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  Citation Number 3
 Views 54
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Kur’an’ın Anlamlarının Türkçeye Aktarımı: Meâl mi Tercüme mi?

Kimi çevre ve topluluklarda bazen Kur’an’ın tercümesinin yapılamayacağı, Kur’an’ın mealinin hazırlanabileceği, bu ikisinin birbirinden çok farklı şeyler olduğu, birbirinin yerine kullanılmalarının doğru olmadığına dair çeşitli konuşmalara şahit olmaktayız. Kimi zaman da “Kur’an tercümesi” ifadesini kullanan kimseler hakkında Kur’an’a dair farklı yaklaşım ve inanca sahip kimselermiş gibi bir zannın belirdiğini görmekteyiz. Bu araştırmada “meâl” ve “tercüme” kavramları temelinde “Kur’an meâli” ve “Kur’an ter-cümesi” tabirlerinin arasında anlam ve mefhum farkının olup olmadığı, bu iki tabirin birbirinin yerine kullanılıp kullanılamayacağı meseleleri ele alındı. Bu kapsamla bağ-lantılı olarak, Kur’an’ı başka bir dile tercüme etmenin mümkün olup olmadığı, bunun dinî hükmünün ne olduğu, Kur’an’ın başka bir dile aktarımı faaliyetinin ilk defa ne za-man ve kim tarafından başlatıldığı, Kur’an’ın Türkçeye tercüme faaliyetlerinin ülke-mizdeki sürecinin nasıl ilerlediği, şu an hangi durumda bulunduğu vb. sorulara da ce-vap arandı. Araştırmada tümevarım yaklaşımı benimsenerek, doküman analizi tekniği uygulandı. Bu maksatla öncelikle problemin ve soruların cevabına dair bilgiler içeren veri kaynaklarına ulaşmak üzere geniş literatür taraması yapıldı. Tarama sonunda ula-şılan eserler, doküman analizi yöntemiyle incelendi. Bu çerçevede İbn Manzûr’un Lisânü’l-ʿArab’ı, Tehânevî’nin Keşşâfu ıṣṭılâḥâti’l-fünûn’u gibi Arapça sözlükler, İbn İshâk’ın Siyer’i, Zehebî’nin Târîḫu’l-İslâm’ı gibi İslam tarihine dair eserler, Süyûtî’nin el-İtḳān’ı, Zürkânî’nin Menâhilü’l-ʿirfân’ı gibi Kur’an ilimlerine dair eserler, Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır’ın Hak Dini Kur’an Dili adlı tefsiri ve Muhammed Hamîdullah’ın “Kur’ân-ı Kerîm Tarihi, Kur’an-ı Kerîm’in Türkçe Yazma Tercümeleri” başlıklı makalesi ve Şem-seddin Sami’nin Kâmûs-ı Türkî adlı sözlüğü araştırmada başvurulan belli başlı kaynak-lardan bazılarıdır.


The meaning of the Qur’an in Turkish: Meal or Translation?

In some environments and communities, we are witnessing various speeches that sometimes the translation of the Qur’an can not be done, that the Qur’an can be prepared, that these two are very different things, that they are not correct to be used instead of each other. Sometimes we see a thought of those who use the phrase "Tradition of the Qur'an" about those who have a different approach to the Qur'an and beliefs. In this study, on the basis of the concepts of "meal" and "translation" the question of whether there is a difference between the concepts of "the Qur'an meal" and "the Qur'an's translation" is discussed, whether the two concepts will be used in place of each other or not. In connection with this scope, whether it is possible to translate the Qur’an into another language, what is the religious rule of it, what was the first time the translation activity of the Qur’an into another language started by the Za-man and who, how the translation activities of the Qur’an into Turkish progressed in the process in our country, what is the current situation, etc. Questions were asked by C-VP. In the research, adopting the tuberculosis approach, the document analysis technique was applied. For this purpose, a broad literary scan was first done to reach data sources containing information about the problem and the answers to the questions. The works that were achieved at the end of the scan were examined by the method of document analysis. In this framework, Ibn Manzûr’s Lisânü’l-‘Arab’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery of Tehânevî’s Discovery


Transfer Of The Meanings Of The Holy Qur’ān To Turkish: Is It A Meāl Of The Qur’ān or Translation Of Qur’ān

We witness various speeches in some environments and communities that sometimes the Qur’ān cannot be translated but the “meāl of the Qur’ān” can be prepared; these two are very different from each other, and it is not right to use them interchangeably. Sometimes, we see that people who use the phrase “Qur’ān Translation" appear as if they are people with different approaches and beliefs about the Qur’ān. In this study, on the basis of the concepts of " meāl " and "translation", the question of whether there is a difference between the terms "meāl of the Qur’ān" and "Qur’ān translation", and wheth-er these two terms can be used interchangeably were discussed. In connection with this scope, whether it is possible to translate the Qur’ān into another language, what is the religious provision of it, when and by whom the activity of translating the Qur’ān into another language for the first time, etc. questions were also sought answers. In the study, the inductive approach was adopted and the document analysis technique was applied. The works obtained at the end of the screening were analyzed using the docu-ment analysis method. In this context, Lisān al-ʿArab of Ibn Manẓūr, Kas̲h̲s̲h̲āf iṣṭilāḥāt al-funūn of al-Tahānawī, al-Sīra of Ibn Isḥāq, Taʾrīk̲h̲ al-Islām of al-Dhahabī, al-Itḳān fī ʿulūm al-Ḳurʾān of al-Suyūṭī, Manāhil al-ʿIrfân of al-Zurḳānī and the article titled “Histo-ry of the Holy Qur’ān, Turkish Writing Translations of the Qur’ān” of Muhammed Ha-midullah are some of the main sources used in the research.


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Field :   İlahiyat

Journal Type :   Ulusal

Article : 311
Cite : 442
Basic Field of Theology
