Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Türkiye’nin başlıca finansal makro ekonomik göstergeleri arasındaki ilişkileri ampirik olarak test etmektir. Diğer bir deyişle döviz kurundan enflasyon ile faiz oranına geçiş etkisi ve enflasyonla faiz oranı arasında ilişki olup olmadığı incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda 2003 Ocak ile 2018 Nisan dönemleri arasında Türkiye’deki döviz kuru, enflasyon ve faiz oranlarının aylık ortalama verileri analizde kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada yöntem olarak ARDL sınır testi yaklaşımı ile eşbütünleşme analizi yapılmış daha sonra ise Toda–Yamamoto testi ile nedensellik analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre Türkiye’de döviz kurundan enflasyon ve faiz oranına doğru tek yönlü nedensellik olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuçlara göre döviz kurundan faiz oranı ve enflasyona doğru geçiş etkisi işlemektedir. Diğer taraftan bulgulara göre enflasyon ile faiz oranı arasında eşbütünleşme ilişkisi tespit edilmiş ve Türkiye’de Fisher hipotezinin doğrulandığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
The main objective of this study is to empirically test the relationships between the main financial macro-economic indicators of Turkey. In other words, it has been studied whether there is a relationship between the inflation and the interest rate and the inflation and the interest rate. In this context, the average monthly data of the currency rate, inflation and interest rates in Turkey between January 2003 and April 2018 were used in the analysis. The study was conducted as a method with the ARDL border test approach and then the cause analysis with the Toda-Yamamoto test was carried out. According to the findings obtained from the study, it has been found that in Turkey there is a one-way cause to inflation and interest rates. According to the results, the currency rate processes the interest rate and the transition to inflation. On the other hand, the findings indicate that the matching relationship between inflation and interest rates has been found and the conclusion has been achieved in Turkey that the Fisher hypothesis has been confirmed.
The main objective of the study is to determine financial relations between principal macro-economic indicators in Turkey empirically. In this respect, it is necessary to examine whether there is a pass-through effect of inflation and interest rate on the exchange rate and to examine the relation between inflation and interest rate. The period between April 2018 and January 2003 is used in the analysis, data on average monthly exchange rate, inflation and interest rates. In the study, cointegration analysis was done with ARDL bound test approach and then was done also causality analysis with Toda-Yamamoto test. According to the findings obtained from the study it has been found to be unidirectional causality from exchange rate to inflation and interest rates. According to the results, the effect of the exchange rate on the interest rate and inflation is valid. On the other hand according to the findings it has been identified cointegration relationship between interest rates and inflation in Turkey and concludes that the verification of the Fisher hypothesis has been reached.
Alan : Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler
Dergi Türü : Uluslararası
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