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 Görüntüleme 30
Compendium of the Self-Regulated Education Method in Terms of Various Variables in Flute Education
Asian Journal of Education and Training

The emotional, mental, kinesthetic development in the musical instrument training all along the educational process of the individual is great importance. In this context, self-regulated training, which is one of the training methods to be used by the flute instructors, stands out in the development process of the students. The motivation, attitudes, emotional, self-efficacious development of the students towards their instruments supported byselfregulated training can increase the instrument performance. In this study, experimental method was used with the help of self-regulated training method, emotional expression scale, general self-efficacy scales. The study was performed with 22 students who studied flute at the music department. As a result of the study, it was determined that the application of self-regulated training method in flute education had a positive effect on negative expression, self-efficacy. Furthermore, it has been determined that self-regulated training method improves students’ ambition, attitudes and motivations in a more conscious, efficient working process towards lessons and instruments.

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Asian Journal of Education and Training

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Asian Journal of Education and Training