important in terms of testing the use of creative instruction that is crucial to the development of critical thinking skills of nursing students.


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Kastamonu Education Journal

Field :   Eğitim Bilimleri

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 1.877
Cite : 20.950
Basic Field of Educational Sciences

Kastamonu Education Journal