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Vildan Serdar’ın İki Romanı: Sabahsız Gece ile Aşk ve Göç’ün Eleştirisi
Trakya Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi

Vildan Serdar’ın her iki romanında, 20. yüzyılın ilk yarısında ardı arkası kesilmeyen savaşlarla meydana gelen göçler, açlık, sefalet ve ölümler gibi dramatik olaylar, edebiyatın bakış açısıyla ele alınmıştır. Balkan Savaşı’yla inanılmaz bir değişim ve dönüşüme uğrayan Rumeli coğrafyasında yaşayan Müslüman nüfusun uğradığı toplumsal yıkımın sonuçları ağır olmuş, yıllar süren büyük acılar çekilmiştir. Bu açıdan kapanması oldukça güç travmalara yol açan Balkan Savaşları sadece tarihin değil, edebiyatın da ilgi alanı olmuştur. Bu çerçevede o coğrafyada gelişen yerli Türk edebiyatı da bu konuya aynı ilgiyle eğilmiştir. Yazarın ilk çalışması olan Sabahsız Gece’de Batı Trakya Türklerinin savaşlar karşısında metanetli tutumu anlatılırken, onun diğer bir yapıtı olan Aşk ve Göç’te ise bir aşk konusunun yanı sıra '93 Harbi ile başlayan savaşlar zincirinin yol açtığı çeşitli güçlüklerin yanı sıra parçalanmış aile bireylerinin hayatta kalma mücadelesi ele alınmıştır. Bu açıdan her iki romanda yakın tarihimizi ilgilendiren konular üzerinde durulmuş, savaşın gölgesinde gelişen dramatik insan sahneleri de bu bağlamda sosyal bir bakış açısıyla yansıtılmıştır. Denilebilir ki bu iki roman, 20. yüzyılda Batı Trakya Türkleri ile Makedonya Türklerinin savaşın ortasında yaşadıkları trajik öyküleriyle örülmüş yakın tarihimizin birer belgeseli niteliğindedir. Bu makalenin amacı; 20. yüzyılın ilk yarısında gelişen tarihî olaylara, Batı Trakya Türk edebiyatının nasıl baktığına ilişkin bir fikir vermektir.


Vildan Serdar's Two Novels: The Criticism of Love and Immigration With A Morning Night

In Vildan Serdar’s two novels, dramatic events such as migrations, famine, misery and deaths that occurred with uninterrupted wars in the first half of the 20th century were discussed from the perspective of literature. The consequences of the social destruction of the Muslim population living in the Rumeli geography, which was understood by the Balkans War, have been severe, and many years of great suffering has been drawn. The Balkan Wars, which have led to a very strong trauma, have not only been an area of interest in history, but also in literature. In this context, the indigenous Turkish literature that develops in that geography has also tended to the same interest in this topic. The first work of the author, the Sabahless Night, describes the metanetic attitude of the Western Trakya Turks to the wars, while the other work of the author, Love and Migration, is a love topic, as well as the various difficulties caused by the war chain that began with '93 Harbi, as well as the struggle for the survival of split family members. From this point of view, the dramatic human scenes, focused on the topics of our recent history in both novels, developing in the shadow of war, are reflected in this context from a social perspective. It can be said that these two novels are a documentary of our recent history, which was pleased with the tragic stories of the Western Trakya Turks and the Macedonian Turks in the midst of the war in the 20th century. The purpose of this article is 20. The first half of the century is to give the historical events an idea of how Western Trakya Turkish literature looks.


Two Novels By Vildan Serdar: Review Of “love and Μigration” and “night Without Morning”

In both novels by Vildan Serdar, dramatic events such as migrations, hunger, poverty and deaths that took place during continuous wars in the first half of the 20th century are analyzed from the perspective of literature. Muslim population living in the Balkans have suffered serious consequences of the social destruction, and the severe consequences of the Balkan War have lasted for years. In this respect, the Balkan Wars, which have caused traumas that are very difficult to heal, have been the area of interest not only for history but also for literature. In this context, the local Turkish literature of Western Thrace focused on this topic for the same reasons. While the resistance of the Turks of Western Thrace in those wars is analyzed in his first work, Sabahsız Gece (Night without Morning); in his other work, Aşk ve Göç (Love and Migration), in addition to the topic of love, he refers to the chain of difficulties that began after the War of '93 (Turkish-Russian War in 1877), with the migration of millions of people to survive. In this respect, both novels focus on issues concerning our recent history, and dramatic human scenes developing in the shadow of the war are reflected in this context from a social perspective. These two novels can be said to be documentaries of our recent history, woven with the tragic stories of Western Thrace Turks and Macedonian Turks in the first half in the 20th century.


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