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  Atıf Sayısı 19
 Görüntüleme 67
 İndirme 25
Araştırma Görevlilerinin Kariyer Gelişimleri: Engeller ve Çözümler
Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi

This research was designated with the aim of determining how the career development of research assistants evolves. The measurement tool developed by the researchers was applied to 117 research assistants, and the t-test related to the input data, one way (Anova) and Tukey b tests were used. The purpose of this study is to determine the benefits gained throughout the career development of research assistants and the problems that they come across. The advantage of their progressing up to the desired level for the university and science has also been clearly articulated. Research assistants demonstrated an equal distribution in terms of sex, marital status and academic phases. 60 % of them were indicated to fall within the range of 24-27 age, and 59 % of them have 1-3 years of experience; with a percentage of 30 % who never attended any symposium. 38 % of them indicated to have no published articles, and 63 % of them have not received any pedagogical formation education. % 76 of the research assistants believed that being interested in private, -non professional tasks- has a negative impact on the career development of academics and 80 % of them stated that the stage of their professional life throughout which they learned the most was during the first years of their career. Those who have 8 and above years of experience assumed that the problems they face as research assistants will cease when they get their tittles as academics. Research assistants at the age of 28 and above stated that economic problems force them more to take on extra work when compared to other age groups. Some recommendations have been introduced suggesting that there should be a ‘research based’ and ‘teaching based’ restructuring in the universities, the task of training the research assistants should be given to research universities, the economic conditions should be enhanced, job descriptions should be clear and tangible, and there should be a serious monitoring procedures on the evaluation entry criterion. Key words: Research assistant, career development, university administration.

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