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  Atıf Sayısı 1
 Görüntüleme 120
 İndirme 39
Güzel Sanatlar ve Anadolu Lisesi Öğrencilerinin Müze ve Sanat İlgilerinin İncelenmesi
Journal of Strategic Research in Social Science

The aim of the research was to investigate the museum and art interests of the students in fine arts and Anatolian high schools. The research was carried out with totally 242 students (138 female/104 male), 144 of them were from Anatolian High School students and 98 (42 art, 56 music) from Fine Arts High School. The Art Interest Scale (AIS) was used to measure the art interests of the students and the Museum Interest Scale (MIS) was used to measure the museum interests of the students. In order to determine the correlation between the museum and art interests of the students in the research, the Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used; to test the museum and art interests difference according to the school type and gender; the Independent Sampling T-test and the One-way Variance Analysis to determine the museum and art interest difference according to the class level. It was found out that the art interests of the fine arts high school students were found to be significantly higher compared with the students in the Anatolian high school, no significant difference for the museum interest according to the both schools and both the art interests and the museum interests of the female students were significantly higher than the male students. No significant difference was encountered in terms of the class variable. In addition, it was found out in the research that the museum interests of the students in the department of art within the scope of the fine arts were significantly higher than the students in music; there were no significant difference in terms of their art interests. The correlation between the museum and art interest was positive and moderate. It was pleasing that the interest levels of the students in the research were above the medium level. In addition, although there was no significant difference between the museum interests of the students in fine arts high school and the Anatolian high school, it was considered as a desirable situation. That the Anatolian high school had positive results compared with the fine arts high school, and possible reasons of this situation were discussed and recommendations were stated.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Examination of the interests of the Museum and Art of the Beautiful Arts and Anadolu High School Students

The aim of the research was to investigate the museum and art interests of the students in fine arts and Anatolian high schools. The research was carried out with total 242 students (138 female/104 male), 144 of them were from Anatolian High School students and 98 (42 art, 56 music) from Fine Arts High School. The Art Interest Scale (AIS) was used to measure the art interests of the students and the Museum Interest Scale (MIS) was used to measure the museum interests of the students. In order to determine the correlation between the museum and art interests of the students in the research, the Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used; to test the museum and art interests difference according to the school type and gender; the Independent Sampling T-test and the One-way Variance Analysis to determine the museum and art interest difference according to the class level. It was found that the art interests of the fine arts high school students were found to be significantly higher compared with the students in the Anatolian high school, no significant difference for the museum interest according to both schools and both the art interests and the museum interests of the female students were significantly higher than the male students. No significant difference was encountered in terms of class variable. In addition, it was found in the research that the museum interests of the students in the department of art within the scope of the fine arts were significantly higher than the students in music; there were no significant difference in terms of their art interests. The correlation between the museum and art interest was positive and moderate. It was pleasant that the interest levels of the students in the research were above the medium level. In addition, although there was no significant difference between the museum interests of the students in fine arts high school and the Anatolian high school, it was considered as a desirable situation. That the Anatolian high school had positive results compared with the fine arts high school, and possible reasons of this situation were discussed and recommendations were stated.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Benzer Makaleler

Journal of Strategic Research in Social Science

Alan :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 252
Atıf : 153
Journal of Strategic Research in Social Science