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  Citation Number 10
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Vatan Topraklarındaki İmza: Türk Yer Adları, Zile Kazası Örneği (1455-1575)
Turkish Studies

Toplumların kültür hazineleri içerisinde önemli bir paya sahip olan yer adları, ait oldukları toplumların hafızalarını canlı tutar ve kültürün geçmişten geleceğe aktarılmasında önemli rol oynar. Bir ulusun dil, tarih ve coğrafi özellikleri adeta bu adlarda hayat bulur. Bu makalede 1455-1575 yılları arasında Zile kazası yer adları, arşiv kayıtlarına göre ele alınmıştır. İlk olarak, Zile kazasının kısa bir tarihi verilip kazaya bağlı nahiyelerin günümüzdeki yerleri ortaya konmuştur. Zile adı üzerinde durulduktan sonra kazadaki yer adları çevre ve insanla ilgili özelliklere göre toponomi biliminin metotları çerçevesinde sınıflandırılmıştır. Çalışmanın amacı Zile yer adlarını tespit edip Tokat, Yozgat ve Çorum ili yer adlarının kökenlerine katkı sağlamaktır. Çalışmanın çerçevesi, büyük ölçüde, XV ve XVI. yüzyıla ait mufassal tahrir defterlerine dayalı olarak çizilmiştir. XV. ve XVI. yüzyıllarda Zile kazası ve bu kazaya bağlı 7 nahiyede mufassal tapu tahrir defterlerine kaydedilen toplam 557 yerleşim birimi bulunmaktadır. Bu toplamın 13’ü Zile kaza merkezindeki mahallelerden, 188’i köylerden, 339’u mezralardan, 1’i kaleden, 8’i kışlaklardan, 1’i yaylaklardan, 6’sı merkez ve 1’i ise mezra grubundan meydana gelmektedir. 6 merkezden 1’i mezra grubuna aitken 5’i nahiye merkezi konumundadır. Zile kazası dâhilinde aslında 3 kale olup bunlardan Halka-i Hass nahiyesindeki Ağcakale kale olarak defterlere kaydedilmişken Karahisar-ı Behramşah kalesi nefs-i nahiye ve Danişmend-i Bahşayiş kalesi ise Karadiğin mezrası ile beraber köy (karye) olarak belirtilmiştir. Mezra, yaylak ve kışlaklar genellikle geçici ya da mevsimlik yerleşim birimleri sayılmakla beraber özellikle 1575’de bu mezralardan bazılarının nüfus barındırdıkları tespit edilmiştir.


turkish names of signature on the territory of the territory of the homeland example 14551575
Turkish Studies

the names that have a significant share in the cultural treasures of societies live their memory and play an important role in transferring culture from the past to the future, the language history and geographic properties of the nation find lives in these names in this article, between 14551575 in the city of the city, the names of the city are not covered by the archeological records, and the names of the city of the city are determined in the form of the accident, and the names of the city of the city are determined by the names of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city, and the names of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city, and the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of the city of


The Signature On Homeland: Turkish Settlement Names, A Case Study Of Zile (1455-1575)
Turkish Studies

Settlement names having an important place in the cultural treatures of societies keep alive the memories of their own societies and play an important role in the transfering of the culture from the past to the future. Languistic, historical and geografical characteristics of a nation are enlivened in these names. In this article, settlement names of the district of Zile are examined according to archive documents between 1455 and 1575. Firstly, a short history of the district of Zile was given and the present-day places of the sub-districts attached to the district were determined. After the examination of the name of Zile (Zela), the settlement places in the district were classified according to the charateristics corcerned with environment and people in the framework of the methods of toponimy science. The aim of the article is to determine the settlement places of Zile and provide contribution with the origines of the settlement names of the provinces of Tokat, Yozgat and Çorum. The framework of the study is drawen to a great degree as being based on the the XV and XVIth century detailed tahrir registers. During the the XV and XVIth centuries, there are a total of 557 settlement places recorded in detailed tehrir registers in the district of Zile and 7 sub-districts attached to this district. This total consists of 13 quarters attached to the center of the district, 188 villages, 339 hamlets, 1 fortress, 8 sheltered places, 1 mountain pasture, 6 centers and 1 group of hamlets. One of the 6 centers is belonged to 1 group of hamlets, the other 5 centers are the sub-district centers. In reality, there are 3 fortresses in the district of Zile. These are Ağcakale fortress in the sub-district of Halka-I Hass, Karahisar-ı Behramşah fortress in the sub-district of Karahisar-ı Behramşah and Danişmend-i Bahşayiş fortress together with the hamlet of Karadiğin. Although hamlets, mountain pastures and sheltered places are counted as temporary or seasonal settlement places in general, some of these hamlets is determined to have population in the year of 1575.


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