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 Görüntüleme 65
Scientific Studies and Sector Practices on Accommodation Enterprises about Corporate Social Responsibility
Turizm Ekonomisi, Yönetimi ve Politika Araştırması

The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) first be revealed with the terms "justice" and "goodness". Nowadays, It had become the most discussed topic in businesses and the concept of corporate social responsibility had become one of the research topics in the tourism industry. In this article, It is aimed to determine to what extent corporate social responsibility has developed in hospitality industries through content analysis method by examining the studies in the category of articles, papers and thesis that have been studied and researched on the accommodation industries before in Turkey. It had been determined of the included studies in this article that 12 are postgraduate theses, 20 are articles and 5 are papers. The year the study was conducted, the number of author (s), the analysis methods used in the study, the scientific tools used in the study, the universe and sample framework it was created, the aims / hypotheses and the results of the studies were examined in detail. The secondary source data in the second category in the study have been obtained using content analysis from the 9 CSR projects applied by Hilton Hotels, 9 CSR projects applied by Marriott Hotels, 4 CSR projects applied by Dedeman Hotels, 2 CSR projects applied by Radisson Blu Hotels, and 1 CSR project applied by Movenpick Hotels. In the research, by examining scientific studies and extent of application projects of hotels, determinations about current situation and to be made scientific studies on CSR and was offered various suggestions aimed at applications.

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Turizm Ekonomisi, Yönetimi ve Politika Araştırması

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Turizm Ekonomisi, Yönetimi ve Politika Araştırması