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  Citation Number 3
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Doğu Küre Dağları Briyofit Florası
Anatolian Bryology

Bu çalışma, Türkiye’nin kuzeyinde Kastamonu, Sinop ve Samsun illeri sınırlarında uzanan Doğu Küre Dağları’nın briyofit çeşitliliği hakkında bilgi sunmaktadır. Araştırma alanına 2014-2016 yılları arasında yapılan 7 arazi çalışmasında 244 lokaliteden 1600 briyofit örneği toplanmıştır. Toplanan örneklerin teşhis edilmesi sonucunda 310 tür/türaltı briyofit taksonu (2 boynuzotu, 58 ciğerotu, 250 karayosunu) tespit edilmiştir. Bu taksonlardan 4 tanesi A2 karesi, 44 tanesi ise A3 karesinden burada ilk defa rapor edilmektedir.


The Mountains of the Eastern Globe
Anatolian Bryology

This study provides information about the briyofit diversity of the Eastern Globe Mountains, which extend within the borders of Kastamonu, Sinop and Samsun in northern Turkey. In 7 land studies conducted between 2014 and 2016, 1600 briyofit samples were collected from 244 locations. As a result of the diagnosis of the samples collected, 310 species/subtural briyofite taxons (2 coins, 58 lungs, 250 squares) were detected. Four of these taxons are A2 square, and 44 of them are A3 square for the first time.


The Bryophyte Flora Of Dogu Kure Mountains
Anatolian Bryology

This study presents about bryophyte diversity of Doğu Küre Mountains knowledge, which is located in the northern part of Turkey and in borders of Kastamonu, Sinop, and Samsun provinces. Seven field trips were organized to the research area between 2014 to 2016 and one thousand six hundred bryophyte samples collected from 244 localities. With the identification of these specimens, 310 specific/subspecific bryophyte taxa were found (2 hornwort, 58 liverwort, and 250 mosses). Of them, 4 bryophyte taxa for A2, and 44 bryophyte taxa for A3 are newly reported here.


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Anatolian Bryology

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Anatolian Bryology