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Atatürk Döneminde 1923-1929 Türkiye Ekonomisi
Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi

Türkiye’de 1923’den günümüze kadar olan süreçte farklı ekonomi politikaları uygulanmıştır. Atatürk dönemi ekonomi politikalarını dönemsel olarak, 1923’de Cumhuriyetin ilanından 1929 dünya ekonomik buhranına kadar geçen, liberal ekonomi politikalarının uygulandığı dönem, 1930’dan Atatürk’ün 1938’de ölümüne kadar geçen sürede uygulanan devletçi ekonomi politikaları şeklinde sınıflandırabiliriz. Bu çalışmada Atatürk dönemi 1923-1929 ekonomi politikaları incelendi. 1920’de yeni Türk Devleti kurulduğunda Osmanlı’dan çok kötü bir ekonomik miras devralmıştı. Böyle bir ortam içinde sınırlı kaynaklarla bağımsızlık savaşı verilecekti. Atatürk tam bağımsız bir devlet olabilmek için, öncelikle ekonomik bağımsızlığa vurgu yapmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda bazı iktisadi tedbirlerin alınması ve bir an önce uygulamaya geçilebilmesi için İzmir’de, İktisat Kongresi tertip edildi. Bu kongre Türkiye’de Cumhuriyet döneminde ekonomi alanında düzenlenen ilk kongre olması ve karma ekonomik modelin benimsenmesi açısından önemli bir yere sahiptir. Kongre sonunda, Misak-ı İktisadi adında bir belge yayınlanarak, yerli üretimin geliştirilmesine, lüks ithalattan kaçınılmasına ve ekonomik gelişmeye katkı sağlaması şartıyla yabancı sermayeye izin verilmesi kabul edildi. Ayrıca, çiftçi, tüccar, sanayici ve işçi gruplarınca 281 madden oluşan önemli kararlar alındı. Öte yandan, İzmir İktisat Kongresi kararları ve CHP’nin bildirisinde yer alan ekonomik politikalar, kurulan hükümetlerin programlarında da yer aldı. İş Bankası, Sanayi ve Maden Bankası ve yerel nitelikli bankaların kurulmasıyla kredi imkânları arttırıldı. 1927’de çıkarılan Teşvik-i Sanayi Kanunuyla, hem yerli sanayi teşvik ediliyor hem de özel sanayi koruma altına alınıyordu. 1929 yılında önce Amerika’da başlayan sonra tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan ekonomik kriz Türkiye’yi de etkiledi ve yeni ekonomik tedbirler almayı zorunlu kıldı. Bu doğrultuda Milli İktisat ve Tasarruf Cemiyeti kuruldu. Cemiyetin öncelikli olarak üç temel amacı vardı. Bu amaçlar sırasıyla halkı tutumlu olmaya ve tasarrufa yöneltmek, yerli malların kullanımını artırmaktı. Sonuçta ise ithalatı azaltma yoluna gidilerek, yerli üretimin artırılması sağlanmak istendi. Diğer taraftan Türk Parasının Kıymetini Koruma Kanunu çıkarılarak hükümetin döviz piyasasına müdahalesi mümkün hala getirildi. Bu yasa ile paranın değerini düşürmeye çalışanların ağır bir şekilde cezalandırılmasının önü açıldı. Fakat alınan bu tedbirler istikrarın sağlanmasında yetersiz kaldı. Çünkü ülkede para politikasını kontrol altına alabilecek bir banka yoktu. Bunun için Merkez Bankası Kanunu çıkarıldı ve Merkez Bankası kurulmuş oldu. Netice itibarıyla incelediğimiz dönemde, yeni bir ekonomik model oluşturularak ekonominin temelleri atılmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The Turkish Economy in the Ataturk Period 1923-1929

In Turkey, different economic policies have been implemented in the process from 1923 to today. We can classify the economic policies of the Atatürk period periodically, the period in which the liberal economic policies were implemented, which passed from the Declaration of the Republic in 1923 to the world economic breakthrough in 1929, and the state economic policies implemented in the period from the 1930s to the death of Atatürk in 1938. This study examined the economic policies of the Ataturk period 1923-1929. In 1920, when the new Turkish State was established, it had a very bad economic heritage from the Ottoman. In such a environment, the independence war would be given with limited resources. Ataturk, in order to become a completely independent state, first emphasized economic independence. In accordance with this objective, some economic measures were taken and immediately implemented in Izmir, the Economic Congress was established. This congress is the first congress held in the Republic of Turkey during the period in the field of economics and has an important place in terms of the adoption of the karma economic model. At the end of the congress, a document named Misak-i Economy was approved to allow foreign capital, provided it contributes to the development of domestic production, avoiding luxury imports and economic development. Moreover, major decisions were made by groups of farmers, merchants, industrials and workers, consisting of 281 items. On the other hand, the decisions of the İzmir Economic Congress and the economic policies included in the CHP's statement were also included in the programs of the established governments. With the establishment of the Business Bank, Industrial and Mining Bank and local qualified banks, credit opportunities have been increased. With the Incentive-i Industrial Act issued in 1927, both the domestic industry was encouraged and the private industry was protected. The economic crisis, which began in America in 1929 and then affected the whole world, also affected Turkey and made it compulsory to take new economic measures. The National Economy and Savings Society was established. The community had three primary objectives. These objectives, respectively, were to encourage people to be passionate and to save, to increase the use of indigenous goods. In the end, the imports were reduced and the domestic production was increased. On the other hand, the Law on the Protection of the Value of the Turkish Currency was still possible by the government’s interference in the currency market. This law has opened for those trying to lower the value of the money to be severely punished. However, these measures remained insufficient to ensure stability. There was no bank in the country that could control the monetary policy. The central bank was established and the central bank was established. In the course of the study, the foundations of the economy have been set up by the creation of a new economic model.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Turkish Economy In Ataturk’s Era 1923-1929

Different economic policies have been carried out from 1923 till today in Turkey. We can cyclically classify the economic policies in Atatürk’s era as the period from the proclamation of the republic in 1923 to the world economic depression in 1929, the period in which liberal economic policies were practiced, and the statist economic policies practiced from 1930 until the death of Atatürk in 1938. In this study, the economic policies in Atatürk’s era have been scrutinized. When the new Turkish State was established in 1920, it took over a very bad heritage from the Ottoman. In such a situation the ware of independence would be fought. Atatürk, in order to become a complete independent state, first emphasized the economic independence. For this purpose, İzmir Economic Congress was held in order to take some economic precautions and immediately practice them. This congress plays an important role in being the first congress held in the field of economy in the republic era in Turkey and in adopting the mixed economic model. At the end of the congress with the publication of a document named Misak-i National Economy, it was accepted that foreign capital would be permitted under the condition that it would develop home production, avoid luxary consumption, and contribute to economic development. In addition, important decisions that include 281 items were made by a group of farmers, merchants, businessmen, and labors. On the other hand, the decisions made in İzmir Economic Congress and the economic policies in RPP CHP took place in the programs of the established governments. With the establishment of Turkish Bank, the Industry and Mine Bank, and other local banks the credit facilities were increased. With the Law for The Encouragement of Industry in 1927, both the local industry was encouraged and the private industry was taken under protection. The economic crisis that first started in America and affected the whole world also affected Turkey and it become compulsory to take new economic precautions. At this vein, National Economic and Austerity Community was founded. The community had primarily three basic goals. These goals were to direct people to spare, save, and increase the use of local goods. As a result, it was aimed to increase the local production by decreasing import. On the other hand, the Law for Protection of the Value of Turkish Currency was introduced and it became possible to intervene the foreign exchange market. With this law, it paved the the way for those who tried to decrease the value of money to be punished. However, all these precautions fell short for stabilization because there was no bank to take the money policy under control. For this reason, the Law for the Central Bank was introduced. As a result, the economic foundations were laid by creating a new economic model

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Benzer Makaleler

Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi

Alan :   Eğitim Bilimleri; Filoloji; Güzel Sanatlar; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 1.338
Atıf : 13.043
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Güzel Sanatlar Temel Alanı

Filoloji Temel Alanı

Eğitim Bilimleri Temel Alanı

Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi