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 Views 18
Artificial neural networks in cardiology: analysis of graphic data
Bulletin Of Siberian Medicine

Aim. To consider application of convolutional neural networks for processing medical images in various fields of cardiology and cardiac surgery using publications from 2016 to 2019 as an example. Materials and methods. In the study, we used the following scientific databases: PubMed Central, ArXiv, ResearchGate. The cited publications were grouped by the area of interest (heart, aorta, carotid arteries). Results. The general principle of work of the technology under consideration was described, the results were shown, and the main areas of application of this technology in the studies under consideration were described. For most of the studies, sample sizes were given. The author’s view on the development of convolutional neural networks in medicine was presented and some limiting factors for their distribution were listed. Conclusion. A brief overview shows possible areas of application of convolutional neural networks in the fields of cardiology and cardiac surgery. Without denying the existing problems, this type of artificial neural networks may help many doctors and researchers in the future. 


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Bulletin Of Siberian Medicine

Field :   Sağlık Bilimleri

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 459
Cite : 5
Bulletin Of Siberian Medicine