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  Citation Number 10
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Hatay ili soğan tarlalarında bulunan yabancı otların yaygınlık ve yoğunluklarının belirlenmesi
Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi

Amaç: Hatay ili soğan (Allium cepa L.) tarlalarındaki yabancı ot türlerini, yaygınlıklarını ve yoğunluklarını belirlemek amacı ile surveyler 2015 yılında yapılmıştır. Yöntem ve Bulgular: Her 5 km’de bir durularak en yakın soğan tarlasındaki yabancı ot türleri ve yoğunlukları (bitki/m2) belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada; 2’si monokotiledon, 26’sı ise dikotiledon ve 1’i parazit olan toplam 29 familyaya ait 82 cins ve 93 yabancı ot türü saptanmıştır. Bu yabancı otların 66’sı kışlık, 27’si ise yazlık türler olup, bunların 17’si dar yapraklı, 76’sı ise geniş yapraklıdır. Hayat sürelerine göre yabancı otların, 21’i çok yıllık olup, 56’sı tek yıllık, 2’si ise iki yıllıktır. Ayrıca, bulunan yabancı otların 6’sı tek yıllık-çok yıllık, 8’i tek yıllık-iki yıllık’tır. Genel Yorum: Çok Rastlanan (ÇR) yabancı otlar; Avena sterilis L., Sinapis arvensis L., Convolvulus arvensis L’tir. Çalışmanın Önemi ve Etkisi: Soğan tarlalarında belirlenen yabancı otların yoğunluğuna bakıldığında; “A” seviyesinde sadece A. sterilis, “B” seviyesinde ise S. arvensis, “C” seviyesinde Amaranthus retroflexus bulunmuştur.


Identification of the prevalence and intensity of foreign herbs found in Hatay or soap fields

Purpose: Surveys were conducted in 2015 with the aim of determining the species, spread and intensity of foreign herbs in the fields of Hatay or Seed (Allium cepa L.) Method and findings: One stop every 5 km determines the species and densities of foreign herbs (plants/m2) in the nearest soil field. The study identified 82 species and 93 foreign herbs from 29 families, including 2 monocotyledon, 26 dicotyledon and 1 parasite. 66 of these foreign herbs are winter, 27 are summer species, 17 are narrow-leafed, and 76 are wide-leafed. According to their lifetime, 21 of foreign herbs are multi-year, 56 one-year, and 2 two-year. Furthermore, 6 of the found foreign herbs are one-year-multi-year, 8 one-year-two-year. Common Review: Multitasking (CR) foreign herbs are Avena sterilis L., Sinapis arvensis L., Convolvulus arvensis L. The importance and effect of the study: considering the intensity of foreign herbs determined in the soap fields; at "A" level only A. sterilis, at "B" level S. arvensis, at "C" level Amaranthus retroflexus was found.


Determination Of Weed Species, Their Frequencies and Densities In Onion Fields In Hatay Province

Aims: Surveys were carried out in order to determine the species, density and frequency of the weeds in onion (Allium cepa L.)  fields of the Hatay province in 2015. Methods and Results: Surveyed fields were chosen randomly by stopping at every 5 km and weed species and their densities (plant/m2) were determined. Total of 93 weed species in 82 genus belonging to 29 different families, including 2 monocotyledoneus, 26 dicotyledoneus and 1 parasitic, 66 winter and 27 summer species, 17 narrow leaved, 76 broad leaved were determined. According to their life cycles the weeds were classified as, 24 perennial, 64 annual, 5 biennial, 6 annual-perennial and 8 annual-biennial. Conclusions: In onion fields, Avena sterilis L., Sinapis arvensis L., Convolvulus arvensis L had the highest incidence rates. Significance and Impact of the Study: Among all the weeds, level “A” Avena sterilis L., level “B” Sinapis arvensis L., level “C” Convolvulus arvensis L had the highest population density.


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