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Hikâyet-i Üveysü’l-Karanî’de dudak uyumu
RumeliDe Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi

Dudak uyumu, Türkçenin en belirgin özelliklerinden biridir. Bu özellik Eski Türkçe döneminde büyük oranda korunmuş ancak Batı Türkçesinde bozulmaya başlamıştır. Eski Anadolu Türkçesi dudak uyumu bakımından Türkçenin en istikrarsız dönemidir. Bunun altında birtakım fonetik tesirler yatmakla beraber bazı kelimelerde herhangi bir sebebe bağlı olmadan uyumu bozucu yuvarlaklaşmaların olduğu görülmektedir. Uyumu bozan yapılar Klasik Osmanlıcada uyuma bağlanmıştır. Fakat bu süreç hemen olmamış, bir süre ek veya kelimelerin uyumu bozan şekillerinin yanında uyumlu şekilleri de kullanılmıştır. Türkçe gibi geniş alanlara yayılmış ve imparatorlukların dili olmuş bir dilin oluşumları, dönüşüm ve değişimleri için belli bir zaman aralığına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Eklerin tarihi süreçte uyuma bağlanma hızlarının ve uyum sağlama durumlarının tespiti için geçiş dönemi eserlerinin incelenmesi şarttır. 15. yüzyılın sonlarıyla 16. yüzyılın başlarında yaşadığı kabul edilen Sabâyî mahlaslı müellifin kaleminden çıkmış olan Hikâyet-i Üveysü’l- Karanî adlı eserin barındırdığı örnekler üzerine yapılmış bu çalışmanın dudak uyumunun sağlanma sürecinin, bu süreçte Anadolu yazı dilinin tarihsel değişimlerinin ve bugünkü sistemli yapısını borçlu olduğu geçiş aşamalarının aydınlatılmasına katkı sağlayacağı düşüncesindeyiz. Eserde eklerin ikili kullanımlarına sıkça rastlanmaktadır. Çalışma neticesinde daima düz veya yuvarlak ünlülü olan kelime ve eklerin tespiti yapılmış ve örneklendirilmiştir. Fakat asıl önemli olan ve dönemi aydınlatabilecek yapılar ikili kullanımlardır. Bu ikili kullanımlar, kelimelerde olabildiği gibi eklerde de görülebilmektedir.


The story of the mouth in the mouth.

The mouth consistency is one of the most notable features of Turkish. This feature was largely preserved in the ancient Turkish era but began to disrupt in the Western Turkish. Ancient Anadolu Turkish is the most unstable period of Turkish in terms of mouth conformity. Under this a number of phonetic adhesions are found to be in some words without any reason related to harmony disturbing rotating. The structures that break the conformity are connected to the classical Ottoman. But this process did not happen immediately, for a while, the add-ons or the forms that distort the harmony of the words were also used. It requires a certain period of time for the formation, transformation and change of a language that has been spread to the broad spheres such as Turkish and the language of the empires. It is necessary to study transitional works to identify the speed of sleep connection and the conditions of adaptation in the historic process of the additions. In the end of the 15th century and in the beginning of the 16th century, we believe that the process of ensuring the mouthful conformity of this work, which has been done on the examples contained by the story-i Uveysü'l-Karanî, which is believed to have lived in the early 16th century, will contribute to the enlightenment of the transition phases in which the historical changes of the Anatolian writing language and the current systemic structure are due. It is often used for double use. As a result of the study, the words and additions that are always straight or round famous have been identified and sampled. But the main thing and the structures that can illuminate the period are dual uses. These two uses can also be seen in the additions, as can be in words.


Labial Harmony In The Hikâyet-i Uveysu’l-karanî

Labial harmony is one of the most prominent features of Turkish. This feature was largely preserved in the Old Turkish period, but began to deteriorate in Western Turkish. Old Anatolian Turkish is the most unstable period of Turkish in point of labial harmony. A number of phonetic effects underlie this and also some words are observed to contain disharmonized labialization for no particular reason. Disharmonized structures are tied to vowel harmony in Classical Ottoman Turkish. However, this process did not take place immediately and both disharmonized as well as harmonized forms of suffixes and words had been used for a period. A certain amount of time is required for a language such as Turkish, which is spread across a wide geography and has spoken as a language of empires, to form, evolve and change. Analyzing works of the transition period is necessary in order to identify the rates at which suffixes become dependent upon harmony over the course of history and thus their status to harmonize. We are of the opinion that this study conducted on examples taken from the work titled Hikâyet-i Üveysü’l- Karanî penned by an author who went under the pseudonym Sabâyî would contribute to shed light on the process of lip rounding-based vowel harmony, its historical evolution of written Anatolian Turkish in this process and transition stages to which its present systematic structure owes. Suffixes having a dual use are frequently encountered in the work. As a result of this study, words and suffixes containing unrounded or rounded vowels were identified and their examples were presented. However, structures, which are, in fact, important and will shed light on this period, are their dual use. These dual usages are also seen in suffixes as in words.


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