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 Görüntüleme 68
 İndirme 14
Selçuk İletişim

İdeolojik bir aygıt olarak medya, temsiller aracılığıyla belirli anlamların üretildiği başlıca alanlardan biridir. 'Yabancı' ve 'öteki' olarak Suriyeli sığınmacıların haber ve köşe yazılarındaki temsillerinin, okuyucular üzerinde belirleyici olduğu genel kabul görse de kamuoyunun düşüncelerinin oluşmasında ve öteki temsilinin biçimlenmesinde medya temsili tek belirleyici değildir. Çalışmanın hipotezi, Suriyeli sığınmacıların Kocaeli yerel medyasında yer alan haber ve köşe yazılarındaki temsili ile okur yorumlarındaki öteki kurgusunun benzerlikler içerse de büyük ölçüde karşıt olduğudur. Çalışmada, Suriyeli sığınmacıların haber ve köşe yazıları ile okur yorumu temsillerindeki başlıca bakış açılarının ortaya çıkartılması temsildeki farklılık ve benzerliklerin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Kocaeli’de en yüksek tiraja sahip ilk beş gazete içerisinden seçilen Özgür Kocaeli, Kocaeli Demokrat ve Kocaeli gazetelerinde, 2018 yılı boyunca çıkan Suriyeli sığınmacılara ilişkin haber ve köşe yazıları ile bunlara yapılan okur yorumları, niceliksel ve niteliksel içerik analiziyle incelenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre gazetelerin neredeyse aynı olayları haberleştirdikleri, benzer temsil biçimleri ve söylem unsurları ürettikleri görülmüştür. Suriyeli sığınmacıların, haberlerde çoğunlukla yoksullukları ve mağduriyetleriyle olumlu veya tarafsız şekilde ele alındığı tespit edilmiştir. Haberlerdeki olumlu ve tarafsız temsillerin aksine okur yorumlarındaki ötekileştirici ve ayrımcı söylemlerle, stereotipik sığınmacı temsillerin yeniden üretildiği bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Çalışmada, Suriyeli sığınmacıların haber ve köşe yazılarındaki temsillerinin, okur yorumları üstünde birebir belirleyici olmadığı hipotezi doğrulanmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

In the local basin the analysis of the news and readings of the council of the Syrian citizens of the news and reading

As an ideological instrument, the media is one of the main fields in which certain meanings are produced through representations. Although the general recognition is that the representations of Syrian refugees as 'strangers' and 'other' in the news and corner writings are decisive on the readers, the media representation is not the only determinant in the formation of the opinions of the public and the formation of the other representation. The hypothesis of the study is that the representation of Syrian refugees in the Kocaeli local media news and corner writings with the other fiction in readers' comments is similar, although it is largely contradictory. The study aims to reveal the main points of view in the news and corner writings of Syrian refugees and readers’ interpretation representations; to identify the differences and similarities in representations. The free Kocaeli, Kocaeli Democrats and Kocaeli newspapers, selected among the first five high-tiraja newspapers in Kocaeli, have been examined by quantitative and qualitative content analysis, with news and corner writings on Syrian refugees from the year 2018. The findings found that the newspapers almost the same events, produced similar forms of representation and speech elements. It has been found that Syrian refugees are mostly treated in the news in a positive or neutral way with their poverty and victims. Contrary to the positive and neutral representations in the news, it has been revealed that stereotypic refugee representations are re-produced by self-expressing and discriminatory statements in the readers’ comments. The study confirmed the hypothesis that the representations of Syrian refugees in the news and corner writings are not determining each other over the readers’ comments.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Comparative Analysis On Local Press Representations Of Syrian Refugees On News and Reader Comments

As an ideological medium, press is a major field that creates meanings through representations. Although it is an admitted fact that the representation of Syrian refugees as 'foreign' and 'marginal' is a determinant factor that affects readers’ opinions, press is not the only determinant that shapes the public opinion and the trends to represent certain groups as marginal. The hypothesis of this study is that the representation of Syrian refugees on news and columns published by the local press in Kocaeli and the concept of ‘marginal’ in readers’ comments are highly contradictory, despite the similarities they bear. This study aims to reveal major perspectives seen in the representation of Syrian refugees on news and column and readers’ comments and to identify differences and similarities between these representations. Özgür Kocaeli, Kocaeli Demokrat, and Kocaeli Daily newspapers were chosen among the top 5 local newspapers in Kocaeli Province with highest circulation rates and the news, columns, and readers’ comments published throughout 2018 were analyzed through quantitative and qualitative content analysis methods. According to the findings, it was identified that the newspapers published almost identical news and produced similar representations and discoursal elements. It was also seen that Syrian refugees were usually considered in a positive or neutral way by raising certain topics, such as poverty and suffering. Despite these positive and neutral representations on news, it was found out that readers’ comments produced the stereotyped refugee representation again through an otherizing and discriminative discourse. This study verifies the hypothesis that the representation of Syrian refugees on news and columns is not a direct determinant on readers’ comments.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Atıf Yapanlar
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Benzer Makaleler

Selçuk İletişim

Alan :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 718
Atıf : 8.052
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Selçuk İletişim