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  Citation Number 4
 Views 125
 Downloands 44
Tanrısız Yahudiliğe Doğru: Hümanist Yahudilik ve Temel Değerleri

Reformist Yahudilik içinden çıkan Hümanist Yahudilik hareketi, Rabbi Sherwin Theodore Wine (1928–2007) tarafından ABD’nin Detroit kentinde 1963’te kuruldu. Özellikle Amerikan Yahudileri arasında Ortodoks, Reformist, Muhafazakâr ve Yeniden Yapılanmacı hareketler karşısında “beşinci mezhep” olarak tanındı. Çağdaş Yahudi mezheplerin en yenisi olan Hümanist Yahudiliğin en dikkat çekici yönü, Yahudiliğin teolojik öğretilerini tartışmaya açmak suretiyle evrensel değerlere dayanan tanrısız bir Yahudilik anlayışını savunmasıdır. Bu özelliğinden dolayı, daha çok agnostik ya da ateistik görüşleri benimseyen seküler Yahudiler arasında kabul görmektedir. Geleneksel Yahudilik anlayışına karşı en radikal duruşu sergiler. Yahudiliği, Yahudi halkın tarihsel ve kültürel bir tecrübesi olarak görür; din bu tecrübenin sadece bir parçasıdır. İnsanların doğaüstü bir otoriteden bağımsız olduklarını kabul edip, kendilerinden ve davranışlarından yine kendilerine karşı sorumlu olduklarına, böyle bir güç olmaksızın kendi hayatlarını şekillendirebilecek yeteneğe sahip olduklarına inanır. Yahudilerin tarihinin de tıpkı diğer ulusların tarihi gibi sadece insan ve doğa olaylarından ibaret olduğunu düşünür. Tevrat ve diğer dinî metinlerin insan ürünü olduğuna ve bilimsel araştırmaların bunu açık bir şekilde ortaya koyduğunu savunur. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, Hümanist Yahudiliğin Rabbi Sherwin Theodore Wine tarafından kuruluşu, temel öğreti ve uygulamaları hakkında bilgi vermek suretiyle günümüz Yahudi dünyasındaki yeri üzerinde durmaktır. Hümanist Yahudiler hakkındaki bilgiler, mümkün olduğunca mensuplarınca yapılan yayınlardan tasviri metotla alınacaktır. Bunlar, özellikle geleneksel Yahudilik anlayışıyla karşılaştırma yapılarak ortaya konulacaktır.


Tanrısız Yahudiliğe Doğru: Hümanist Yahudilik ve Temel Değerleri

The Humanistic Judaism movement, which emerged from Reformist Judaism, was founded by Rabbi Sherwin Theodore Wine (1928-2007) in 1963 in Detroit, USA. Particularly among American Jews, it was recognized as the fifth sect in the face of Orthodox, Reformist, Conservative and Reconstructionist movements. The most striking aspect of Humanistic Judaism, which is the newest of the contemporary Jewish sects, is that it advocates a godless understanding of Judaism based on universal values by opening the theological doctrines of Judaism to debate. Because of this feature, it is mostly accepted among the secular Jews who adopt agnostic or atheistic views. It exhibits the most radical stand against traditional Judaism. It considers Judaism as a historical and cultural experience of the Jewish people; religion is only a part of this experience. It believes that human beings are independent of a supernatural authority and are responsible for themselves and their behavior against them, and have the ability to shape their own lives without such power. It thinks that the history of the Jews, just like the history of other nations, consists solely of human and natural phenomena. It argues that the Torah and other religious texts are written by human beings and scientific research clearly demonstrate that fact. The aim of this research is to emphasize the foundation of Humanistic Judaism by Rabbi Sherwin Theodore Wine and its place in today's Jewish world by giving information about its basic teachings and practices. Information about Humanistic Jews will be taken as much as possible from the publications made by the members of the movement. These will be presented in comparison with specifically traditional Judaism.

Towards Godless Judaism: Humanistic Judaism and Its Basic Values

The Humanistic Judaism movement, which emerged from Reformist Judaism, was founded by Rabbi Sherwin Theodore Wine (1928–2007) in 1963 in Detroit, USA. Particularly among American Jews, it was recognized as the fifth sect in the face of Orthodox, Reformist, Conservative and Reconstructionist movements. The most striking aspect of Humanistic Judaism, which is the newest of the contemporary Jewish sects, is that it advocates a godless understanding of Judaism based on universal values ​​by opening the theological doctrines of Judaism to debate. Because of this feature, it is mostly accepted among the secular Jews who adopt agnostic or atheistic views. It exhibits the most radical stance against traditional Judaism. It regards Judaism as a historical and cultural experience of the Jewish people; religion is only a part of this experience. It believes that human beings are independent of a supernatural authority and are responsible for themselves and their behavior against them, and have the ability to shape their own lives without such power. It thinks that the history of the Jews, just like the history of other nations, consists solely of human and natural phenomena. It argues that the Torah and other religious texts are written by human beings and scientific researches clearly demonstrate that fact. The aim of this research is to emphasize the foundation of Humanistic Judaism by Rabbi Sherwin Theodore Wine and its place in today’s Jewish world by giving information about its basic teachings and practices. Information about Humanistic Jews will be taken as much as possible from the publications made by the members of the movement. These will be presented in comparison with specifically traditional Judaism.


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Field :   Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik; İlahiyat; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Journal Type :   Ulusal

Article : 196
Cite : 219
Basic Field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Basic Field of Theology

Basic Field of Science and Mathematics
