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  Citation Number 4
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2018-2019 Kazı Sezonlarında İznik Çini Fırınları Kazısı’nda Ele Geçen Baskı Dekorlu Seramiklerin ve Seçili Örnekler Üzerinden pXRF Cihazı ile Yapılan Analiz Sonuçlarının Değerlendirilmesi
Sanat Tarihi Yıllığı

14-17. yüzyıllar arasında çini ve seramik üretiminde zirve yapan İznik’te, Anadolu dışı İslam seramik sanatında yaygın kullanılan baskı/kalıba baskı tekniğinde seramiklerin de üretildiği, İznik İlçe merkezinde BHD kodlu kazı alanında yürütülen İznik Çini Fırınları Kazısı’nda ele geçen bulgularla netleştirilmiştir. İznik’in Osmanlı idaresine geçtiği 1331 yılından sonra yoğun olarak üretildiği düşünülen bu seramikler, form ve bezeme açısından iki temel grupta toplanmıştır. Diğer yandan 2019 kazı sezonunda, bu tip seramiklerin karakterizasyonlarının tespiti amacıyla seçilen yedi örnek üzerinde pXRF (Taşınabilir X-ışınları flüoresansı) cihazı ile hamur, astar ve sır bileşimlerine dair ölçümler yapılmıştır. Yapılan ölçüm sonuçlarına göre astarı olmayan örnekte hamur bileşiminin kil ve kalsiyumca zengin olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Kalıp malzemeleri üzerinde yapılan analizlerle, kireçli veya kireç katkılı kil içeren hamur karışımının (3. tip) kullanıldığı doğrulanmıştır. Astarlı örnekte ise kuvars miktarı (% ağ. 55.4), astarsız örneğe göre (% ağ. 44.2) daha fazladır. Firuze sırlı örneğin sırında %24.6 kurşun oksit (PbO) ve %6 kalay oksit (SnO2) tespit edilmiştir. Bu ölçümden bu örneğin erken dönem üretimi (15. yüzyıl sonu) olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Diğer sırlı kalıp örneğinin ölçüm sonucu ise (yüksek kurşun oksit içeren kalaysız sır), kalıbın muhtemelen geç dönem (17. yüzyıl) üretimi veya önceden sırsız olarak kullanılan kalıp malzemesinin sonradan dekoratif veya işlevsel olarak sırlanmış olabileceğini düşündürür.


Evaluation of the results of the analysis made with the pXRF device on printed decorated ceramics and selected samples in the 2018-2019 mining season in Iznik Chinese oven mining

In Iznik, which was the peak in the production of chin and ceramics between the 14th and 17th centuries, it was clarified by the findings of the Iznik Chinese Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh. These ceramics, which are considered to be produced intensely after 1331 when Iznik passed to the Ottoman administration, were gathered in two basic groups in terms of shape and shape. On the other hand, in the 2019 mining season, on the seven samples selected to identify the characteristics of this type of ceramics, measurements were made on the pXRF (Portable X-ray Floresence) device and the compounds of the powder, the steel and the secret. According to the results of the measurement made, it is clear that in the sample without steel, the compound of the pepper is rich in silk and calcium. Analysis on the molding materials has confirmed that the molding mixture (type 3) containing a mold or a mold added mold has been used. For example, the quantity of quvars (% of the network). 55.4), according to the untouched example (% network. 4.2 is more. For example, there was 24.6 percent pile oxide (PbO) and 6 percent pile oxide (SnO2). This measurement is believed to be an example of early production (the end of the 15th century). If the result of the measurement of the other secret pattern (a high-pistle oxide-containing non-pistle secret), the pattern is likely to be late period (17. The century) suggests that the production or previously used pattern material may be later decorative or functionally classified.


Assessment Of Impressed/moulded Ceramic Wares Excavated During The 2018-2019 Seasons At The Iznik Tile Kilns Excavation and Analysis Results With A Pxrf Instrument On Selected Samples

Iznik reached the peak of its ceramic and tile production between the 14th- and 17th- centuries. Recent findings at the Iznik Tile Kilns Excavation carried out in the BHD coded excavation area in Iznik District center revealed that ceramics had been produced there using an impressed/moulded technique , which was widely used in non-Anatolian Islamic ceramic art. These types of ceramics, which are thought to have been intensively produced after Iznik passed into Ottoman administration in 1331, were classified into two main groups in terms of their forms and decorations. Moreover, during the 2019 excavation season, characterization studies were carried out using a portable XRF (pXRF) instrument on seven selected samples in order to determine the body, slip and glaze composition. The results showed that the sample without a slip contained calcium-rich clay (high calcium and high alumina). The analyses of the molding materials confirmed earlier studies which had determined that the paste used (the third type of paste) had been calcareous or calcium-rich clay. Moreover, the sample with slip contains a greater amount of quartz (55.4 wt%) than the sample without slip (44.2 wt%). Of interest is that the sherd which is covered with a turquoise glaze contains 24.6 wt% lead-oxide (PbO) and 6 wt% tin oxide (SnO2). This glaze composition may indicate that the artifact was produced in the earlier period of Iznik production, namely at the end of the 15th century. Another glazed mold from among the samples analysed does not contain any tin oxide and has a higher amount of PbO which indicates a later production date (17th- century). The pXRF measurement results suggest that the mold may have been produced in an earlier period, and then glazed later for decorative and/or technical purposes.


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