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  Citation Number 23
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Amerika’nın Karadeniz Politikasını Yeniden Değerlendirmek
Gazi Akademik Bakış

Karadeniz Bölgesi, Soğuk Savaş sonrası dönemde, güvenlik, enerji güvenliği, liberal siyasi ve ekonomik değerler, RF’nin dengelenmesi, Orta Asya ve Orta Doğu bölgelerine ulaşım ve kontrol açısından ABD için önem kazanmıştır. ABD, Karadeniz Bölgesi için saptanan hedeflere çoğunlukla ulaşmış ve transatlantik politikaları AB ile uyum içinde uygulamıştır. Ancak değişen güvenlik algıları ve RF’nin yeniden canlanması ABD açısından bölgede oluşan güç boşluğunu ortadan kaldırmıştır. ABD’nin stratejik önceliğinin Avrupa’dan Uzak Asya ve Pasifik bölgesi ile Orta Doğu’ya kayması nedeniyle Karadeniz’e düşük yoğunluklu bir ilgi göstermeye başladığı sonucuna ulaşmıştır. 


Re-evaluating America's Black Sea Policy

The Black Sea Region has gained importance for the United States in terms of security, energy, the liberal political and economic values, balancing Russia, the accessing and controlling Central Asia and the Middle East after the Cold War era. For this purpose a new strategy which was named under 'the Wider Black Sea Region' was put into practice by America. The United States has mostly achieved the objectives identified for the Black Sea Region and have applied the transatlantic policies in harmony with the EU. But, the changing security perceptions and the revival of Russia have removed the power gap for the United States in the region. In article, it has been reached at the conclusion that the United States has begun to present low-intensity attention to the Black Sea due to the shift of the U.S. strategic priorities from Europe to East Asia, the Pacific region and the Middle East.


Reassessing The America’s Black Sea Policy

The Black Sea Region has gained importance for the United States in terms of security, energy, the liberal political and economic values, balancing Russia, the accessing and controlling Central Asia and the Middle East after the Cold War era. For this purpose a new strategy which was named under ‘the Wider Black Sea Region’ was put into practice by America. The United States has mostly reached the objectives identified for the Black Sea Region and have applied the transatlantic policies in harmony with EU. But, the changing security perceptions and the revival of Russia have removed the ‘power gap for the United States in region. In article, it has been reached at conclusion that the United States has begun to present low-intensity attention to Black Sea due to shift of the strategic priorities of the U.S. from Europe to East Asia, the Pacific region and the Middle East. 


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Gazi Akademik Bakış

Field :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Journal Type :   Ulusal

Article : 503
Cite : 3.009
Basic Field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Gazi Akademik Bakış