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Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty

Bu çalışma, 60’lı yılların sonlarından itibaren yeni bir paradigma çerçevesinde değerlendirilmeye başlanan toplumsal hareketlerin siyasal bir harekete dönüşümünü örnek olaylar üzerinden incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Toplumsal hareketler literatüründeki genel kabullerden biri; eski ve yeni toplumsal hareketlerin siyasetle ilişkili olma bakımından birbirinden farklılık sergilediğidir. Eski toplumsal hareketlerin, siyasi bir partinin çatısı altında örgütlendiği, yeni toplumsal hareketlerin partiler üstü bir yapı sergilediği kabul edilir. Bu çalışma, yeni toplumsal hareketlerin siyasi motivasyonlarla bir araya gelmemesine rağmen siyasi bir harekete dönüşme potansiyeli olduğunu öne sürmektedir. Bu doğrultuda İspanya’da ortaya çıkan Indignados Hareketi ve Lübnan’da ortaya çıkan Beyrut Medineti Hareketi örnek olay olarak ele alınmıştır. Farklı coğrafyalarda ortaya çıkan ve yeni toplumsal hareketlerin siyasi bir harekete dönüşmesine örnek olan bu hareketlerin incelenmesi neticesinde; yeni toplumsal hareketlerin, ortaya çıkış motivasyonu yahut coğrafya fark etmeksizin siyasi bir harekete dönüşebileceği görülmüştür. Çalışma neticesinde elde edilen sonuçlardan bir diğeri de yeni toplumsal hareket neticesinde ortaya çıkmış olan siyasi hareketin başarı elde etmesinin bulunulan ülkenin siyasi ve toplumsal yapısına bağlı olmadığı olmuştur.


From Social Movement to Movement: The Spanish-Indignados Movement and the Libanese-Bayruth Media Movement

This study aims to examine the transformation of social movements that began to be assessed in a new paradigm from the late 1960s into a political movement through examples of events. One of the general acceptance of social movements in literature is that old and new social movements differ from each other in terms of their relationship with politics. It is believed that the old social movements are organized under the roof of a political party, the new social movements show a party-on-party structure. This study suggests that new social movements have the potential to turn into a political movement, although they do not combine with political motivations. The Indignados Movement in Spain and the Beirut Medineti Movement in Lebanon were considered as an example event. As a result of the study of these movements that appear in different geographies and are an example of the transformation of new social movements into a political movement, it has been shown that new social movements can become a political movement, regardless of the motivation of appearance or the geography. One of the results obtained by the study was that the success of the political movement that emerged as a result of the new social movement was not dependent on the political and social structure of the country found.


From Social Movement To Political Movement: Spain-indignados Movement and Lebanon-beirut Madinati Movement

This study aims to examine the transformation of social movements into a political movement, which has been evaluated within the framework of a new paradigm since the late 60s, through case studies. One of the general acceptances in the social movements literature is that old and new social movements differ from each other in terms of being related to politics. It is accepted that the old social movements were organized under the roof of a political party by bringing together individuals with the same ideology and the new social movements brought together individuals from all ideologies and displayed a non-party structure. This study is shaped by the idea that new social movements have the potential to turn into a political movement, although they do not come together with political motivations. In this direction, the Indignados Movement in Spain and the Beirut Madinati Movement in Lebanon are handled as case studies. As a result of examining these movements that emerged in different geographies and set an example for the transformation of new social movements into a political movement; it has been observed that new social movements can turn into a political movement, regardless of the motivation for emergence or geography. Another result of the study is that the success of the political movement that emerged as a result of the new social movement does not depend on the political and social structure of the country.


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Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty

Field :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 492
Cite : 824
Basic Field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty