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 Görüntüleme 22
 İndirme 1
Women in Emerging Adulthood: Employment, Education and Related Psychological Indicators of Women in Turkey
Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi

Being a woman seems to be a challenging issue universally in various situations. Especially when the marriage age comes in emerging adulthood, women seem to come towards a place where there are several paths going on different routes. In this study, it is investigated whether women in emerging adulthood differentiate in terms of life goal setting and resilience according to the condition they are active in education and/or work life. A two-way MANOVA is used for analysis. The participant group is made up of women who are between the ages of 18-29 and who have experienced at least one stress-invoking life event. The findings show that the women in emerging adulthood do not significantly differentiate in terms of life goal setting and resilience according to the situation in which they are active, in education and/or work life. However, the scores show that the life goal setting scores of women that are active in both education and work life are higher than the other groups. Also, the women who are not active either in education or in work life have the highest resilience scores among the groups. Finally, it is shown that the highest score among the life goals belongs to career goal setting.

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Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi

Alan :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 781
Atıf : 4.317
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi