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 İndirme 23
Köy Yaşamında Engelli Birey Olma Deneyimi: Nitel Bir Araştırma Örneği
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi

Bireyin biyolojik ve fiziksel eksiklikleri ya da farklılıkları olarak tanımlanan “engellilik” kavramı, günümüzde engelli bireyin kendisi ve diğerleriyle kurduğu ilişkileri dikkate alarak sosyal ve kültürel bağlamda yeniden tanımlanmaktadır. “Engel durumu”, bireyin bedenine işaret eden ve bedensel aktivitelerinin kısıtlılık hali ile ilgili olmakla birlikte “engelli olma durumu” bireyin günlük hayatında, iş ve arkadaş çevresinde, aile bireyleriyle olan iletişiminde kısacası sosyal yaşamında karşılaştığı olumsuz tutum ve eylemlerle inşa edilen bir durumdur. Bireyin engellilik durumu sahip olduğu sosyal ve kültürel ortama göre diğer bir ifadeyle yaşadığı sosyal ve kültürel çevreye göre göreli bir hal alabilir. Buna göre bireyin kırsalda yaşaması ile kentte ve hatta kentin hangi mahallesinde yaşadığı onun sosyal engellenmelerle karşılaşmasında belirleyici olabilir. Bu bağlamda engellilik farklı sosyal faktörlerle birlikte düşünülmelidir. Çalışmada, yaşanılan mekânın kırsal odağına dikkat çekilmek istenmiş ve köyde yaşam süren engelli bireylerin deneyimleri anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu bireylerin kendi bakış açılarında engelliliği nasıl tanımladıklarının ve “köyün” onların yaşamında sosyal engellenmeler açısından nasıl bir rol oynadığının sergilenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç çerçevesinde derinlemesine görüşmeler ve katılımlı gözlemle bir saha çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada, engelli bireylerin ihtiyaçlarının yaşadıkları mekânların özelliklerine göre şekillendiği görülmüştür. Bu durum köyde yaşayan engelli bireyleri sosyal hak ve hizmetlere erişimde dezavantajlı bir konuma getirmektedir. Diğer bir sonuç ise köyde yaşayan engelli bireyler ‘acıma’, ‘dışlanma’, ‘alay edilme’ gibi olumsuz kültürel tanımlamalara maruz kalmaktadırlar.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Experience of being a disabled person in rural life: a qualitative research example

The concept of disability, defined as the biological and physical deficiencies or differences of an individual, is redefined in the social and cultural context, taking into account the relations that the disabled individual establishes with himself and others today. The "hinder state" is a state that indicates the body of the individual and is related to the condition of limitation of his physical activities, but the "hinder state" is a state built by negative attitudes and actions he encounters in the daily life of the individual, around the work and friends, in the communication with family individuals, shortly in the social life. A person with a disability status can get a relative status according to the social and cultural environment in which he lives, in other words, the social and cultural environment in which he lives. According to this, the individual can be determinant in facing social disabilities in the rural area and in the city and even in which neighborhood of the city he lives. In this context, disability should be considered together with different social factors. The study sought to draw attention to the rural focus of the area and to understand the experiences of people with disabilities living in the village. The aim is to show how these individuals define disability in their own perspective and how the " Village" plays a role in their lives in terms of social disabilities. In the framework of this goal, a field work was carried out with deep discussions and participatory observation. The study found that the needs of the disabled individuals are shaped according to the characteristics of the places in which they live. This situation leads disabled individuals living in the village to a disadvantaged position in access to social rights and services. Another result is that people with disabilities living in the village are exposed to negative cultural definitions such as ‘the pain’, ‘the disappearance’, ‘the disappearance’.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The Experience Of Being An Individual With Disabilities In The Life Of The Village: A Qualitative Research Example

The concept of “disability”, defined as the biological and physical deficiencies or differences of the individual, is redefined in a social and cultural context today, taking the relationships of the disabled individual with himself/herself and others into account. Although “disability” is related to the limitation of the body and physical activity of the individual, “the state of being disabled” is a situation that is built in daily life, around colleagues and friends, in communication with family members; in short, through social actions and negative attitudes encountered in life. The disability of the individual may become related to the social and cultural environment in which he or she lives, in other words, according to the social and cultural environment in which he/she has. Accordingly, the fact that the individual lives in the countryside and not in the city or even the neighbourhood of the city he or she lives in can be decisive as to the encounters with social obstacles. Thus, disability should be considered in conjunction with the environment of different social factors. The current study aims to draw attention to the rural focus of the living space. In this context, the experiences of disabled people living in the village are tried to be understood. It aims to demonstrate how these individuals define disability from their point of view and how the "village" plays a role in their lives in terms of social disabilities. Within the framework of this aim, fieldwork was carried out along with in-depth interviews and participatory observation. It was observed that the needs of the disabled individuals are shaped according to the characteristics of the places in which they live. Thus, the access of disabled people living in the village to social rights and services is hindered. The other important result is that the individuals with disabilities are more exposed to certain situations and attitudes in the village, including social labelling such as pity, exclusion and ridicule.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi

Alan :   Filoloji

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 747
Atıf : 2.617
Filoloji Temel Alanı

Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi