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 Görüntüleme 83
 İndirme 15
Belgi Dergisi

Okul tarih ders kitapları, ülkelerin birbirini tanıma ve diğer ülke ve halkları hakkında imajın oluşmasında etkili araçlardan biridir. Özellikle, kişiliğin gelişme süreci olarak kabul edilen ortaokul ve lise yaş gurubundaki bireylerde, uluslararası ilişkiler ve “öteki” kavramının oluşmasında ve dünyaya bakışında tarih ders kitaplarının yönlendirici unsurların başında geldiği kabul edilmektedir. Dolayısıyla, tarih ders kitapları, milli kimliğin oluşmasında etkili olduğu kadar, dünyayı anlamada da fevkalade önemli ve etkili materyaller arasında yer almaktadır. Bu araştırmada, halen Türkiye’de okutulmakta olan Lise tarih ders kitaplarında Azerbaycan ve Azerbaycan Türkleri’nin nasıl temsil edildiği hususu, konuyla ilgili diğer kaynaklar da dikkate alınarak değişik açılardan analiz edilecek, Türkiye ve Azerbaycan Türkleri’nin geçmişte kurulmuş ve bugün de devam eden siyasî, ekenomik, kültürel ilişkilerin Türkiye toplumu tarafından geniş şekilde öğrenilmesi için, ders kitaplarında içerik ve materyal bakımından yapılması gereken değişiklik ve ilaveler konusunda öneriler geliştirilecektir. Anahtar kavramlar:, Azerbaycan, Azerbaycan Türkleri, Türkiye, Türk tarih ders kitapları Abstract As it is known, the history textbooks are considered for the countries as one of the most effective means of learning and forming an image about each other. It is accepted that history textbooks are the leading factors in forming international relations, the concept of “others”, and view of the world especially for the individuals in the age of secondary or high school which is considered as the age of developing personality. Thus history textbooks are effective not only in the formation of national personality but also in understanding the world. In this paper, the way Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan Turks are represented in the textbooks used nowadays is analysed from different aspects, and some suggestions developed about the changes and additions with regard to the content and materials in the textbooks to help the development of Turkey Azerbaijan fraternity.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

A research on the advice of the Azerbaijani and Azerbaijani Turks in the Turkish History Lectures
Belgi Dergisi

School history curricula is one of the effective tools in the formation of the image of countries and peoples about each other and recognizing each other. In particular, it is recognized that in individuals in the middle school and high school age groups, which are considered as the process of personality development, the formation of international relations and the concept of "the other" and the world view of history curricula came to the forefront of the guiding elements. Therefore, as important and effective in the formation of national identity, history curricula is among the materials that are extremely important and effective in the understanding of the world. In this study, the issue of how the Azerbaijani and Azerbaijani Turks are represented in the high school history curricula, which is still being studied in Turkey, will be analyzed from different perspectives, taking into account other related sources, and the recommendations on the changes and additions that must be made in terms of content and material in the curriculum will be developed in order to learn the political, economic, cultural relations that have been established in the past and are still ongoing today by the Turkish society. Key concepts: Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Turkish, Turkish, Turkish History lessons Abstract As it is known, the history textbooks are considered for the countries as one of the most effective means of learning and forming an image about each other. It is accepted that history textbooks are the leading factors in forming international relations, the concept of "other", and view of the world especially for the individuals in the age of secondary or high school which is considered as the age of developing personality. Thus history textbooks are effective not only in the formation of national personality but also in understanding the world. In this paper, the way Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan Turks are represented in the textbooks used today is analyzed from different aspects, and some suggestions developed about the changes and additions with regard to the content and materials in the textbooks to help the development of Turkey Azerbaijan fraternity.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

A Researce On Representation Of Azerbai̇jan and Azerbai̇jan Turks In Turkish History Textbooks
Belgi Dergisi
Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

Belgi Dergisi

Alan :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 326
Atıf : 587
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Belgi Dergisi