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Göz İçi Yabancı Cisim ile Birlikte Olan Glob Yaralanmalarında 23-Gauge Pars Plana Vitrektomi Sonuçları ve Prognostik Faktörler
Boğaziçi Tıp Dergisi

Bu çalışmanın özet bilgisi mevcut değildir.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

23-Gauge Pars Plana Vitrectomy Results and Prognostic Factors in Globe Injury

INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the anatomical and surgical results of 23-Gauge (G) pars plan vitrektomy (PPV) in the globe injuries accompanied by an in- eye stranger body (GYC), the epidemiological characteristics of patients, postoperative complications and prognostic factors in terms of functional results Methods and requirements: 63 of 63 patients who apply to our retrospective study with globe injuries accompanied by GYC, 23-G PPV was applied and with a minimum of 12 months follow-up. In all cases, the best corrected vision accuracy (EIDGK) measurement in the last checks before and after the treatment, the routine ophthalmological examination was carried out. With the routine examination of all incidents, two-way head graphics, computer tomography examinations and A-B scan ultrasound for the appropriate incidents were performed. All of the patients were male and the average age was 34.57 ± 12.82 years. The period between trauma and PPV was recorded as an average of 12.7±9.3 days (min-max: 2-50), the average tracking time was 16.8±6.5 months (min-max: 12-36). In the preoperative and final examination, the average EIDGK values were determined as 1.50±1.26 logMAR and 0.63±0.84 logMAR. A statistically significant increase was observed when compared with preoperative and postoperative EIDGs (p=0.001). In the regression analysis, the preoperative EIDGK was >1.0 logMAR (p=0.038), the presence of preoperative proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) (p=0.024) and retinal inserted GYC (p=0.005) were significant in terms of leading to worse final EIDGK. CONTRIBUTION and RESULTS: The EIDGK at the time of application in the GYC, the presence of preoperative PVR and the location of the foreign body were observed to be of predictive importance. In GYCs accompanied by back segment injuries, the 23-G PPV surgery and anatomical success were found, in addition to increased visual functions.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

Boğaziçi Tıp Dergisi

Alan :   Sağlık Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 295
Atıf : 48
Boğaziçi Tıp Dergisi