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  Atıf Sayısı 3
 Görüntüleme 72
 İndirme 16

Başlık: İŞÇİ SINIFI MÜCADELESİ VE ALTERNATİF MEDYA: EMEK.ORG.TR ÖRNEĞİNİN ÇÖZÜMLENMESİ Özet: Bu çalışmanın konusunu, Türkiye’de anaakım medyanın eşitlikçi olmayan haber üretimi karşısında alternatif medyanın karşı kamusal alan olma potansiyelinin tartışılması oluşturmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda, anaakım medya karşısında alternatif medya arayışlarının somut bir örneği olarak emek.org.tr internet sitesinin işçi sınıfının hak taleplerini ve sorunlarını dile getirme noktasında işçi sınıfına nasıl bir temsiliyet sağladığı çalışmanın sorunsalını oluşturmaktadır. Bilgi kaynağı, haber portalı ve tartışma platformu olarak kurulmuş olan Emek sitesi, anaakım medyada fazla yer verilmeyen işçi sınıfının hak mücadelesine destek vermek ve işçi sınıfının sesini duyurmak amacıyla kurulmuştur. Bu çalışma, Emek sitesinin üretim koşulları ve içeriklerinin çözümlenmesi yoluyla Emek sitesinin alternatifliğini ve muhalif kamusal iletişim alanı olma potansiyelini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, nitel çözümleme yönteminin benimsendiği çalışmada, işçi sınıfının sorunlarını ve taleplerini dile getirme ve görünür kılma noktasında Emek sitesinin işlevselliği ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler : İşçi sınıfı mücadelesi, alternatif medya, karşıt kamusal alan, emek.org.tr. Abstract: Subject of this study is discussion of alternative media which has the potential to be the opponent public sphere in the face of the mainstream media that makes inegalitarian news in Turkey. In this direction, the problem of this study is how labour.org.tr the website, which is an epitome that offers alternative media in the face of the mainstream media, provides a representation to the working class in terms of expressing the problems and demands of the working class. Labour site, which was established as a source of information, news portal and discussion platform, was created to support the struggle of the working class that are not widely covered by the mainstream media, and to be the voice of the working class. This study intends to reveal the potentiality of Labour site as an alternative and a sphere of opposing public communication by analyzing its production conditions and contents. In accordance with this purpose, in the study where qualitative analysis method is adopted, the functioning of Labour site in terms of expressing the problems and demands of the working class has been tried to reveal. Keywords: Working class struggle, alternative media, opponent public sphere, labour.org.tr Giriş Teorik kısım Uygulama kısmı (Makaleye göre değişir) Sonuç ve Tartışma Kaynakça

Anahtar Kelimeler:


The subject of this study is the discussion of the potential of alternative media to be a public space against the non-equal news production of the main media in Turkey. In this regard, as a concrete example of alternative media searches in front of the main media, the work of how the work site emek.org.tr provides a representation to the working class at the point of expression of the rights claims and problems of the working class. The Work site, which was established as a source of information, news portal and a platform for discussion, was established with the aim of supporting the rights struggle of the working class, which has not been placed too much in the main media, and of promoting the voice of the working class. This study aims to reveal the alternative of the work site and the potential to become an opposition public communication area through the resolution of the work site’s production conditions and content. For this purpose, in the study adopted by the method of quality analysis, the problem and demands of the working class were expressed and the functionality of the work site was tried to be revealed at the point of making it visible. Keywords: Workers’ class struggle, alternative media, opposition public space, emek.org.tr. Abstract: Subject of this study is discussion of alternative media which has the potential to be the opponent public sphere in the face of the mainstream media that makes inegalitarian news in Turkey. In this direction, the problem of this study is how labour.org. The website, which is an epitome that offers alternative media in the face of the mainstream media, provides a representation to the working class in terms of expressing the problems and demands of the working class. The Labour site, which was established as a source of information, news portal and discussion platform, was created to support the struggle of the working class that are not widely covered by the mainstream media, and to be the voice of the working class. This study intends to reveal the potential of the Labour site as an alternative and a sphere of opposing public communication by analyzing its production conditions and contents. In accordance with this purpose, in the study where the qualitative analysis method is adopted, the functioning of the Labour site in terms of expressing the problems and demands of the working class has been tried to reveal. Keywords: Working class struggle, alternative media, opponent public sphere, labour.org.tr Introduction Theoretical part Applied part (changes according to article) Result and discussion Source

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Benzer Makaleler


Alan :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 237
Atıf : 718
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı