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Sinemada Müzik Kullanımı Bağlamında Theodoros Angelopoulos’un “Ağlayan Çayır” Filmi Üzerine Bir İnceleme
Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Akademik Müzik Araştırmaları Dergisi

Sinema, edebiyatı, müziği, tiyatroyu, mimariyi, resmi vb. sanat dallarını içinde barındıran bir sanattır. Bunları içinde bulundurmak ile birlikte, yeni bir anlatım dili oluşturarak sanat halini kazanmıştır. Filmin anlatı yapısında ve dilinde müzik, önemli bir konuma sahiptir. Film müziği, filmin anlatımında bütünleyici, destekleyici bir unsurdur. Filmde işlenen konu, filmin tematik yapısı, anlatılmak ya da yaratılmak istenen duygu, karakterlerin psikolojik özellikleri, zamanın ve mekanın ruhu, atmosferi ile filmde kullanılan müzik arasında nasıl bir bağ ve uyum söz konusudur? Çalışmada bu soruya yanıt aranmaktadır. Filmde müzik kullanımına örnek olarak, Theodoros Angelopoulos’un “Ağlayan Çayır” (2004) filmi incelenmektedir. Filmin müzikleri Eleni Karaindrou’ya aittir.     Tarama modelini esas alan betimsel çalışmada, içerik analizi tekniği kullanılacaktır. Ayrıca yapılandırılmış görüşme ile film müziği üzerine tespitler, alandaki bir uzman ile görüşülerek değerlendirilecektir. Bu bağlamda yukarda ifade edilen filmin anlatım yapısı ve duygu atmosferi ile film müziği arasındaki uyum tespit edilmeye çalışılmaktadır. Cinema is an art that contains art branches such as literature, music, theater, architecture, painting, etc. Besides, creating a new narrative language, it has relevantly gained an art form. The music has an important position in the narrative structure and language of the film. Film music is complementary, supporting element for the presentation of a film. What type of a relation and a coherence among the subject of the film, the thematic structure of the film, the emotion desired to be told or to be created, the psychological characteristics of the characters,the spirit and atmosphere of time and space and the music used in the film? In this study, the reply of this question will be focused on. For an example of the music usage in a film, the film named “The Weeping Meadow” (2004) belonged to Theodoros Angelopoulos is examined. The owner of the film songs is Eleni Karaindrou.             Content analysis technique will be used in descriptive study based on scanning model. In addition, the film music will be evaluated with an expert in the field with a structured interview. In this context, it is tried to determine the harmony between the narrative structure and theatmosphere of emotion in the relevant film and its music.   

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Sinemada Müzik Kullanımı Bağlamında Theodoros Angelopoulos’un “Ağlayan Çayır” Filmi Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Film, literature, music, theatre, architecture, graphics, etc. It is an art that holds in its branches. In addition, it has become art by creating a new narrative language. In the film's narrative structure and language, music has an important position. Film music is an integrative, supporting element in the story of the film. What is the subject of the film, the thematic structure of the film, the feeling to be told or created, the psychological characteristics of the characters, the spirit of time and space, the atmosphere and the music used in the film? This question is being answered in the study. As an example of the use of music in the film, the film is studied by Theodoros Angelopoulos's "The Crying Knight" (2004). The music of the film belongs to Eleni Karaindrou. In the visual study based on the scan model, the content analysis technique will be used. Also, the discoveries on film music with a structured interview will be assessed by consulting an expert in the field. In this context, it is attempted to identify the harmony between the narrative structure and the emotional atmosphere of the film expressed above and the film music. Cinema is an art that contains art branches such as literature, music, theater, architecture, painting, etc. Besides, creating a new narrative language, it has relevantly gained an art form. The music has an important position in the narrative structure and language of the film. Film music is complementary, supporting element for the presentation of a film. What kind of relationship and coherence between the subject of the film, the thematic structure of the film, the emotion desired to be told or to be created, the psychological characteristics of the characters, the spirit and atmosphere of time and space and the music used in the film? In this study, the answer to this question will be focused on. For an example of the music use in a film, the film named "The Weeping Meadow" (2004) belonged to Theodoros Angelopoulos is examined. The owner of the film songs is Eleni Karaindrou.             Content analysis technique will be used in descriptive study based on scanning model. In addition, the film music will be evaluated with an expert in the field with a structured interview. In this context, it is tried to determine the harmony between the narrative structure and the theatmosphere of emotion in the relevant film and its music.

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Akademik Müzik Araştırmaları Dergisi

Alan :   Güzel Sanatlar

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 189
Atıf : 410
Güzel Sanatlar Temel Alanı

Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Akademik Müzik Araştırmaları Dergisi