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 İndirme 3
A comparative study between health and preventive awareness of some early symptoms of corona disease (Covid-19) and some chronic diseases and between the performance of some complex skills in volleyball
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry

The importance of the research lies in the study of health and preventive awareness, in particular for Corona disease and some chronic diseases, and the study of the relationship between them and some complex skills in volleyball through the development of a questionnaire that measures health and preventive awareness of some of the early symptoms of these diseases and it included four areas, namely ( Symptoms of corona disease, symptoms of chronic diseases, prevention of corona disease, prevention of chronic diseases) because this topic is of importance at the present time because Corona disease (Covid-19) had the clear impact globally in stopping the wheel of life in all respects and also the clear impact By influencing people who suffer from chronic diseases that have a wide spread among all members of society, especially in the Arab society, and the researcher measured this health and preventive awareness among the research sample because this measure is important at the present time and we are coexisting with this pandemic and to avoid this Serious disease and all epidemic diseases and living in a healthy environment free from risks and infectious diseases. The research problem focused by asking some questions, which included: Do students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Science have health awareness and Preventive for these early symptoms and prevention of these diseases, is there a relationship between health awareness and prevention of early symptoms of these diseases and the performance of some early skills in volleyball (physical - skill) Do these students have health awareness to prevent these diseases, and the study aimed To measure the health and preventive awareness of early symptoms and these diseases and to identify the relationship between them and the performance of some knee skills in volleyball, the researcher used the descriptive approach using the survey method. The fourth stage in a random manner, with 200 students divided into the construction and legalization sample in equal parts, and eight experts were selected to distribute the form to them. Paragraph, then the composite tests were conducted and after obtaining the results, they were statistically processed, discussed and presented, and the researcher concluded from this study that the research sample has a good level of health and preventive awareness of these early symptoms and diseases (Corona Covid-19, chronic diseases), and the researcher also concluded that volleyball practitioners have a high correlation with health awareness and prevention of these diseases

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Benzer Makaleler

Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry

Alan :   Eğitim Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 4.283
Atıf : 1.166
Eğitim Bilimleri Temel Alanı

Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry