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  Atıf Sayısı 3
 Görüntüleme 256
 İndirme 31
 Sesli Dinleme 2
Fârâbî’nin Epistemolojisi, Ontolojisi ve Felsefeye Katkıları
Turkish Studies

Bu çalışma, genel hatlarıyla Fârâbî’nin öncüsü olduğu Meşşâîliğin prensipleri, ana fikri ve metodolojisi üzerine bilgi vermekte ve Fârâbî’nin epistemolojik ve ontolojik görüşleri çerçevesinde felsefeye yapmış olduğu katkıları, etkisini ortaya koyma amacı ile yazılmıştır. Muallim-i Sani, Alpharabius gibi isimler ile de tanınan Fârâbî, İslam düşünce dünyasına Yunan felsefenin metodolojisini ve terminolojisini sistematik bir biçimde entegre etmiş Müslüman bir Türk düşünürüdür. Çocukluğundan itibaren başta hukuk ve dini ilimler olmak üzere devrin en iyi hocalarından dersler almıştır. Kabiliyeti ve öğrenmeye merakı sayesinde birçok alanda uzmanlaşmış (hezarfen, polimat) bir alimdir. Bu özelliğinin doğal bir sonucu olarak başta felsefe olmak üzere pek çok eser yazmıştır. Antik Yunan’daki Peripatosçuluk akımından esinlenerek özgün nitelendirilebilecek Meşşâî ekolünün temel metodolojisini, kavramlarını ve paradigmasını ortaya koymuştur. Üretkenliğinin temeli, farklı felsefe ekollerinin görüşlerini eklektik bir metot ile seçerek özgün bir biçimde sentezlemesidir. Genel olarak, İslami epistemolojik ve ontolojik anlayışını, Yunan Felsefesi ile ele aldığı görülmektedir. Bu yol ile Yunan felsefesi metodolojisi ile yapılan sorgulama metoduyla İslam akaidini açıklamaya çalışmıştır. Düşüncelerinin esasını Sokrates, Platon, Aristoteles gibi düşünürlerden alır. Fârâbî’nin sistemi, Aristoteles mantığına dayanan akılcı bir metafiziktir. Felsefenin determinist sorgulama metodunu yaratıcılık (creatism) esaslı İslam anlayışına uyarlamıştır. Bu yol ile hikmet (felsefe) ile dini uzlaştırmaya gayret etmiştir.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Epistemology, Ontology and Philosophy of Farabi
Turkish Studies

This study, with its general lines, provides information on the principles of Meşâliya, the main idea and methodology of which Fârâbî was the pioneer, and the contribution of Fârâbî to philosophy in the framework of epistemological and ontological views, is written with the aim of revealing its influence. Muallim-i Sani, also known as Alpharabius, is a Muslim Turkish thinker who systematically integrated the methodology and terminology of Greek philosophy into the world of Islamic thought. From his childhood he received lessons from the best teachers of the time, including law and religious sciences. He is a scientist who, thanks to his ability and curiosity to learn, specializes in many fields. As a natural result of this characteristic, he wrote many works, first of all, in philosophy. Inspired by the Peripatostic flow in Ancient Greece, he revealed the basic methodology, concepts and paradigms of the Meşâi ecole, which can be described as original. The foundation of productivity is the original synthesis of the opinions of different philosophical ecologists by choosing the opinions by an eclectic method. In general, the Islamic epistemological and ontological understanding is seen to be addressed by the Greek philosophy. In this way, he tried to explain the Islamic accidity by the methodology of the Greek philosophy. He takes the foundation of his thoughts from such thinkers as Socrates, Platon, and Aristotle. The system of Farabi is a logical metaphysics based on Aristotle’s logic. The determinist of philosophy has adapted the method of questioning to the concept of Islam based on creativity (creatism). It is the way of understanding the wisdom of religion.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Al-fārābī’s Epistemology, Ontology and Contributions To Philosophy
Turkish Studies

Study informs about the principles, ideas and methodology of Peripatetic ecole which led by al-Fārābī and examines the epistemological and ontological thoughts of Al-Fārābī and his contributions to philosophy in general terms. Al-Fārābī also known by name like Alpharabius is a Turkic thinker and Islamic philosopher who systematically brought on the methodology and terminology of Greek Philosophy into Islamic world of thought. He took lessons from the best lecturers and religious scholars of his time, primarily in fields of law and sciences of religion since his early ages due his ability and curiosity to learn he eventually become and wise school man who we may define as a polymath as a natural outcome of his features he wrote a lot of masterpieces particularly in the field of philosophy. He constituted fundamental methodology, terms and paradigms of Peripatetic ecole which you may define as al-Fārābī, al-Kindī’s ecole that may be described as very authentic and original thought with being inspired of Peripateticism. The ground which lays under his philosophical productivity is synthesizing the views of various philosophical ecoles originally with an eclectic method. In general, it has been seen that he investigated Islamic epistemological and ontological thought within the frame of determinism of Greek Philosophy. By this way, he employed the questioning method of Greek philosophy to the fundamental norms of Islamic dogmas. The essence of his thoughts affected by Peripateticism philosophers and mostly by Socrates, Plato, Aristoteles. Comprehensive approach and system of al-Fārābī can be described as an Aristotle’s logic based rational metaphysic and spiritualism. He adopted deterministic questioning method of philosophy to Islamic approach which based upon the creationism. By this way his efforts were focusing on compromising the philosophy with religious thoughts.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Benzer Makaleler
Turkish Studies

Alan :   Eğitim Bilimleri; Filoloji; Güzel Sanatlar; Hukuk; İlahiyat; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler; Spor Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 12.054
Atıf : 48.375
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Hukuk Temel Alanı

İlahiyat Temel Alanı

Güzel Sanatlar Temel Alanı

Filoloji Temel Alanı

Spor Bilimleri Temel Alanı

Eğitim Bilimleri Temel Alanı

Turkish Studies