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 Görüntüleme 68
 İndirme 3
PressAcademia Procedia

On 20/04/2016, the Law No. 6701 on Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey entered into force. Although it seems like a law of association due to its name, the law essentially includes the conceptual definitions of discrimination and the prevention of discrimination as well as the formation, duties and authorities of the Human Rights and Equality Institution. In this regard, the first two chapters of the Act contain the purpose and scope, definitions, equality principle and prohibition of discrimination, the scope of the discrimination law, types of discrimination, discrimination law in employment and self-employment and the cases which cannot be considered as discrimination. In other sections; the establishment, structure, duties, personnel regime of the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey, application to the institution and its reviewing procedures are covered. The law is open to criticism in many ways. According to Article 3 of the Law, discrimination based on gender, race, color, language, religion, belief, sect, philosophical and political opinion, ethnicity, wealth, birth and marital status is prohibited. It is understood that there are only a limited number of issues to be considered as the basis for discrimination in the matter, since there is no such phrase as "et cetera" in the ruling. According to Article 17 of the Law, any natural or legal person who claims to be harmed by the violation of the discrimination law may apply to the Human Rights and Equality Institution established under the Law No. 6701. However, in case of discrimination other than discrimination based on Article 3, it is a question that it can not apply to the Institution. Furthermore, before applying to the Institution, it is stipulated that the persons should request from the relevant party to correct the application which they claim is contrary to this Law. Stipulating such a condition in the examination of individual applications, which is the fundamental activity to keep the institution  functioning,  will make it difficult for the individual to apply to the institution, especially if the discrimination is carried out by someone who has a hierarchical relationship with the individual. When the Human Rights and Equality Institution detects discrimination, the sanction imposed is administrative penalty. However,  the minimum amount of administrative penalties defined by Law is quite low. There is also the authority of the Institution to convert this penalty to a penalty of warning . It is therefore difficult to argue, that a deterrent sanction mechanism is stipulated in the Law. 

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PressAcademia Procedia
PressAcademia Procedia