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 Görüntüleme 33
 İndirme 6
Indicators of E-Learning Platforms in Riyadh City Universities: A Comparative Study
International Review of Management and Business Research (IRMBR)

Developing universities have established a promising E-Learning Platform initiative in order to enhance access to education services and information to its students. This study examines the development of ELearning Platform in Riyadh City Universities (RCU), and compared between privet and government sector. This paper proposes evaluate and comparative model for E-Learning platform between Government and private sector in RCU, the E-Learning platform solution selection is a multiple criteria decisionmaking problem that needs to be addressed objectively taking into consideration the relative weights of the criteria for university. We formulate the quoted multi criteria problem as a decision hierarchy to solving problem. In this paper we will show the general evaluation strategy and compared between privet and government sector obtained results using our model to evaluate e-learning platforms. The results of comparison models are outlined as follows: Total weights of the proposed framework in management feature is 16.25/25, in collaborative feature is 7.75/10, in adaption learning path is 7.63/10 and in interactive learning object is 4.75/5. In this study an evaluation model was applied on Government University like KSU, IMAMU, NAUSS and PNBAU, Private University like PSU, DAU, YU and FU. Then, the results were compared with each other. The total weighs Government University of KSU was 41. While the total weights of IMAMU, NAUSS and PNBAU was 37, 32and 37. The total weighs private University of FU was 40. While the total weights of PSU DAU and YU was 38, 38 and36 respectively. The total weights of all features in Government University are 147/200, Private University are 152/200. Key Words: E-Learning, E-Learning Platform, LCMS, GIS, AHP, Multiple Criteria Decision Making, LMS, GS, PS.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

International Review of Management and Business Research (IRMBR)

Alan :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 927
Atıf : 443
International Review of Management and Business Research (IRMBR)