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  Atıf Sayısı 1
 Görüntüleme 59
 İndirme 21
Tirmizî’nin es-Sünen’i Çerçevesinde Buhârî’nin Kullandığı Hadis Usûlü Terimleri

Bir ilmin usûlünü ve terimlerini bilmek başta o ilimle uğraşan kişiler açısından önemlidir. Hadis usûlü denilen, hadis ilminin usûl ve terimlerini içeren bu ilmin müstakil eserleri, temel hadis kitaplarından sonra yazılmıştır. Muhaddislerin hadis kitaplarındaki usûlleri, eserlerine yazdığı mukaddimeden tespit edilebilmektedir. Fakat bazı muhaddislerin eserlerine mukaddime yazmadıkları için, usûl kriterleri, kendilerinin veya talebelerinin eserlerinin incelenmesinden anlaşılmaktadır. Bilindiği gibi temel hadis kitapları ikinci üçüncü asırda yazılırken elimize ulaşan ilk usûl kitabı dördüncü asırda yazılmıştır. Fakat, dördüncü asra kadar, eserlerinde hadis usûlü konularından bahseden muhaddisler vardır. Bunlardan biri üçüncü asırda yaşamış Tirmizî’dir. Tirmizî, es-Sünen isimli kitabının sonundaki “Kitâbu’l-ılel” bölümünde bu konuya değinmekte olup hakikatte o, eserinin tamamında yeri geldikçe hadis usûlü konularından bahsetmektedir. Bu çalışmada Tirmizî’nin es-Sünen isimli eseri özelinde hocası Buhârî’nin kullandığı hadis usûlü terimleri tespit edilecektir. Konu örneklendirmeler yapılarak işlenecektir. Makalede temel amaç Buhârî’nin kullandığı hadis usulü terimlerini tespit olduğundan rivayetler incelenirken Buhârî’nin söz konusu etmediği isnadın diğer ravileri hakkında bir değerlendirme yapılmayacaktır. Makalede ayrıca Buhârî’nin rivayet veya ravi hakkında vardığı sonuca öğrencisi Tirmizî’nin katılıp katılmadığı da belirtilecektir. Ayrıca Buhârî’nin ta‘dîl veya cerh ettiği ravilerden rivayette bulunup bulunmadığı da rivayetin sonunda söz konusu edilecektir.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Tirmizî’nin es-Sünen’i Çerçevesinde Buhârî’nin Kullandığı Hadis Usûlü Terimleri

The knowledge of the knowledge and the knowledge of the knowledge of the knowledge of the knowledge of the knowledge of the knowledge of the knowledge of the knowledge. Thus, the book, which has been written in the Qur’an, has been written in the Qur’an and has been written in the Qur’an and has been written in the Qur’an. The Qur’an says that the Qur’an is written in the Qur’an, and that the Qur’an is written in the Qur’an. But because some of them do not write in their works, the criteria of the procedure are understood by the study of their own or their demands. As we know, the basic hadith books are written in the second and third centuries, and the first usul book is written in the fourth century. Thus, the fourth verse of the Qur’an reveals that the Qur’an is the fourth verse of the Qur’an, which is the fourth verse of the Qur’an. One of them was the third-century Tirmizî. In the book of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit. In this work, Tirmizî’s work named es-Sünen will be identified in the special terms of the hadith used by the teacher Bukhari. Examples will be processed. The main purpose of the article is to identify the hadith procedural terms used by Bukhari while the rivayets are examined while Bukhari is not concerned with the other raviles will not be assessed. In the article, it will also be stated that the conclusion that Bukhari has reached about the rivayet or treatment of the student Tirmizî will not participate or not. It will also be discussed in the end of the Revelation of the Revelation of the Revelation of the Revelation of the Revelation of the Revelation of the Revelation of the Revelation.

The Terms Of The Hadith Used By Bukhārī In The Framework Of Tirmidhī's Sunan

Knowing the principles and terms of this religious science is important for the people who deal with it. Books of this knowledge, which contains the basics and the terms of the prophet Muhammad's sayings/deeds called hadith, was written after the principal hadith books. Muhaddiths’ hadith method in their books can be determined from the introduction, which they wrote in their works. However, since some of the muhaddith did not write an introduction in their works, their methodological criteria are understood from the study of their own or his students' works. The very first version of Hadith books was written in the second and third centuries of the hijra. However, until the fourth century, there were muhaddiths who talk about the subjects of hadith methodology in their books. One of them is Tirmidhī, who lived in the third century. Tirmidhī mentions this subject in the chapter entitled “Kitāb al- ʿilal” at the end of his book. In this study, the terms of the hadith method used by Tirmidhī’s advisor Bukhārī, will be determined. The subject will be processed by making examples. As the main purpose of the article is to determine the terms of the hadith method used by Bukhārī, no evaluation will be made about the other narratives of Bukhārī’s subject. In the article, it will also be stated whether the student Tirmidhī joined the conclusion of Bukhārī about the narration or rāvi. It will also be said at the end of the narration whether Bukhārī has narrated the narratives of his vehicles or ceremonies.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Benzer Makaleler


Alan :   İlahiyat; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 295
Atıf : 424
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

İlahiyat Temel Alanı
