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Kaygı ile Başa Çıkmada Sporun Etkisinin Kardeş Sayısı Açısından İncelenmesi / The Examıne The Effects Of Sport In Order To Cope Wıth Anxıety From The Poınt Of The Brothers
Research in Sport Education and Sciences

(a1J~mada kaygl ile ba§a ~Ikmada sporun etkisinin kardq saYlsl a'rlsmdan incelenmesi ama'rlandJ. .. Ara§tlrma drnekJemini Konya Sel'ruk Universitesi Egitim Fakiiltesinin 7 farkh boWmuude okuyan 311 spor yapmayan ogrenci olu§turdu. Ara§tlrmada surekJi kaygJ ol<:eg-i CSTAI) kullanJldl. YUksek kaygJ duzeyine sahip 60 ogrenci kontroJ ve deney grubu olarak ikiye aynldl. Konlrol grubu kendi normal ya§amlna blraklhrken, deney grubuna ara§tmnanm ba§lnda ortasmda ve sonunda olmak Uzere 3 kez (STAI) uygulanacak kaygJ duzeyleri belirlendi ve 2, 5 aylJk sUre ile deney grubuna haftada 3 kez spor et· kinJikleri uygulandJ. Sonu'rlar Istatistiksel olarak analiz edildi. KOlllrol vc deney grubunu olu§Luran bgrencilerin karde§ saY1SI degi§kenine gore incelenmesi sonucunda, kontrol grubunu olu§turan ogrencileri n kaygJ duzeylerinde artl§ gozlenirken, deney grubunda tum kategorilerde kaygl duzeylerinde azalma gorUldU. Bu azalmamn en etkili oldugu grup ise 3-4 karde§i olan ogrencilerde gdrti]dti. istatistiksel olarak anlamlJ sonucun elde edilmesi bunun bir gostergcsidir. Kaygl iLe ba§a 'rllcmada sparun etkisinin karde§ say's] degi§kenine gore incelenmesi sonucunda sporun kayglyl azaltma konusunda etkin bir rol oynadlg-I tespit ediJdi. Kaygl iJe spor araSlnda negatjf bir ili§ki soz konusu duro Spor soz konusu oldug-unda kayglda a7.alma goriilmektedir. Summary This work has been prepared with the aim of searching the effects of the sports in the struggling with the anxiety related with the brother number. Research models were 31 I non-sportsmen students who wcre attending in 7 different departments in Education FaculLy of Sel<:uk University in Konya. In the research, continious anxiety measure was used - STAI- 60 students who have high anxiety level have separeted into two groups as conLrol group and experimental group. While. the conLrol group was maintaining their d.aily life. the experimental group was applied Continous anxiety Level three Limes as in the begining , middle finish of the research, in order LO measure their anxiety level. Then. they were carried out sportive activities three times a week. After all. the results of this research was analysed as sLatiscal : While the control group student's anxiety level was maintaining its resing, Lhere was thc clear falling in experimcntal group's anxiety level, an especially in the person who have 4 or more brother. This statiscal results show that sport have certain positive effects in reducing anxiety related with brothers. There ise a negative relation between sports and anxiet)'. Anxiety can always bc preventcd or at least reduced by all of the sports.


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Research in Sport Education and Sciences

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Research in Sport Education and Sciences