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Uluslararası Uygur Araştırmaları Dergisi

Çağdaş ve bilimsel tedavi metotlarının ortaya çıkmasından önce, halk arasında, hastaların tedavisi için birtakım yöntemler geliştirilmiştir. Bu yöntemler zaman içinde halk hekimliği adı verilen alanı oluşturmuştur. Asya’daki Türk ve Moğol topluluklarında da özellikle Şamanizmin bazı inanç ve ritüelleriyle beslenen tedavi uygulamaları, zaman içinde somut birer mesleki pratiğe dönüşmüştür. Bu uygulamalar için yapılan adlandırmalar, tarihi dönemler ile günümüz Türk lehçe ve şivelerinde sağlık ve tıpla ilgili meslek adlarının yanında kendine yer bulmuştur. Modern Uygurcada da durum farklı değildir Uygurcada yabancı dillerden geçen tıpla ilgili meslek adlarının yanında eski dönemlerden beri tanık olunan, Türk halk hekimliği kültürüne dayalı meslek adları da dikkati çekmektedir. İncelememizin konusunu da Modern Uygurcadaki halk hekimliğine dayalı bu meslek adları oluşturmaktadır. Makalemizde bu alanda izahlı lügat ve Uygur dilinin çeşitli ağız sözlüklerinden tespit edilen meslek adlarının gelişim süreci ile bu sözcüklerin Modern Uygurcada ve Uygur ağızlarında kullanımı üzerinde durulacak, Uygur kültürü içinde halk hekimliğinin önemi, yeri, kapsamı ve gelişmişlik düzeyi açıklanmaya çalışılacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Modern Uygurca, meslekler, köken, halk hekimliği, tedavi yöntemleri ABSTRACT Before the advent of modern and scientific treatment methods, some methods were developed among the public for the treatment of patients. These methods have formed the area called folk medicine in time. In the Turkish and Mongolian communities in Asia, the treatment practices, which are fed by some beliefs and rituals of shamanism, have turned into concrete professional practices over time. The nomenclatures made for these applications have found their place in historical periods and in today's Turkish dialects and dialects, along with the occupational names related to health and medicine. The situation is no different in modern Uyghur In addition to the professional names related to medicine, which have passed from foreign languages in Uyghur, the names of professions based on the Turkish folk medicine culture, which have been witnessed since ancient times, are also noteworthy. The subject of our study is these occupational names based on folk medicine in Modern Uyghur. In our article, the development process of the vocational names determined from various dialect dictionaries of the Uyghur language and their use in Modern Uyghur and Uyghur dialects will be emphasized, and the importance, place, scope and level of development of folk medicine in Uyghur culture will be explained. Keywords: Modern Uyghur, professions, origin, folk medicine, treatment methods

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Contemporary people are interested in the work.

Before the appearance of modern and scientific methods of treatment, a number of methods for the treatment of patients have been developed among the public. These methods in time formed a field called public medicine. In the Turkish and Mongol communities in Asia, therapeutic practices, feeding by some beliefs and rituals of Shamanism, have over time become a concrete professional practice. The names made for these practices have found their place alongside the names of the occupations related to health and medicine in the historical periods and in the present Turkish language and shives. In modern Uyghur, the situation is not different; in Uyghur, along with the vocational names related to medicine from foreign languages, the vocational names based on the culture of Turkish folk medicine, which have been witnessed since ancient periods, are also highlighted. The subject of our review is also the name of this profession based on the public medicine in Modern Uyghurka. Our article will focus on the development of the vocabulary names identified in the various oral dictionaries of the Uyghur language and the use of these words in the modern Uyghur and Uyghur mouths in this field, the importance, place, scope and level of development of public medicine in the Uyghur culture will be attempted to explain. Keywords: Modern Uyghur, professions, origin, public medicine, therapeutic methods ABSTRACT Before the advent of modern and scientific treatment methods, some methods were developed among the public for the treatment of patients. These methods have formed the area called folk medicine in time. In the Turkish and Mongolian communities in Asia, the treatment practices, which are fed by some beliefs and rituals of shamanism, have turned into concrete professional practices over time. The nomenclatures made for these applications have found their place in historical periods and in today's Turkish dialects and dialects, along with the occupational names related to health and medicine. The situation is no different in modern Uyghur; In addition to the professional names related to medicine, which have passed from foreign languages in Uyghur, the names of professions based on the Turkish folk medicine culture, which have been witnessed since ancient times, are also noteworthy. The subject of our study is these occupational names based on folk medicine in Modern Uighur. In our article, the development process of the vocational names determined from various dialect dictionaries of the Uyghur language and their use in Modern Uyghur and Uyghur dialects will be emphasized, and the importance, place, scope and level of development of folk medicine in Uyghur culture will be explained. Keywords: Modern Uyghur, professions, origin, folk medicine, treatment methods

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Uluslararası Uygur Araştırmaları Dergisi

Alan :   Güzel Sanatlar; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 280
Atıf : 474
Güzel Sanatlar Temel Alanı

Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Uluslararası Uygur Araştırmaları Dergisi