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Bahtiyar Vahabzade’nin Tahkiye, Tasvir ve Tahlil Örneği Olarak “atılmışlar” Şiirinde Mehmet Âkif Ersoy Etkisi
Karadeniz Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

Human and society are present at the heart of the poems of Bahtiyar Vahabzade who is one of the greatest representatives of the 20th century Ajarbaijani Turkish Literature. The poet was engaged in serious issues such as the problems of the society until the last years of his life. It is seen that the poet who observed the era he lived in gave great importance to the concept of family which is the basis to the nation. In this article, the power of narration, analysis and depiction in Bahtiyar Vahabzade’s long poem “Atılmışlar” which deals with mother-child-society with a different perspective and the influence of Mehmet Âkif Ersoy, who is considered the most important representative of poetic story genre in Turkish Literature and used analysis and depiction in his poems, on these elements has been tried to be identified. Âkif’s influence in many aspects of Vahabzade's poem “Atılmışlar” has been identified.


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