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Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal

Bilimsel keşiflere duyulan merak her alanda kendini göstermektedir. Sanat da bu alanlardan biri olarak bilimsel ilerlemeler ile birlikte gelişen teknoloji ve malzemede ki çeşitlilik sanatçılara yeni anlatım olanakları sunmaktadır. Dolayısıyla her dönem kendi imkânları ve anlayışı çerçevesinde şekillenir. Çağımızın sosyolojik insan davranışlarından biri kuşkusuz bireyselleşmedir. Bu kavramın sanat alanı içerisindeki tezahürü sanatçıların kendi içsel dünyalarına duygusal ve fiziksel anlamda dönüş ile açıklanabilir. Bu bağlam ile çalışmanı amacı; çağdaş sanatta öze dönüş kavramının sanat eserlerine ne şekilde yansıdığı üzerine çözümlemeler yapmaktır. Sanayi Devrimi sonrası bireyselleşmenin ilk sinyallerinin verildiği dönemlerden bu yana kavramın sanat eserleri üzerindeki etkisinin tarihsel bir süreci sunulmuş sonrasında “öz” kavramı irdelenmiştir. Nitel çalışma yöntemlerinden literatür taraması ve eser analizinin kullanıldığı çalışmada bulgulara sanatçı eserlerinin analizi ve çözümlenmesi ile ulaşılmıştır. Sonuç olarak kendi hayatını yansıttığı eserleri ile Fluxus akımının önemli temsilcilerinden Beuys’un yağ nesnesi ile olan duygusal bağı irdelenmiştir. Marc Quinn ve Ted Lawson’un bilim ve sanatın birlikteliğini yansıtır konumda olan kendi kanlarını kullanarak yaptığı eserleri öze dönüşe dair bu çalışmadaki fiziksel-biyolojik veriyi sunmuştur. Hollandalı Sanatçı Jacob Van Der Beugel ise öze dönüş sorunsalında kendine değil bir başkasına odaklanır. DNA’ların seramik yüzeylere aktarılması sonucu oluşturduğu yerleştirme sanatçının kendi özünün dışında bireysel özün yakalayabilmesi durumuna yeni bir açılım getirmiştir.


The “Return” of Contemporary Art

The curiosity of scientific discoveries shows itself in every field. Art is also one of these fields, along with scientific advances, the diversity of technology and materials that develops offers new narrative opportunities to artists. Thus, each period is formed in the framework of its own possibilities and understanding. One of the sociological human behaviors of our time is undoubtedly individuality. The manifestation within the art field of this concept can be explained by the return of the artists to their inner worlds in the emotional and physical sense. The purpose of your work in this context is to make solutions on how the concept of self-refoulement in contemporary art reflects the works of art. Since the period in which the first signals of individualization were given after the industrial revolution, a historic process of the effect of the concept on the artworks was presented after the concept of "self" has been drawn up. Qualitative study methods of literature scan and work analysis used in the study to find out by the analysis and analysis of the artist's works. As a result, his works reflect his own life and the emotional bond of Beuys with the oil object from the important representatives of the Fluxus stream. Marc Quinn and Ted Lawson have presented the physical-biological data in this study of their works using their own blood that reflect the unity of science and art. The Dutch artist, Jacob Van Der Beugel, focuses on the problem of self-rise, not on someone else. The placement, which is the result of the transmission of DNA to ceramic surfaces, has brought a new opening to the state that the artist can catch individual essence outside of his own essence.


The Problem Of Returni̇ng To "essence" In Contemporary Art

The curiosity for scientific discoveries manifests itself in every field. Art, as one of these fields, offers artists new expression opportunities with the development of technology and the diversity of materials, together with scientific advances. Therefore, each period is shaped within the framework of its own possibilities and understanding. One of the sociological human behaviors of our age is undoubtedly individualization. The manifestation of this concept in the field of art can be explained by the emotional and physical return of the artists to their inner world. The purpose of working with this context is; To make analyzes on how the concept of returning to the essence in contemporary art is reflected on art works. Since the first signals of individualization after the Industrial Revolution, a historical process of the effect of the concept on artworks has been presented, and then the concept of "essence" has been examined. The findings of the study, in which the literature review and work analysis, which are among the qualitative study methods, were used, were reached by analyzing and analyzing the artist's works. As a result, the emotional connection of Beuys, one of the important representatives of the Fluxus movement, with the fat object was examined with his works reflecting his own life. The works of Marc Quinn and Ted Lawson, which reflect the unity of science and art, using their own blood, presented the physical-biological data in this study about the return to essence. Dutch artist Jacob Van Der Beugel, on the other hand, focuses on someone else, not on himself, in the question of return to essence. The installation created by transferring DNAs to ceramic surfaces has brought a new perspective to the situation where the artist can capture the individual essence other than his own.


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