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  Citation Number 8
 Views 54
 Downloands 3
Uluslararası 2. Sosyal Bilimler Sempozyumu (Asos Congress)

Toxic leaders who are motivated with his/her personal interests exhibit devastating, rude, tyrant and even irregular behaviours and these behaviours may cause negative and permanent effect upon organization’s employees, the whole organization and the followers being in the first place. While toxic leaders’ behaviours affect motivation and performance of the organization members negatively, organization’s productivity may decrease. To prevent toxic behaviours, whistleblowing is an alternative behaviour of organization member. However, in order that the organization member decide for whistleblowing, proper organizational conditions need to be provided. In this search in order to prevent and/or remove toxic behaviours and organizational toxicity that if healthcare professionals’leaders (managers) perceived whistleblowing as an effective mechanism or not and whistleblowing possibilities were researched via qualitative interview method. Qualitative method in this study helps employees prefer other behaviour possibilities to prevent/correct organizational toxicity.


a qualitative research on the possibility of revealing toxic leadership organizational poisoning and poisoning

toxic leaders who are motivated with his047her personally identifiable exhibit devastating rude tyrant and even irregular behaviurs and these behaviurs may cause negative and permanent effect upon organization’s employees the whole organization and the knives being in the first place while toxic leaders’ behaviurs affect motivation and performance of the organization members negatively organization’s productivity may decrease to prevent toxic behaviurs whistleblowing is an alternative behaviur of organization member of the organization however, the organization decides to order that the conditions of whistleblowing needs to whistleblower. ın this search in order to prevent and047or remove toxic behaviurs and dangerous situations if healthcare professionals’leaders managers perceived whistleblowing as an effective alternative or not and whistleblowing possibilities were researched via interview methodology in this study helps employees prefer other behaviur possibilities to prevent047 incorrect acid toxicity


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Uluslararası 2. Sosyal Bilimler Sempozyumu (Asos Congress)
Uluslararası 2. Sosyal Bilimler Sempozyumu (Asos Congress)