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 İndirme 6
1920 Elections in Kayseri, Turkey in the Period of National Campaign
History Studies

With the Ottoman Empire being defeated in the First World War and the consequent start of the occupation of the country, the actual structure of the state began to decline. Especially the occupation of the city of Izmir had a very intense impact on society. Mustafa Kemal Pasha landing at Samsun in response to these occupations and the gathering of helpful communities within the country and Kuva-yi Milliye under a single roof were the steps that organized the campaign of independence. Afterward, the Erzurum and Sivas Congresses were held in which the indivisibility of the country was heavily emphasized. As a result of the occupation of Istanbul by the British, Mustafa Kemal Pasha reported that a constituent assembly should be created in Ankara. In addition, with a circular letter issued by the Committee of Representation, an assembly was being desired to be created which could save the integrity of the country with civil cooperation. Upon this desire, a constituent assembly equipped with exceptional powers was decided to be founded in Ankara. A committee, composed of pre-elected müntehib-i sanis , administration and municipal council members, and the members of Defense of National Rights, would participate in the elections to be held for the institution of the assembly. The elections, intended to be completed within fifteen days at the latest, would be performed based on secret ballot, open counting, and absolute majority and the elected members of parliament would be made sure to reach Ankara as soon as possible. Eventually, the election was finalized under these circumstances and the assembly was inaugurated on April 23rd, 1920. Having provided support for Anatolia during the years of the Turkish War of Independence, the city of Kayseri was effectively endorsing the National Campaign. In the city where the public supported the Committee of Representation, the elections had been finalized on March 23rd, 1920 and the elected members of parliament started their journey to Ankara immediately. Âlim Efendi , Remzi Efendi, Osman Bey , and Atıf Bey were elected as representatives of Kayseri. In addition to these representatives, Ahmet Hilmi Bey and Ahmet Rıfat Bey, who had acted as representatives of Kayseri in the last Ottoman Chamber of Deputies which was eventually dissolved, were directly included in the new assembly as representatives of Kayseri. Having supported the campaign of independence as a city in the Sivas Congress in the same way, Kayseri maintained this support in the elections and sent its representatives to the new assembly. The aforementioned representatives included in the assembly engaged in important activities in this assembly performing its constituent function.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
History Studies

Alan :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 1.214
Atıf : 421
History Studies