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  Atıf Sayısı 6
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 İndirme 36
Littera Turca Journal of Turkish Language and Literature

Çağlar boyunca Roma, Bizans ve Osmanlı gibi üç büyük imparatorluğa başkentlik yapan İstanbul, fetihten önce de dünya üzerindeki en büyük ve en görkemli şehirlerden biriydi. Fetihten sonra şehrin imar ve iskân faaliyetleriyle değişen çehresi ve Fatih Sultan Mehmet’in şehri bir kültür merkezi hâline dönüştürme gayretiyle şehir bir cazibe ve medeniyet merkezi hâlini almıştır. Seyyah ve şairlerin uğrak yeri olan bu şehir hakkında çok sayıda eser kaleme alınmış olup bu eserlerin bir kısmını da şehrengizler oluşturmaktadır. Şehrengizler, hem bir şehrin güzelliklerini hem de şehrin içindeki güzelleri anlatmayı konu edinen eserler olup ilk defa Mesihi [ö. 1512] tarafından Edirne şehrine hitaben 16. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde yazılmış ve klasik biçimini koruyarak 18. yüzyılın sonuna kadar varlığını devam ettirmiştir. Genelde mesnevi nazım şekliyle sade bir dille yazılan bu eserler özellikle 16. yüzyılda rağbet görmüştür. Şehrengizler, sadece edebî bir eser değil aynı zamanda yazıldığı zaman ve mekânın kültürel ve sosyal hayatıyla alakalı çok sayıda folklorik unsur barındıran eserlerdir. İlk bilgilerini Agâh Sırrı Levend’in Türk Edebiyatında Şehr-engizler ve Şehr-engizlerde İstanbul adlı kitabından edindiğimiz İstanbul Şehrengizi’nin müellifi bilinmemekte olup tek nüshası Erzurum Atatürk Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi, Seyfettin Özege Koleksiyonu, Agâh Sırrı Levend Kitapları 322-339 demirbaş numaralı Şehrengizler Mecmuası’nın içindedir. İçindeki bir beyitten hareketle Kanuni Sultan Süleyman zamanında yazılmış olduğunu düşündüğümüz eser mesnevi nazım şekliyle yazılmış olup 108 beyitten oluşmaktadır. Şehrengiz türü hakkında genel bir bilgi verilen bu makalede eserin şekil ve muhteva hususiyetleri üzerinde durulmuş ve son bölümde eserin bilinen tek nüshasından hareketle transkripsiyonlu metni ortaya konulmuştur.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

An unprecedented city in Istanbul

Istanbul was the capital of three great empires such as Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman throughout the ages and was one of the largest and most magnificent cities on the world even though before the conquest of the Ottoman. After the conquest, the city has become a center of attraction and civilization with its changing face through reconstruction activities and Mehmed the Conqueror’s efforts to transform the city into a cultural center. Numerous works have been written about this city, which is frequented by pilgrims and poets, and some of these works are composed as shehrengiz. Shehrengiz, which reveals the cultural and social life of the Ottoman Empire, is the subject of both the beauty of a city and the beautifuls in the city. Written in the first quarter of the 16th century for the first time by Mesihi [D. 1513] to Edirne, shehrengiz kept its classical form and continued until the end of the 18th century. These works, which were written in plain language with the mesnevi verse form, were especially popular in the 16th century. Shehrengizes are not only a literary work, but also contains many folkloric elements related to the culture and social life of the time and place where it was written. The first information about the Shehrengiz of Istanbul, whose author is unknown, was obtained from Agâh Sırrı Levend's Turkish Literature in the city-engizler and city-engizler in Istanbul. The only known copy of this work, is in the Erzurum Atatürk University Library, Seyfettin Özege Collection, Agâh Sırrı Levend Books named "Sehrengizler Mecmuası" with the shelfmark 322-339. Based on a verse, it is thought that it was written during the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, in the form of the mesnevi verse and total number of verses are 108. In this article, after giving a general information about the genre of shehrengiz, the shape and content characteristics of the work are emphasized and in the last chapter, transcripted text from the only known copy of the work is presented.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

An Istanbul Shehrengiz By An Anonymous Author

Istanbul was the capital of three great empires such as Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman throughout the ages and was one of the largest and most magnificent cities on the world even though before the conquest of the Ottomans. After the conquest, the city has become a center of attraction and civilization with its changing face through reconstruction activities and Mehmed the Conqueror’s efforts to transform the city into a cultural center. Numerous works have been written about this city, which is frequented by pilgrims and poets, and some of these works are composed as shehrengiz. Shehrengiz, which reveals the cultural and social life of the Ottoman Empire, is the subject of both the beauty of a city and the beautifuls in the city. Written in the first quarter of the 16th century for the first time by Mesihi [D. 1513] to Edirne, shehrengiz kept its classical form and continued until the end of the 18th century. These works, which were written in plain language with the mesnevi verse form, were especially popular in the 16th century. Shehrengizes are not only a literary work, but also contains many folkloric elements related to the culture and social life of the time and place where it was written. The first information about the Shehrengiz of Istanbul, whose author is unknown, was obtained from Agâh Sırrı Levend’s Türk Edebiyatında Şehr-engizler ve Şehr-engizlerde İstanbul. The only known copy of this work, is in the Erzurum Atatürk University Library, Seyfettin Özege Collection, Agâh Sırrı Levend Books named “Şehrengizler Mecmuası” with the shelfmark 322-339. Based on a verse, it is thought that it was written during the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, in the form of mesnevi verse and total amount of verses are 108. In this article, after giving a general information about the genre of shehrengiz, the shape and content characteristics of the work are emphasized and in the last chapter, transcripted text from the only known copy of the work is presented.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Atıf Yapanlar
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Littera Turca Journal of Turkish Language and Literature

Alan :   Filoloji; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 584
Atıf : 965
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Filoloji Temel Alanı

Littera Turca Journal of Turkish Language and Literature