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Matematik ve Fen Bilimleri ile Temel Eğitim Bölümlerindeki Öğrencilerin Kaufman Yaratıcılık Alanlarının İncelenmesi
SDU International Journal of Educational Studies

Çalışmanın birincil amacı, Kaufman Yaratıcılık Alanları Ölçeği’nin beş alt boyutlu kuramsal yapısının lisans düzeyindeki iki farklı bölüm öğrencilerinden elde edilen veriler ile doğrulanmasıdır. İkincil amacı öğrencilerin farklı lisans programlarında öğrenim görmelerinin yaratıcılık toplam puanına ve yaratıcılık alan puanları üzerine etkisini araştırmaktır. Veriler, temel eğitim bölümünden 180’i sınıf, 67’si okul öncesi eğitimi; matematik ve fen bilimleri eğitimi bölümünden 114’ü fen bilgisi, 55’i matematik eğitimi ana bilim dalındaki öğrenciden toplanmıştır. Çalışmanın tasarımı, kesitsel tarama yöntemi ile desteklenmiş nedensel karşılaştırmadır. Uyum indislerin kabul edilebilir eşik değerlere oldukça yakın olması nedeni ile ölçek kuramsal modelle uyumludur. Bilimsel ve mekanik yaratıcılık alanı için matematik ve fen bilimleri eğitimi bölümündeki öğrenciler lehine anlamlı farklar olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yaratıcılık toplam puanlarında; okul öncesi, matematik ve fen bilgisi eğitimiana bilim dalındaki öğrencilerin puanları arasında fen bilgisindeki öğrencilerin puanları lehine anlamlı fark vardır. Öğrenciler akranlarından daha az yaratıcı oldukları düşüncesindedir. Öğrencilerin yaratıcı düşünmesi öğretmenlerine bağlı olduğu kabulü ile lisans öğrencilerinin, öğretmenliğe başlamadan yaratıcılık alanlarının farkında olmaları ve geliştirmeleri öncelikli hedefleri olmalıdır.


Students in Mathematics and Science and Basic Education Department's Kaufman Creative Fields Review

The first goal of this study is to validate the theoretical structure of Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale with five domains, by using the data obtained from the undergraduate students of two different departments. Secondary goal is to analyze the effects of students' being in different departments on students' total score and on their creativity domain scores. The data were collected from the department of primary education consisting of 180 students from primary school education and 67 students from pre-school education; from the department of Mathematics and Science Education consisting of 114 students from science education, 55 students from mathematics education. Design of the study is causal comparative research supported with cross-sectional design method. As the indexes were close to acceptable threshold values, the scale was compatible with the theoretical model. It was found that in terms of scientific/mechanical creativity domain there were significant differences in favor of the students in the department of mathematics and science education. For total creativity scores, there were significant differences between the students of science education and pre-school education and mathematics education departments in favor of the students of science education. Participating students perceived that they were much less creative than their peers. With the assumption that students' creative thinking depends on their teachers, being aware of and developing their fields of creativity should be undergraduate students' priorities before starting teaching.


Analysis Of Kaufman Domains Of Creativity Of Students In Mathematics and Science and Primary Education Departments

First aim of this study is to validate theoretical structure of Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale with five domains, by utilizing the data obtained from the undergraduate students of two different departments. Secondary aim is to analyze the effects of students’ being in different departments on students’ total score and on their creativity domain scores. The data were gathered from department of primary education consisting of 180 students from primary school education and 67 students from pre-school education; from department of Mathematics and Science Education consisting of 114 students from science education, 55 students from mathematics education. Design of the study is causal comparative research supported with cross-sectional design method. As the indexes were close to acceptable threshold values, the scale was compatible with the theoretical model. It was found that in terms of scientific/mechanical creativity domain there were significant differences in favor of the students in the department of mathematics and science education. For total creativity scores, there were significant differences between the students of science education and pre-school education and mathematics education departments in favor of the students of science education. Participating students perceived that they were much less creative than their peers. With the assumption that students' creative thinking depends on their teachers, being aware of and developing their domains of creativity should be undergraduate students’ priorities before starting teaching.  


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